The Smith's Talk and Adam's Countdown Warning

"Welcome to my humble shop. What do you think, pretty cool, right?" Smith Smithies gestured at the huge wooden sign on the shack he called a shop.

It wasn't the best, but Albrecht knew better than to judge a book by the cover. Although the shack seemed more on the ramshackle side, that didn't discourage Albrecht from heading inside.

"Albrecht, are you sure? I know better shops here in the First Outerlayer." Yulie nudged at Albrecht's sides before whispering right at his ear, tickling him a little bit.

"Don't worry, I'm just checking it out," Albrecht assured her as he headed inside. Before he could step forward, however, he raised his hand to tell the ladies that he'd be heading alone. "You girls wait here, I'll be back soon." He said.

"Please come right in," Smith Smithies said with a smile.

The shop's overall theme matched Smith Smithies palette, with his brown hair and brown eyes. He was on the shorter side, making his clothes baggier than usual— it totally matched the shop's 'humbleness' to the letter.

"Not bad." Albrecht condescendingly said as he looked around. For someone who's got the 'Hand of Hephaestus Skill', Albrecht expected something more refined, or at the very least, pleasing to the eyes.

The shop was nothing like that. It's as if it came straight out of an apocalyptic video game with its dwindling supplies.

"What are you talking about? It's definitely bad." Smith Smithies waved his hand as if to take what Albrecht said lightly. "I'm the owner, and I know for sure that this looked like a pigsty to you."

It should be mentioned that Smith Smithies still held Albrecht in somewhat high regard despite being a Bronze-Rank Adventurer. As someone who makes weapons, Smith Smithies knew not to judge adventurers based on their appearance. Furthermore, Albrecht showed promise so he didn't drive him out of there.

"Then why like this? I'm sure you could easily be the top weapons shop in the First Outerlayer with your skills alone." Albrecht slipped. It totally flew over his head that Smith Smithies never told him about any of his skills.

"And how did you... in any case..." Smith Smithies cleared his throat. He didn't bother asking Albrecht how he came to know his skills. Instead, he sat on his usual seat before he talked business. "This shop's still in the making... also, I couldn't really make a name for myself without money, so I had to sell some cheaper wares in the meantime."

Upon saying that, Smith clasped both his hands together before he decided to strike a deal with Albrecht. Knowing him, Smith knew that he would most likely agree since he was aware of his proficiency in smithing. "Now for our materi— er, I mean, for our business talk. Give me some materials, and I'll make you a weapon out of it for free."

"What?!" Albrecht asked. He couldn't believe that walking into Smith's shop would instantly satiate his curiosity over his skill.

Since it felt too easy, Albrecht's eyes furrowed as he suspiciously eyed Smith. There was a glint in his eyes, which meant that there would be a catch of some sort.

"What's the catch?" Albrecht asked a couple of seconds later since Smith was waiting for him to speak.

Shrugging, Smith got up from his chair and paced back and forth. "Nothing much, just advertise for me. And then we're good to go."

In the end, Albrecht agreed to Smith's terms and proceeded to give him some materials. As an ex-member of the Heroes of Relics and a porter, Albrecht had accumulated precious materials over the course of six months. That's why he had a plethora of them including legendary weapons that the Heroes of Relics couldn't use.

"For starters," Albrecht trailed off, accessing his spatial storage space and grabbing a single mithril ore. He could've gotten some diamond ores or metal ones, but he opted to test Smith's skills by handing him one of the most sought-after materials for adventurers.

"A-a-a— ?! How did you get your hands on those?" Smith asked as he eyed the mithril ore that glistened in the faintest of light sources.

Indifferently, Albrecht tossed the mithril ore to Smith since he knew that it wouldn't break even if it fell. As for Smith though, he caught it with both hands and handled it as if he was holding a newborn baby. "Don't toss around precious materials like that! This is a mithril ore, you know! A mithril ore!" He lightly exclaimed.

"If you can make me a chain mail out of those, then I'll acknowledge your skills. If not, then make me anything. It's free anyways." Albrecht casually said before he turned around.

"And the leftovers? I'm going to make you a set of chain mails, but if you're willing to give me everything, then I'll try to make some more from the leftovers. It would be cool to have a mithril armor and a mithril weapon, you know, and it would certainly bring my name out there." Smith was grinning from ear to ear.

He could finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Poverty would be no more!

Then he started laughing like a maniac, so Albrecht saw this as a sign to take his leave. "How long do I have to wait?

"Give me a month... I'll give you the best chain mail and weapon you could ever dream of! Also, would you prefer a short weapon or a long one?" Smith asked. "Would it be a melee or a ranged weapon?"

"How about... all four of those? I'll leave it up to you." Albrecht grinned as he exited his ramshackle old shop.

"A challenge, huh, just you wait. I'll exceed your expectations. Kuuu~ these are some fine mithril ores indeed!"

When Albrecht got out, he saw that there were only three of the ladies left. Apparently, Yulie had to go first since she was needed in the Caharsa Guild. Instead of her, another figure was present, but it wasn't a lady.

It was none other than Adam.

"He said he wanted to speak with you," Sheila said as Theresa and Yukine nodded their heads.

"What is it?" Albrecht asked.

"Don't worry, it's going to happen soon so I won't have to explain things," Adam spoke as if he was referring to something ominous. Before Albrecht could ask what he was on about, Adam pointed at the sky.


As if on cue, a huge Zecian Portal appeared on top of the First Outerlayer...

... And then it disappeared, replaced by what seemed to be a countdown.




"What the— " Albrecht let out as Adam heaved a sigh beside him.

"It seems that... the Dark One had caught wind of our antics. This is not good." Adam commented, to which Albrecht swiveled his head towards him in bewilderment.

"You know something, don't you?" Albrecht asked.

Adam nodded in response.