Horus, The God Of Hunt

Albrecht stood firm as the desert winds howled around him, his crimson eyes fixed on Horus, God of the Hunt. The air was thick with tension, the very sands beneath him seeming to vibrate with the anticipation of the battle to come.

His transformation into a vampire had heightened his senses, but despite his newfound power, he couldn't close the distance. Horus's protective barrier was impenetrable, and any attempt to approach would result in a relentless barrage of magic arrows.

"Wow, this is harder than I thought." Albrecht let out as he gritted his teeth, frustration mounting as he assessed the situation. There was no time to waste. Horus's arrows were faster than lightning, and each one was laced with deadly precision. Albrecht needed a way to strike from a distance, to match Horus's skill with his own.

[Spatial Storage Space]

He swiftly opened his spatial storage space, his mind racing as he scanned through his vast collection of weapons. His hand hovered over various blades and scythes, but none of them would suffice against a foe like Horus. Then, his fingers brushed against a weapon he hadn't used in ages—a legendary bow, its name long forgotten by most but remembered by those who had witnessed its power.

"Saddim's Touch," Albrecht murmured, activating the skill that allowed him to equip any weapon from his arsenal.

[Saddim's Touch activated.]

[Saddim's Touch (Unique, S-Rank)— active skill, allows the user to hold certain objects without touching them. Allows unwieldable weapons to be wielded by the user. If an enemy was touched, there's a 50% chance that a deterioration status will be placed. This rate increases exponentially the stronger the enemy is.]

With a flick of his wrist, the legendary bow materialized in his hand, its silver and obsidian frame gleaming under the harsh desert sun. The bow was called Osiris's Judgment, a weapon forged by the gods themselves, said to be capable of piercing the very fabric of reality.

[Osiris's Judgment equipped.]

The System prompt flashed before his eyes, but Albrecht focused entirely on the battle. He nocked an arrow, feeling the power coursing through the bowstring as he drew it back. The air crackled with energy, and time seemed to stand still for a brief moment.

Then, with a swift release, Albrecht let the arrow fly. It tore through the air with a thunderous roar, colliding with one of Horus's magic arrows in mid-flight. The explosion of energy was blinding, the shockwave rippling across the desert sands.

Horus's eyes widened in surprise as he realized what Albrecht had done. The God of the Hunt had expected a close-quarters battle, but now he found himself matched, arrow for arrow. With a snarl, he fired another volley, each shot aimed with deadly accuracy.

But Albrecht was ready. He moved with supernatural speed, his vampire reflexes allowing him to dodge the incoming arrows with ease. He countered with his own shots, each one infused with the power of Osiris's Judgment. The arrows glowed with a dark light, slicing through the air and breaking through the barrier that protected Horus.

The adventurers watched from a distance, their expressions a mix of awe and confusion. They had seen Albrecht fight like a warrior, a mage, and now, an archer. The way he seamlessly switched between roles was unlike anything they had ever witnessed.

"Is he... really a porter?" the Damage Dealer muttered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"I've never heard of a porter who can fight like this," the Mage added, her voice tinged with suspicion. "His name... Albrecht... it sounds familiar, but I can't place it."

The Tank furrowed his brow, deep in thought. "There was a rumor... some guilds were talking about recruiting one of the best porters. I could've sworn his name was Albrecht. But if this is the same man, then... how is he so powerful?"

The Healer, now stabilized but unable to fight, whispered, "He's not just a porter. There's something more to him. Something... different."

As they speculated, Albrecht continued his relentless assault on Horus. The god, now on the defensive, struggled to maintain his composure. Albrecht's arrows were relentless, each one chipping away at the barrier that had once seemed impenetrable.

Horus, driven to desperation, unleashed a flurry of magic arrows, each one charged with divine energy. But Albrecht met each one with equal force, his arrows piercing through the storm of magic like a knife through butter.

The clash of powers reached its peak, the air thick with energy as the desert winds whipped around them. Albrecht could feel the strain on his body, the toll of the battle weighing heavily on him. But he couldn't afford to slow down. Not now.

With a final, powerful shot, Albrecht sent an arrow hurtling toward Horus. It shattered the last remnants of the barrier, striking the god squarely in the chest. Horus let out a cry of pain as the arrow's dark energy surged through him, bringing him to his knees.

The god clutched his chest, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "Impossible... how could a mortal..."

But Albrecht didn't give him a chance to finish. He was upon Horus in an instant, Sariel's Death Scythe in hand.

[Sariel's Death Scythe equipped.]

The blade gleamed as Albrecht swung it down with all his might, severing the god's connection to the physical world. Horus let out a final, anguished scream as his form dissolved into the sands, leaving behind only a faint echo of his presence.

The battle was won, but the cost had been great. Albrecht, panting heavily, stood over the spot where Horus had fallen, his body trembling with exhaustion. The adventurers, still reeling from the intensity of the fight, slowly approached, their expressions a mix of awe and fear.

As the dust settled and the desert winds began to calm, Albrecht's gaze turned toward the horizon. The next challenge awaited them, but for now, they had earned a moment of respite. He could already sense the presence of their next opponent—the final god they would face in this domain.