A Letter From A Messenger Bird

Fortunately, the werewolf who rescued Severus didn't bother attacking Albrecht or anyone else in the vicinity. It would've been bad news for Albrecht since he was already on the verge of exhaustion. Dealing with another werewolf while trying to protect everyone would've been pretty dangerous.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Albrecht was just glad that there wasn't any second round. As he fell on his knees to catch his breath, the other ladies came towards him, hoping that they could at least be of help while Albrecht recovered.

"Are you all right?" It was Yukina Medusa who spoke up first, squatting down in front of Albrecht while he let out an exhale.

"Yes, I just need to get a quick breather," Albrecht responded, forcing a smile on his face so the others wouldn't worry about him. Right now, he had a clear picture of how he'd go about preparing for the Eighth Outerlayer. He knew he could conquer them, but at his level, he would only be overwhelmed by the difference in levels, stamina, and skill.

At that moment, Albrecht could tell that he wouldn't be able to face multiple werewolves. If he wanted to do that, then due preparation was vital.

A couple of seconds later, Albrecht got up and gestured for the ladies to come with him. Although he had no idea what they were going to do next, he didn't want them to join him during his preparation. Well, he could always bring that up over a meal so he wasn't at all that concerned about it.

On their way to the City of Caharsa, Albrecht laid out a rough plan in his head, just so he'd know how to prepare for the Eighth Outerlayer. He only had a month's time just like everyone else, and he needed to make the most of it. The others were thinking the same thing, it's just that Albrecht didn't know anything about it yet.

It was thanks to the System and his connection with the Albrechts of the other dimensions that gave him the advantage of planning ahead of time. Then again, he could only plan so much since they were still on the Eighth Outerlayer.

— — —

Meanwhile, in the Lomenschwaal Guild,

Rhydderch Wintermoon paced back and forth in his office while his brain worked full-time. Right now, they only have a month's time— no, less than that— in order to conquer the Eighth Outerlayer.

Thanks to his connections with other distant kingdoms, he had already asked for help, but not without giving something in return. After all, the other kingdoms were also mobilizing adventurers since they were going to be affected by Ground Zero sooner than later.

Since the edge of Ground Zero (also known as the First Outerlayer) was located right outside the Rilegarthe Kingdom, it was obvious that faraway kingdoms weren't at all that affected by it. However, Zecian Portals would appear all over the world from time to time, so it's not like the far kingdoms were exempted from its effects either.

Then again, ever since the conquer attempts of the outerlayers were at a steady advance, the amount of Zecian Portals appearing all over the world increased, and it was pushing the far kingdoms on edge. As such, they started making preparations to aid in the conquer attempts.

Apparently, Rydderch's call to aid was timely, and the distant kingdoms started speeding up the process of their preparations, just in case they needed to send help.

Then again, the rift between kingdoms still existed, so some kingdoms didn't care for their neighboring kingdoms at all. On the other side, though, there were a number of kingdoms who would be willing to send help at a moment's notice— those kingdoms were the ones that Rhydderch Wintermoon contacted.

"Still... this is not enough... what should I do..."

Although he was the guild master of the Rilegarthe Guild, he still felt lacking in terms of his raw Zecian Aura. One person kept popping up in his mind, and he concluded that that person would be the key to conquering the higher-numbered outerlayers. It was just a hunch, and even then, Rhydderch had no idea what he should do.

"I guess first thing's first is to contact him. If he's got any information regarding the Eighth Outerlayer... then..." Rhydderch's monologue trailed off as he contemplated how he'd approach Albrecht Stein.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in,"

In a split second, Rhydderch returned to his seat behind his desk before the door to his office opened. An adventurer walked in, and Rhydderch immediately recognized who he was since he was one of the few Platinum-Rank adventurers registered in the guild.

"I've received a message from one of the messenger birds. It was sealed and addressed to you, so I brought it straight away."

"All right, leave it on top of my desk. I'll read it later." Rhydderch pretended as if he was busy when in reality he was holding the documents he hastily pulled upside down. He realized it a second later, and his face reddened in embarrassment as he gestured for the adventurer to take his leave.


Once he heard the lock on his office door click, he grabbed the sealed document and hurriedly unsealed it. At first, he hesitated to unroll it as soon as he unsealed it but after a minute of deliberation, he unrolled it and peeked in its content.

First off, it was weird that the letter was delivered through a messenger bird when the person could've just sent a message through the tag which every adventurer possessed. They were already at an era where messenger birds were considered outdated, so seeing a letter delivered by one was a bit weird.

Upon opening the letter, he scanned through it as quickly as he could, and as soon as he finished reading it, his pupils dilated in shock. A smile appeared on his face as he clenched his fists.

This was the answer he was looking for! With Albrecht's help, they'd be able to utilize the contents of the letter and fully prepare for the conquer attempt of the Eighth Outerlayer.