"There is no such thing as obtaining a Good without a Cost. True indeed, there is such a thing as a 'Free Gift' but the 'Freedom' of The 'Gift' is dependent on how the 'One' who gifts it 'views that act of Charity'. Nevertheless, even he will have to lose that which you hope to gain".


1. When you overpay for a Good, you receive 'Balance'. When you underpay, you accrue 'Debt'.

2. Every 'Good' that 'decorates' your 'Home' comes through 'another' expending their 'Life Force Energy/Creativity'. You are literally Vamping on their Body and Blood, the Perfect Marriage Ceremony no? Look at all the goods in your house and think of the 'effort' it took to 'produce all that'.

3. Every Fruit you 'eat' comes as a result of a 'Plant' having to 'Sacrifice years of effort'. Every 'Meat' you 'eat' comes at the cost of an 'Animal's Life'.

4. Whenever you breathe, some units of 'Oxygen(Atomic No 8) are lost from the Earth's Atmosphere. The Gods are kind enough to 'Plant a Garden' to balance out the 'bad Karma' that 'follows Living Beings just for breathing' but they decide to 'turn as many trees as they can into Paper Bills'.

5. Every time you drink Water, you are commemorating the 'Perfect Romance' between Hydrogen (Atomic No 1) and Oxygen (Atomic No 8). You are literally surviving on 'Love'. It never, clicks in your 'head' that how you treat your 'Rivers' can render your 'Lands', 'infertile'.

6. All the 'above' find their 'essence' in the concept of 'Justice'. The prosperity of every 'Civilization' is rooted in 'Justice', the 'root of Logic'. The collapse of every 'Civilization' starts when an 'idiot' who claims to be an 'expert in Logic' writes a 'silly foundation of an Equation that goes something like 1+1=6; then everyone builds their Tower on that 'act of Folly''.

7. You think 'Injustice nets you a Profit', let me put it to you like this. When you increase the 'cost of a good' in a 'bid to net yourself a Profit', that 'affects the Prices of every other Good' so the 'Cost Of Living Rises Proportionally' in 'accordance with the inability of the General Population to afford the 'New Cost Of The Good'; numerically, 'the sum you earn by trading that inflated good rises' however 'Percentage wise, there is actually 'no change' because the 'Cost you spend on acquiring the very resources to produce the Good whose Price you have inflated rises Proportionally'.

8. As the 'Cost continues to 'spike', more and more are unable to afford it and when it reaches the point that the 'Customer' has to choose between 'Food' and 'Convenience', 'Convenience goes out the Window', that is the beginning of the 'Mass Exodus Of Customers seeking a 'True Service Provider' and exiting the 'Profit Making Machine'.'

9. I put it to you that a man with $10 who buys a $5 Suit expends equivalently as much as a man with $1,000,000 who buys a $500,000 suit. It may look like the latter is richer than the former but the percentage of expenditure between the two is equally 50%.

10. You may think there is 'Virtue in pursuing Wealth' but the more 'Wealth you acquire, the greater you 'expenditure' as you now have 'more mouths to feed'. True, there may be some 'convenience' in your life, new 'Possibilities that open up to you as a result of Wealth' however 'you do not even necessarily have the time to enjoy all that'. A 'Poor Man' may lack those 'Conveniences' but 'he also doesn't have to worry about that 9,000,000,000, Gigaton Gravitational Weight that 'the Rich Man carries'.

11. A 'certain' absurdity of the World is 'the Poor Man pretends to be rich to get the girl' and the 'Rich Man pretends to be Poor to find a girl who loves him for who he is and not what he has'. Bottomline, it matters not whether you are Poor or Rich, you shall never be satisfied as long as you have not transcended 'Karma'.

12. When the 'Root Of Satisfaction' is 'denounced' in the 'Pursuit Of Wealth', such 'Wealth only brings the Proverbial Black Hole Of Emptiness'.

13. Every Prayer Of 'Promotion' for yourself is also a Prayer Of 'Demotion' For Another.