Disclaimer; Only read this if you are an OP Character with an Open Mind lest this starts a Debate about the 'Battle Of The Sexes'.


This is the sort of creature that 'Men' are. They easily get offended but once they are offended, you just need to put the Offender and Offended in a 'Ring' where they 'exchange Blows'. By the time the 'fight is over', 'all is Forgiven'.

This is the sort of Creature that 'Women' are. They do not easily get offended but once they do, that sort of 'grudge' is the 'kind' that can 'linger past their lifetimes and become the Perfect Sort Of Nightmare Haunting Spirit that 'Sadako'(Japanese Version) or Kangana(Indian Version) is'.

Men will always take the 'brunt of the blame' to protect the 'Women they love' but 'Women are more susceptible to the 'Deception Of Snakes' though they 'nurture life'.

To 'nullify that Trauma'; the Salvation Of Humanity had to begin with the 'Act Of A Woman' just like the 'Fall Of Humanity did'. Also, a 'Woman was the first to Witness the Resurrection of The Gods' and they remained more faithful to the 'Gods' during the 'Passion' than 'most of the Men did'.

But still...there is a reason the Gods say 'don't cling to me'. The 'grudge of an offended Woman can stick like a really Terrible Curse' and become the sort of 'Fire' that 'Falls on your Head at Pentecost'.


It starts with being in a House where you are the only Man. Some men consider that a 'Paradise but here are some of the drawbacks'.

1. If the Woman is not as strong as you are or stronger, when you see an 'enemy' do something suspicious, you cannot actually fully get her to understand the sort of Tactics the enemy is using. The only way you can do that is to get another 'Male' who can 'verify your Account'.


Lois Lane meets a Friend at the Market who offers to give her a Cup Of Tea. The two become close friends. She comes to the House occasionally on visits until she becomes a Trusted Friend of The Family...but little does Lois know...that friend is an 'Agent' sent by 'Lex Luthor'. This 'Nightmare' Scenario only holds if these 'conditions' are 'true'.

1. Lois is 'unaware' that 'Clark Kent' is 'Superman' yet the 'two are in a relationship'.

2. Clark knows 'Lois' friend is an 'Agent' sent by 'Lex Luthor' and the 'Agent' is also fully aware that 'Clark Kent' is 'Superman'.

Now to brew the Perfect Storm in a Teacup.

This 'Agent posing as a Friend' comes to 'Dinner' after being 'invited' by 'Lois' who is completely 'unaware' of what is going on. Clark tries to tell 'Lois' that her 'Agent Friend' is 'dangerous' but if he gets 'too worked up' about it... 'Lois' will 'never understand' why he is 'getting all fussed up over a Trivial Issue' so he must 'control his temper'. The 'Agent' is fully 'aware' that this is a 'Vulnerability she can exploit' because if she 'irritates Clark enough...he will do something that 'exposes his Secret identity to Lois so he literally becomes the Perfect Hydraulic Pump trying to 'contain the Pressure' building within it'.

Lex Luthor watches the whole scenario via 'Hidden Cam' in the 'Agent's Breast Pocket' in wry amusement.

The 'Agent knows full well' that she can 'maximize the irritation(thorn in the flesh) that she is to Clark' and 'get away with it as long as Lois is in the room' so she 'uses Lois as a Meat Shield' because 'if Clark makes a Stupid move while that 'Cam' is in the 'Agent's' Breast Pocket', not only will the 'Whole World' know his 'Secret Identity' but that becomes a 'Public Announcement to all his Enemies'.

YOU THOUGHT THAT WAS BAD...NOW IMAGINE THIS... (If you don't understand 'Etiquette' you will not 'receive the Full Brunch Of The Joke..)

AKAN PROVERB (You 'Southeners' who believe I am a 'Northern Racist', today I am using 'your own Proverb')

This is the Sort Of Greeting that 'Akan' people use when you 'approach a Man in the Middle Of A 'don't greet him' because you know that in his 'attempt to reply' he might actually 'commit suicide' and you might be 'prosecuted for Murder'.


While having Dinner, the Agent hands 'Lois' a 'Kryptonite Necklace' and tells 'Lois' how 'expensive it is'. 'Lois' 'ignorantly compliments' her 'Agent Friend' completely 'unaware' that by accepting that there are 'two choices for Superman'. Remain 'Faithful to your Wife' and 'Die' or 'Divorce your Wife' and 'live a little longer'.

'Lois ignorantly accepts the Necklace' suddenly 'Clark says...I don't feel so well'.

Try to tell me how you can 'justifiably explain to Lois that her Agent Friend is actually an 'Infiltrator' sent by Lex Luthor'.


Everyone 'sees what is going on' at the 'Top Of The Table' but no one 'sees what goes on underneath'.

It will 'take a while' for the 'Kryptonite' to 'completely incapacitate' Clark but the 'Drain Debuff has begun it's Job'.

So before the 'Full Incapacitation' takes 'place', he 'stomps the Ground' as 'hard as he can' 'triggering', an 'Earthquake'. At that 'moment', the 'Lights go out'. 'Between the Time the Lights are out (off flicker)and the 'Circuit' is 'temporarily disconnected' ...he 'grabs that Agent' and with his 'Superspeed' sends her to the 'Desert' where he 'finishes her off' (the bell rings K.O; the referee announces that in Street Fighter IV SFX) and returns to the 'Dining Table' before the 'Circuit 'retcons' and the 'Lights come back on'.

Lois asks...

'Where did my acquaintance go?'


"Maybe she went to the Bathroom'.

No 'evidence is left' for 'Mr Looter to exploit'. It is like 'Clark never was'.