Defeated Adventurers, And A Rematch With The Heroes Of Relics

"He's a monster…"

"Is this the difference between a Platinum and Gold rank?" 

"No… he's much more powerful than a Platinum Rank Adventurer. He might be a Mystic Rank."

"Stop yapping and help us over he— aghk~!" 

It didn't take long before all the adventurers were squirming on the ground, brought down by the otherworldly figure, Albrecht Stein. Technically, it was Medusa Yukina who did that to them, but most of the damage was already done by Albrecht at this point. 

As for Yukina, she felt a slight satisfaction beating everyone up since most of them were responsible for destroying the First Outerlayer and killing some of her tribe members. Although she hadn't recovered from the massacre, she didn't want to go beyond what Albrecht told her to.

"That was easy… did you get stronger?" Albrecht asked out of the blue since it felt like Yukina had certainly become more formidable. There was something about her aura that's changed, and Albrecht couldn't quite put his finger around it. 

"I think I got a new skill." 

As soon as Yukina said that, Albrecht saw a system window appear in front of him. It was a skill that he'd always wanted to have. His eyes went wide with shock as he stole a glance at Yukina, and then back to the system window which showed him a pretty useful skill.

[Snakebite (C+ Rank)— an active skill. Once activated, the user has a 95% chance of absorbing the Zecian Aura of the enemy. Additionally, every attack recovers a percentage of both health and Zecian Aura and has a .001 chance of inflicting paralysis or poison status to the enemy]

"And here I was, thinking that I would get this skill later. This is a pretty good coincidence." Albrecht muttered to himself since he had direct access to all the skills that Yukina possessed. 

Then again, at the back of his mind, he could tell that something was bound to go wrong at some point. After all, receiving a power-up this early never resulted in any benefits.

"Let's head deeper. I guess we can conquer this dungeon now." Albrecht said, beckoning for Yukina to follow him as he headed deeper into the dungeon. However, the moment he turned around, he could sense that someone or something was heading inside the Zecian Portal. 

And from afar, he could tell that the Zecian Aura of the party was pretty familiar— so much so that Albrecht couldn't help but smile when he noticed that they were actually present. 

Medusa Yukina felt the same thing as well, and it gave her the chills. She knew exactly who was going to enter the Zecian Portal and she couldn't help but feel a modicum of anxiousness. 

After all, this group of people killed a lot of her tribe members, and they were strong enough to almost kill her as well during the Conquer Attempt of The First Outerlayer.

But that was in the past. Right now, Yukina definitely became more powerful, and that gave her the slight confidence she needed to face her fears and indecisiveness.

The Zecian Portal which led to the dungeon slowly formed a crack, and then it opened. The gap was large enough for two people to squeeze through, and it didn't take long before five people entered the dungeon. 

Well, since the one-sided match still had its residue, the first thing that the party saw was the hundreds of bodies lying down on the ground since Albrecht and Medusa defeated all of them. The change in their expression was evident, and all five of them took a step back when they realized that not a single Silver or Gold Rank Adventurer was standing. 

"Who did this?" their leader asked before scanning the entire area, only to find a familiar face by the far side portion of the dungeon. 

Albrecht instantly recognized everyone as well How couldn't he? He'd been with them for the first six months when he was transported to this world. 

"Ah, here we go again," Albrecht Stein let out a sigh as he equipped the Zombie Overlord's Scepter once again. A fight was inevitable, and Albrecht knew that the party leader had a tendency to attack without asking any questions. 

In fact, he'd been doing that for quite some time now, Albrecht began to wonder why he was still alive at this point. 

"You're going to pay for this, Albrecht. And here I was, thinking that you'd become one of humanity's hopes." Sun Wu let out as he pointed his Alprechian Wooden Staff at Albrecht. 

It was an indication of the commencement of a match, and Albrecht knew that all too well.

"Well, it's not like I'd be able to explain anything at this point. All of you come at me, I'm going to deal with you right here and now." Albrecht challenged them without sparing a single thought. 

For one, Albrecht was fairly certain that he wouldn't be able to finish the dungeon while the Heroes of Relics followed right behind him. Instead, it would just impede the speed of his conquer attempt, and that's why he decided to fight them head-on. 

And secondly, another wave of adventurers was bound to come soon. If the Heroes of Relics decided to stall for time, then there was no way he'd be able to defeat them in time and conquer the dungeon at the same time. 

Long story short, time was running out, and had no other choice but to fight. Otherwise, he won't have enough strength, nor Zecian Aura, to complete the dungeon.

"Hyah~!" Sun Wu screamed, smashing his wooden staff on the ground as he 'extended it'. A huge force shook the ground, causing Albrecht to slow down as he too charged at the party. 

Then everything turned to ice, and a huge centaur-like creature appeared in front of him. It was none other than Alexander Grado, who had decided to tank Albrecht's attacks while they whittle away at his HP. 

"Master… let me do this. You go on ahead." Yukina Medusa suddenly appeared right behind Albrecht, blocking the sizeable axe that Alexander Grado swung at his neck.