The Origins of this Word revolve around the concept of a Snake lying in the grass and waiting to Spring a Trap. The Story Of The Fall Of Mankind in Genesis.


1. You must know that every Strategy has a purpose and a condition that must be fulfilled for it to be effective.

2. You don't just use Strategies based solely on your emotions and will. Doing this increases your chance of failure.


1. Every Shrewd Businessman understands that for a product to sell, you need to balance Functionality with Aesthetics.

2. Functionality revolves around the Range Of Tasks a Product can perform.

3. Aesthetics revolves around the Visual Appeal Of The Product.

4. A Product with great functionality and no Visual Appeal is similar to an Atom or Electron that forms the basic building block of matter and has a wide range of functionalities but is invisible to the naked eye. Regardless of its performance, no one ever notices it.

5. On the other hand a Product with Flawless Aesthetics and no Functionality is disappointing and irritating to the Customer who may feel cheated.

6. It only takes one disappointed customer to start a chain of Social Media Syndication; basically a chain of viral Social Communication about the Unfair Business Practices Of Certain Organizations to collapse that Organization or overthrow its Leadership. Be aware of the latent power of the Customer to promote or collapse your business.


Military Tactics are different from Economic Tactics though Economic Tactics may fall within the Range Of Military Tactics. To a Military Strategist, Aesthetics or Visual Appeal is the greatest liability since his entire purpose is to be as invisible or unnoticeable as possible. He does this to conceal himself from potential adversaries thus he cannot afford to draw attention to himself. He has many guises such as;

1. The Madman/Local Idiot whom no one takes seriously.

2. A Pauper whose opinions do not matter in Society.

3. He can even take on the guise of a well known criminal or outcast if the situation calls for it.

4. In extreme cases he might even be willing to use visual appeal to his advantage.


1. One purpose is to guarantee his Freedom Of Movement in order to carry out tasks he would not be able to carry out were he the centre of attention.

2. When he realizes that he is being hunted secretly, then he does the reverse of concealment and draws attention to himself knowing full well that his enemy cannot risk exposing their unlawful pursuit of him.

3. Should anyone detect any of his activities, he switches to a different guise to throw his pursuers off and if he has a twisted mind, may even take on the guise of his adversary in order to draw attention to his adversary while concealing his own identity thus he has Many Names and many Faces.

4. To protect his own contacts is one of the reasons for his many guises thus no one can link him to any of his Social Contacts since they cannot know for sure his real identity in the first place thus every contact linked to his many identities including his actual contacts become a decoy preventing the enemy from identifying his real contacts who may be willing to take on his own guise if the situation calls for it. This effectively throws the enemy off his trail since they can never really know who the real 'him' is.


1. Diversionary Tactics;


This is used to keep an adversary distracted with pointless but appealing data in order to prevent them from recognizing a very real threat within their environment.


For this to work, one must understand the Tastes/Preferences and interests of an Adversary as well as their Tendencies thus allowing the Strategist to capitalize on their Attention Span and divert their Attention from the Real Threat.



The Purpose Of This Tactic is to keep an adversary busy with pointless tasks and thus prevent them from reaching a Destination that may be Detrimental to the Strategist's Plan.


It combines Statistics with Probability, Timing as Well as Geography and Social Media Tracking in order to determine the likelihood that a Target may be at a Particular Location at a Particular Time. The Worst Strategists/Villainous Generals would actually place a Tracker on their Target or some belongings belonging to them, especially one that they know that the Target must carry with them wherever they go such as Clothes and Personal Devices and that saves them the Trouble of Complex Calculation.


The Principle Of The Snake in the Grass waiting to spring a Surprising and Inescapable Trap.


It requires Patient Planning as well as Intricate knowledge of an adversaries Travel Routes, Priorities and Tendencies as well as the Times they carry out habitual tasks. By combining the aforementioned with the tracking of a Target's Social Media Messages, the Adversary can track and intercept the Target whenever he makes an appointment. (Appointments require Time, Location and a Planned Route to reach the Destination). The Strategist knowing full well the Destination of The Target then calculates backwards to figure out the minimum amount of time, a Target needs to begin his journey in order to reach the destination of the Planned Appointment. This then allows him to lie in wait at the most likely route since once he ascertains the moment the Target leaves his current location and knows the means of transport the Target is using, can determine the likely route the Target will need to take to reach his destination at the appointed time. Thus he can now set a Trap on the most likely route.


Understand that every Strategy exists for a Purpose. Applying a Strategy without understanding the conditions under which it is most effective will always lead to failure.

No wise Strategist bases his Strategies on Assumptions of what his Adversary 'will' do. You must first understand what an Adversary 'can' do(his full capability). Once you understand this, what he 'will' do is a subset of what he 'can' do so you are prepared for every one of his Strategies and can manipulate his every move.

You must also understand what it is that hurts you the most and know full well that it is in the Nature of an Adversary to inflict upon you the Pain that hurts you most. Once you understand this, you can then set appropriate defensive measures to guard yourself from the most painful thing an adversary can inflict upon you. Any Pain below that will not hurt you as much as the worst one he can inflict upon you. This is different for every person based on their goals and priorities in life.