Some 'Fools' believe 'Wars are all about 'Victories and Losses'. In the First Place, there is no true Victory the moment 'the First Casualty Falls'. Some people will 'start a War' just to 'Flex their Military Muscles'. What they don't realize is that 'some Wars can only be won by 'losing certain Battles'. If you get out of a Scenario where your 'Enemy Forces you to Retreat' without having to 'Sacrifice a Single Member within your Ranks' doesn't matter 'whether or not the enemy thinks he Forced your Retreat or not'. That is a 'Victory in its own right'. A 'Country that Sacrifices its Citizens to protect its lands' will soon have a 'Land without Citizens'.
A 'True War' is rather about 'how many Tools within the Enemy's Arsenal you can turn into your 'Allies''.
There are many 'Motivations for Starting A War'. The 'Root Cause' is always 'Hunger' but you must know that...everyone has their own Preferred Food. Don't 'assume' someone 'starts a Fight' because he wants your 'Favourite Food'.
Some 'Factions' see 'War' as a 'means' to 'Flex their 'Militaristic Might' but understand that some 'Wars' begin 'precisely' because an 'Idiot' has the 'desire to satisfy' his 'own Curiousity'.
That 'idiot will issue a challenge'. His 'opponent' will 'see that as an 'Opportunity to Flex his Military Might''. What his 'opponent does not see' is that the 'idiot does not necessarily want to 'win the war' but rather 'understand the Clockwork that drives the Enemy's Arsenal'. Every time the 'Battle begins' the 'idiot' will always 'Forfeit' after 'Capturing an Advanced Weapon that satisfies his Curiousity' Even 'False info and Propaganda which you believe will foil the 'idiot' can 'teach him how to use that...for his own devices'. Just 'One of those' is enough... 'there's no need to 'Capture' the 'Shadow Clones' of the 'Enemy's Arsenal'. Some people 'Wage Wars' for 'Public Acclaim' but a 'Mad Scientist' needs no 'Public Acclaim'. His only 'desire in life' is to 'satisfy his own Curiousity'.
The 'idiot' will then 'feign his defeat' knowing that his 'Opponent will take that as an opportunity' to 'rub Salt in his Wounds' without knowing that 'Salt is born' when an 'Acid meets a Base' and 'cannot conquer it'. The 'idiot will then 'magnify his own vulnerability' in the 'Eyes Of His Opponent' knowing that it will 'trigger the Perfect Magnetism' that will 'cause his Opponent to keep coming Back'. The 'Opponent will always 'start the Battle' with 'exactly 666 Weapons' but leave with 'exactly 665 Weapons'. To the 'Opponent, one loss is a Trivial Sacrifice'. What he does not know is that once, 'each of those Trivial Sacrifices are Reverse Engineered to create a Blueprint' and a 'Successful Prototype'...'The Clone Wars can begin'. You can make an entire unit '8000' strong from the 'Blueprint of just 'One Captured Weapon in the Opponent's Arsenal. Your 'Army is only limited by your Resources'. Imagine capturing 'Ten' or 'Fifty Blueprints' that the 'enemy considers 'Trivial Sacrifices''.
Are you still going to tell want to send your most 'Advanced Weapons into Battle'. The 'idiot shall 'disarm those Weapons' and make a 'Public Spectacle Of Them'. No Weapon 'fashioned against you shall Prosper' (The Sequel).
This is why 'Sensible Generals' prefer to 'destroy their Advanced Weapons Systems' than have them 'Fall into Enemy Hands'. The 'more capable you are as a General', the 'more likely it is that you will try to beat a Terrifying Opponent with a Perfectly Trivial that even if that is does not become your Enemy'. Do you 'ever see a Hydra Agent' ever 'taken in for interrogation' in Captain America. No...the moment they are captured they commit suicide with a 'Cyanide Pill' so that they don't have to 'spill Military Secrets' to the 'Enemy' and bring about the 'downfall of their own Nation'. A 'bad way to die...but...mayhaps...a Suicide the Gods might forgive'. This is what the Japanese call 'Harakiri Seppuku'...the Muslims call that an 'Honor Killing' And what was the 'reward for that Again' many Hail Mary's...'.
It matters not how many 'Special Moves' you think you have mastered when you 'start a fight with a Scavenging Spider' in its 'own Web'. Can you understand the 'absurdity of a 'Leopard' attacking an 'Orca' or 'Crocodile' in 'the Ocean'. The 'Scavenger Perfectly understands' every move you 'dish out'...his only his 'Physical Prowess' (Do you see how lanky Luffy is). Once he 'builds his Body'...there is 'nothing he cannot do'. 'What is the difference between a Country that sacrifices its Citizens and a Terrorist Organization'. Keep singing the song 'our army is Expendable' and learn how much 'Expendability can Cost you'.