The Worst Problems in the Life Of A Human always begin with 'Guests gathered at a Celestial Banquet with the Jade Emperor and Jade Warlord...then a Mischievous 'Young Monkey King' performs an 'Act Of Discourtesy'. The Jade Emperor being 'All Powerful' is 'amused by the Courage displayed' by the 'Mischievous Young Monkey King'...the Jade Warlord on the other not amused...and 'takes' that as a 'Personal Insult'.
As the Young Monkey King takes a 'Stroll'...he suddenly 'notices' a 'Tall Young Man'...if the Jade Warlord takes on Physical Form...or a 'Perfectly Black Immaterial Cloak (with no Face) looking somewhat like a 'Mixture Of Smog, Smoke and Mist'...if the Jade Warlord approaches as a Spirit.
1. The Fight will start with the 'Monkey King Bowing' but the 'Jade Emperor standing 'Perfectly Upright'...then 'you already know' he 'sees you' as his 'Subordinate'.
2. The 'Monkey King' will use a 'Staff', the 'Jade Warlord' will use a 'Reaper's Scythe'.
3. When the 'Jade Warlord' sees the 'Monkey King is 'Perfectly Balanced' and cannot 'Fall' and his 'Reaper's Scythe is at a Disadvantage'...he will 'insinuate that the Monkey King's Strength is 'not his own' but comes from the 'Power Of His Staff' so they should 'both put their Weapons down' and 'settle the Match with a Fist Fight'.
4. This is where the 'True Tragedy begins'. In a 'Sense' every 'Martial Art Match' is not merely a 'Fight between Individuals'...but a 'Competition between Sects' to 'determine' whose 'Ideal Style' is 'Superior'. The 'Moment you Drop your Stance and apply your Opponent's' have just 'Stepped into the Jade Warlord's Zone; Fighting him will be Perfectly like Fighting a 'Spider in its own Web'. The more you struggle...the more entangled you get. Even if you do 'win the Fight' cannot 'consider that a Victory' because you 'inadvertently admit that his Style is Superior'. If you are 'unlucky' might actually 'Teach him aspects of his Style that even 'he' is 'unaware of''.
5. The 'slightly worse ending'. The Jade Warlord will 'smile at you' and say 'the Fight is over'...then 'Walk away'. At that should 'click in the Head of any Sensible Person that an enemy determined to end you only walks away from the Fight when he has all the info he needs. Basically, the 'Purpose Of The Battle has been accomplished'. You may 'think you won the Battle...but he is 'beginning to understand' how to 'Win the War''.
6. The 'True Bad Ending'. The Jade Warlord turns you into another 'Petrified Statue Exhibit' in his 'Mausoleum'.
Every fight begins with 'both opponents' as 'Perfect Equals'. They may 'Begin as Equals' but the 'Battle will usually end with the Establishment Of An Order'.
1. The First Step in every Battle is for 'both Opponents to bow before each other thus 'acknowledging their equality'. This 'subconsciously imposes in both fighters' the 'Caution' to 'never take your opponent for granted' for you do not want to 'Fall Prey to Unpleasant Surprises'.
2. You must both 'Fight with All your Might'; the 'moment you Hold Back in a Martial Arts Battle between Two Warriors' you are either 'insulting your Opponent's Intelligence or Strength'.
3. Though you must 'Fight with all your Might' not begin the Fight with your Strongest Blow' lest you inadvertently 'murder your opponent' because you did not 'consider his level of endurance'. If you 'miss that strike' have 'depleted a lot of your Ki Reserves...your opponent shall immediately have an advantage'.
4. It is 'Courtesy to let your opponent make the First Move'. The 'essence of Courtesy' is that if he 'makes the Wrong Move' with the 'Courtesy you show him' shall become his 'Eternal Embarrassment'. The 'Logic is is common knowledge amongst Warriors that the 'First Landed Blow' determines who is at an Advantage...because...the gradual accumulation of Wounds and Energy expended through Movement gradually 'sap Stamina' thus any 'Warrior who must make the First Move knows that he cannot afford to Miss'. He will thus put his 'Maximum Speed' not necessarily 'Force' since he will 'attempt to conserve Energy' into 'landing the First Blow'. If you successfully dodge 'the First Blow', you immediately 'become aware' of the 'Maximum Speed Of Your Opponent'. Due to this knowledge every Martial Artist 'puts his Greatest Swiftness and not necessarily Force' into landing the 'First Blow'.
5. You can then choose to 'wear down his Stamina' while 'conserving your own'. To do this, do not rely on 'Blocking his Attacks'. Each 'Hit you Take'...whether 'successfully blocked or not depletes some Stamina' gradually chipping away at your 'Armour or Defenses'. Rather than trying to 'Shelter yourself from his Attacks'...'redirect the Force Of His Blow (Devil wants Stones to become Bread...quote him another Verse). If you successfully 'redirect his will throw him completely off Balance (Jumping from the Ceiling Of Temple). In his attempt to 'overcompensate for his loss of Balance' he will 'deplete more Energy (Bow Before Me and Worship Me If You Want the Kingdoms Of The World) than if you had 'Blocked The Attack'. This is where you begin to 'build your own Tower Of Babel'.
6. The Finishing Move goes something like this. When he 'charges at you with 'All His Might'...'Trip Him...(On A Long Journey To The Netherworld) while 'Pulling Him Towards Yourself (Love Your Enemies). The 'Two Opposing Forces if 'Balanced Equivalently' will 'render his Body 'Perfectly Horizontal in Midair' (when Current and Resistance are Equal...the Circuit shall blow a Fuse) then...'Perform an Arc Step (Warship Mode Engaged/Half Sidestep; Warship The Gods...ignore the Devil's craving for Attention), then with 'Maximum Speed' (Lightspeed; it is now time to teach him what happens when an 'Acid meets a Base'...the concept of Perfect Neutralization)....deliver a 'Vert(Green)ical Elbow Crushing Spine Attack/Rainbow Crushing Spine Attack' right down the 'Centre Of His Spine' (You have just Made The Perfect Sign Of The Cross Balancing Out The Bad Karma that will follow you). The Devil will then 'Fall from Heaven To Earth'.
7. Now 'quote him a Proverb' and 'teach him the meaning of 'Condescension'. Then you have 'Placed your Foot upon His Skull'. End Of Story. This is 'The True Cross Stance; Aries...God Of War Mode.
There is a Reason the Greeks are Loyal to Aries...though they do not necessarily love Him.