To Avenge The Medusa Tribe


It was a short and simple sound, but after that, everything changed in the sight of the Heroes of Relics. To be fair, they weren't expecting Yukina to steer clear from their formidable advantage and that's why they clearly went to this fight unprepared. 

In the past, it would've been a walk in the park if they had used Mana Sense. This was the only skill that allowed them to clear the First Outerlayer in the first place. But right now, it wouldn't work against Yukina since she knew how to block it— thanks to Albrecht who helped her in training. 

After all, Yukina knew that Mana Sense was one of her few weaknesses. There was no way she wouldn't prepare for that… not when she was looking forward to avenging everyone in her tribe.

Nevertheless, she did not intend to kill everyone in the Heroes of Relics. She just wanted to injure them a little and give them a little lesson. 

"What's happening?" It was Lockhorn Holmes who detected it first. The Zecian Aura they detected in the background didn't change at all, it's just that Phina and Yukina seemed to disappear from their Mana Sense. 

Sun Wu flailed his arms around since he could detect that someone was nearby. Although he was one of the strongest heroes out there, he only ever relied on brute force. That's why his sense wasn't trained to the absolute limits, and he couldn't even detect Alexander Grado who was right beside him. 


Sun Wu felt like his entire body tightened before he was thrown to the side. A huge weight then fell on his chest, and he was stabbed clean by something— straight through his lungs.

"Aghk~!" Sun Wu exclaimed, much to everyone's shock. Blood gurgled out of Sun Wu's mouth as his body weakened. It's not like he would die from a scratch of a wound… but he knew that it would scar, and he would be immobilized for a couple of minutes before he could move again. 

"Leader!" Alexander Grado exclaimed before his greatsword and tower shield were flung from his hands, and then a huge force hit him squarely on the back, propelling him forward before someone— or something— slashed his legs straight through. 

"That's for Mylene." Yukina hissed as he stabbed Alexander in the shoulder using his greatsword on him.


Alexander Grado let out a shriek as the greatsword buried deeply into his shoulder. For all his years as a member of the Heroes of Relica, this was the first time he felt such excruciating pain. They were considered to be one of the most powerful… but how come they were currently losing to a lone entity? 

Sun Wu could only guess what was happening around him. As the Heroes of Relics were being picked off one by one, he started panicking. He was the sole reason why the entire tribe of Medusa was wiped out…

'Maybe… they were going to leave me for last.' Sun Wu told himself as blood rushed through his body. He began to panic, and with bated breaths, the adrenaline rushed through his body. 

There were only two moments when he felt such a large dose of adrenaline filling his system. The first one was when he noticed that Albrecht had gotten stronger than him… and the second time was right now when he could tell that he was nearing death's door. 

Most of the time, when a formidable individual comes face to face with an overpowering opponent, they would lose all reason and become as desperate as a rabid animal. 

This was what exactly happened to Sun Wu, and for the briefest of moments, he opened his eyes to see what he was dealing with before he took any action. 

And that's when it happened. Just a momentary lapse of judgment was enough to defeat the entire Heroes of Relics altogether. 

As it turned out, Sun Wu was the only one left standing. The other members of the Heroes of Relics were either gravely injured or groveling on the ground as they were knocked out by the fearsome duo. 

Sun Wu noticed that everyone was already on the ground. He was the only one left, and his pupils dilated as two glinting eyes stared into his, giving him a soothing feeling of mirth and death at the same time. 




Slowly, Sun Wu felt as if his entire body was turning into stone from the inside out. It started on his lungs, then his heart, his brain felt like it was going to explode as the lungs hardened. His feet planted themselves on the ground like unshakeable roots, and then he slowly lost his sight as his entire body turned into stone. 

What he didn't know was that after all this time, Medusa Yukina and Phina had been staring at him all this time, waiting for their chance to turn Sun Wu into stone. They concluded that Sun Wu would more or less open his eyes after they took everyone down. 

And they were right on the money. The moment Sun Wu heard the groans of his party, and the silence of the fight that had come to an end, he flashed his eyes open, only to be entrapped and mesmerized by the deep red hue of Phina's eyes. 

Then he turned into stone, and that was it. Compared to his teammates, he had the most degrading experience since he was the only one who got turned into stone. And when it comes to this curse, Sun Wu could still sense everything, it's just that he couldn't move. 

"I guess we're done here, Phina." Yukina Medusa let out an exhale as a soft smile appeared on her face. It was a condescending smile, but Medusa's softened expression made it seem like she was magnanimous in her mercy by not turning all of them into stone. 

With a nod, Phina hissed and slithered, turning her back from the group as she and Yukina headed deeper into the dungeon, leaving the entire Heroes of Relics contemplating their defeat.

"Wow," Lockhorn Holmes let out an exhale as he collapsed to the ground. His gaze then wandered to the stone statue located a couple of feet near him. 

"And what should we do with this?" Alexander asked, jerking a thumb towards Sun Wu who had turned completely into stone.