Memories From Adam's Past Life, And Albrecht's Morning

"Adam, we have to go,"

With a brief glance behind him, Adam saw a familiar face. It was a face that he would never forget as it belonged to the strongest adventurer he had ever known.

Ever since he was transported from one world to another, that person showed the potential of an adventurer who uses the Zecian Aura. Although Adam was as primitive as he could get (and he had no idea how to use the Zecian Aura during that time), he could still keep up with this person who was known to be the most powerful.

"What do you mean we have to go? We can't go anywhere." Adam reasoned, his face showing a slight hint of annoyance and rage. He couldn't believe that the person before him was as calm as ever. Their world was being destroyed right before their eyes, and he spoke as if it was just another Monday.

"We have to at least evacuate. We can't hold them off right now, so prioritizing everyone's safety should go first."

"But where are we going to evacuate them? The entire world's in ruins... and it's only a matter of time before it's swallowed up. All of us are going to die anyways, so why don't we fight until the end?"

Adam wanted to remain as calm as he could, but he just couldn't bring himself to maintain his composure. It didn't take long before his voice started getting louder.

However, the man in question completely understood where Adam was coming from and he didn't shout back. Instead, he heaved a sigh before dropping his shoulders. With one final glance toward their kingdom, he steeled his resolve and joined Adam who was standing in front of the horde.

"All right, you win." The man said. "Let's leave the evacuation to everyone else, and take our last stand here until we meet our end."

"Now you're talking." Adam curved his lips upward as he extended his hands towards the man for a fist bump.

"Don't go dying on me now." The man returned the fist bump as he enveloped himself with Zecian Aura. "Whoever dies first is..."

"Is what?"

"Nothing. Just don't die first." The man continued.

With that said, the two of them charged towards the horde without regard to their lives. They were going to die sooner or later, so might as well face the entire horde with everything they could. It was their last stand... and although it wouldn't change anything, they still charged as if their lives depended on it.

At the back of their minds, they knew that doing this heroic act wouldn't change a thing. Their world had already been swallowed up, and no matter what they do now, their world was bound to end. Even then, that didn't stop them from charging forward and screaming their lungs out with their sharpest battlecry.


— — —

Blink. Blink.

Adam looked around as he wiped the drool off the sides of his mouth. He just had the deepest sleep in his life and this resulted in the realistic dream that appeared in his head. Sunlight poured through the gaps of the windows, bringing in a slight warmness to his room which ultimately woke him up.

"So it was just a dream." Adam said to himself as he stared at his hands. After clenching and unclenching it a couple of times, his palpitations eased, and he let out an exhale to further calm himself down.

The dream was actually a memory, a vivid memory of what had happened to his previous world. It was such a grave reminder of what could happen to this world as well, but Adam didn't think too much about it.

Right now, all he could think about was his second chance. He knew he died back then. But somehow, he ended up in this world and it was still in the earliest stages of the Dark One's invasion.

"I don't know if it's already too late... but I can do this. With his help, we can do this." He said to himself.

With newfound hope, Adam did a couple of stretches before he walked towards the window, opening the curtains fully to let the sunshine in. As the room was bathed with sunlight, Adam leaned forward to get a better view of the people outside.

The world was still teeming with people, teeming with life, and Adam was at a loss for words since he was given a second chance of viewing such a beautiful scene. It was just the normal day in the middle of Rilegarthe Kingdom, but to Adam, it meant something even deeper.


While he was taking in the morning atmosphere, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a soft scream coming from the other side of his room. He had no idea what was going on there, but judging from the scream, he could tell that it came from a woman.

Adding to that, he didn't sense any panic in her tone, so he wasn't that alarmed when he heard it. "Ah, youth~ it's still early in the morning, you know." He commented as he nodded his head.

— — —

On the other side of Adam's room.

Apparently, the room adjacent to Adam's room was coincidentally Albrecht's room. And last night, their was an incident involving a certain lady who had a certain mix-up with her room. It resulted in Albrecht sharing half the bed with her since she was determined to sleep outside if her request wasn't met.

In the end, two of them slept on each side. However, due to how exhausted the day was, they fell right into their deep sleep. And since they were heavy sleepers, they didn't wake up at all during the night.

Fast forward to this morning, just as first light was beginning to peek from the horizon, Albrecht stirred. The event from last night totally flew right out of his mind and he thought that he was alone in the room.

To his surprise, he woke up with the woman right in front of him, giving him a full hug while he reciprocated it.


As he contemplated on whether he should let go of the hug or not... Shirohime also stirred awake. And at this point, Albrecht didn't have time to remove his hands which were wrapped around her shoulder blades and waist.

"Kya~!" Shirohime let out, burying her face on Albrecht's chest to hide her embarrassment.