'Tests' and 'Temptations' have their 'root' in the same 'essence' however, the 'result' determines their 'differences'. A 'Test' is an 'Examination' designed for the 'Student' to 'Pass' once they 'apply' their 'lessons' appropriately. A 'Temptation' is an 'Examination' designed 'expressly' to 'fail the Student'. It matters not 'how right the Student may believe they are' and their 'effort' is 'irrelevant'.


'Tests' are 'Examinations' designed to 'determine' whether or not a 'Student' deserves a 'Promotion'. A 'Student' who applies their 'knowledge and experiences' appropriately is given an 'opportunity to determine their Fate'; in other 'words', the 'Teacher' gives them a 'chance' to 'choose' how their 'lives will play out'. The 'Perfect Crossroad'. There comes a 'Time' in the 'Life' of every 'Human' where he/she feels a sense of 'Foreboding' before an 'Examination' because subconsciously, they 'experience' that the 'Decision' they are about to 'make' may have 'Far Reaching Consequences that cannot be undone'.

Jesus chose a 'Cross' instead of a 'Tick' because he understood what was at 'Stake'. There is no 'Point in a Prosperous Economic or Academic Life' in a 'World where Man cannot even 'afford their own Food'. The 'Tick' in this sense becomes 'a bug' that will be applied to the 'System' if he chose 'Prosperity' over the 'continued existence of Humanity'.

The 'Cross' on the other hand is a 'Perfect Symbol Of Failure'. The 'Soldiers dressing Jesus as a 'Mocked King' is indicative of 'their Perception of his 'Stupidity in 'choosing' Death over Prosperity and Power. When they 'Blindfold and hit him on the Head' they are telling him that 'He has dull senses and does not know his 'Right' from his 'Left'. The 'Crown Of Thorns and Skull Mountain' are insults to his 'intellectual capacity'. The 'Cross in their Eyes' was an 'indication' of his 'complete helplessness/impotency/powerlessness'. The 'Soldiers at the Foot of the Mountain 'gambling' for his 'Clothes' are indirectly telling him that 'everything he worked for is now theirs'.


A 'Temptation' on the other hand is a 'Test designed expressly to fail a Student'. The 'one setting the Test' is 'fully aware that it is 'beyond the capability of the one being tested' to find the 'True Answer' but sets the Test nonetheless. This is what you call a 'Rigged Scale'. It is like 'gambling with a Rigged Deck'. The 'Casino Managers' keep encouraging you to 'gamble some more' at times they 'even create the impression that you are close to Winning just to get you to Squander more Resources' yet they are 'fully aware' that 'the Game can never be Won' so they get you to 'maximize waste' for 'zero rewards'.


1. When you enter the 'Casino' you must look like the 'Perfect Ass'. Ensure they understand 'Full Well' that you are an 'idiot'.

2. The 'Casino Managers' will 'welcome you with 'open Arms' like 'Palm Branches' on the Road but their 'true intent' is not 'necessarily what you Perceive'.

3. 'Book an Appointment' with a 'Neutral Member' of the 'Casino' who will 'serve as a Witness' to the Transaction. He too must be the 'Perfect Cynical Ass who looks upon everything with Suspicion'; nothing 'shall escape his notice'.

4. When the 'Game begins' tell you 'opponent' that 'you will play with neither your deck nor his...but the 'deck' of the 'Cynical Ass Witness'; at that moment, you've 'nullified' the 'Rigging'.

5. You start the 'Proceedings' by complimenting every 'Player' around the 'Table' but 'insinuate' that 'some of them are definitely cheats' without actually mentioning anyone's name. The one's that start to 'show discomfort' expose their 'true intent'.

6. By acting 'completely aloof and indifferent' the 'cheats' around the 'Table' start to 'believe' your insinuation is a mere 'coincidence' but 'act with more caution'.

7. As the game plays, you 'pile up more insinuations to raise the Pressure'. When the 'Threshold is breached', cheats that don't understand what a 'Stake' is will 'leave the Table reducing the number of opponents you have to beat'.

8. 'High Level Cheat Characters' realizing that you are a 'dangerous opponent' will now 'attempt' to get you to make the 'wrong move' by 'feigning to be your allies' through 'flattery' hoping that through 'pretense' they can get you to 'expose' your 'Cards'.

9. You look at them like the Perfect 'Kuudere Airhead they think' you are and Play a '2' pointing to them that you are 'Perfectly aware of their intent to rig the Scale'.

10. They will play either a '3', '1', '5', '7' or '8' to convince you that they are 'looking out for your interests'.

11. At that moment you play a 'Joker' to tell them not to 'take things too seriously'.

12. In their heads they ask 'is this guy for real, I can't tell if he is joking or serious. Is this a fluke or is he actually a genius?'

13. The next 'Card' they will play is a 'Queen' to tell you that their 'intentions are Perfectly Pure'.

14. At that moment, you Play a 'Queen' too to tell them that 'some poles never attract'.

15. They will next 'Play a '7' to tell you, 'so you think you are Mr Perfect? You are not nearly as hot as you think you are'.

16. You then Play a 'King' to tell them 'as ugly as I may be I still rule your 'Ship', why do you want to attach yourself to someone as 'cold as ice?"

17. In their anger they will play an 'Ace' and tell you 'your arrogance shall be your downfall'.

18. At that moment you play your 'Ace and tell them...the last Card Wins...I just flushed down your entire 'Deck'