Do not 'use' this as an 'excuse' to 'Plead your Case' if you know 'you are not 'determined' to 'amend' your ways' for only an 'idiot forgives someone who is unwilling to Repent'. Do you 'absolve someone of Crime' before they 'make' a 'firm amendment of Purpose'.


Only 'Fools put down their Guns' at every 'White Flag Raised'. At times, the enemy raises the 'White Flag' as a 'genuine sign of Surrender'. There are some on the other hand...who raise that 'just' to 'buy' them 'enough time' to 'strike harder'. When you 'put down your Gun just because the 'enemy raised the White Flag....knowing 'Full Well' that your 'Territory is still under Heavy Shelling' are a 'Moron'...that is a compliment...I mean a 'Cretin' who is 'far worse' than a 'Moron' that sort of 'Mollusk' that lives in the 'deepest part of the Ocean' where there is absolutely Zero Visibility''.


Every 'Race' truly begins after a 'Standard' has been 'Set'. The 'Gods gift certain individuals with 'Supernatural Ability' so that they can become 'the Standard that Subsequent Racers strives for'. That is the 'Virtue Of A First Fruit' but there are some drawbacks to being a 'First Fruit'. The First is 'since you are breaking into New Ground...there is no one to show you the 'Ropes'. The 'Period between 'sowing the Seed' and the 'First Harvest' is 'very long'. But after the 'Tree bears its First Fruit...the subsequent Periods Of Harvest get Shorter and Shorter'. The 'First Fruits' sets the 'Record'. Subsequent Racers attempt to 'Break the Record' he has 'Set' thus 'proving their ability to 'surpass' the Set Record'.

In a Race, one may have 'many opponents' but 'none of them are the enemy' but rather 'Rivals striving for the Prize'; some 'aim for the Medal' but some see 'Breaking the Set Record' as their 'Goal'.

A 'Record' as you know is usually 'set either by Time or by Effort/Distance'. Basically, the effort you put into running determines how far you can run, when measured against the Time the Race have your Record...which is a kind of 'Memento of the Race or Memory'. Your only 'True Enemies' are the 'Clock' and 'Yourself'.

A Day begins at the 'Stroke Of Midnight' (12:00am) but ends exactly at 11:59pm (The Last Hour). The moment 'Cinderella's 'Ball Gown' fades and she must leave 'the Banquet' before everyone discovers 'the Pauper amongst the Princesses'.


Enmity is all about 'Shooting your Rivals' in the 'Foot' in 'order to reduce the Competition'. The reason for this 'Tendency is the Delusion' that by 'eliminating the Competition' your 'Reward will be Greater'. However...every Runner must 'Run in their Lane'. Crossing into your 'Opponent's Lane' just to 'boot him out' will 'disqualify you from the Race since you cannot 'disregard' the 'Rules Of The Race'. In the First Place...even if you are not discovered and win the do not get a 'Greater Prize' than the 'Competition you eliminated' would have had had they remained in the Competition; also because of the 'Fewer Competitors', your 'Chances Of Breaking The Record get Farther and Farther away since there is no one 'to push you to give your best'.


A Mother is about to 'deliver Twins'. One of the Babies 'breaks the Womb' during 'delivery' and the 'Nurse ties a 'Thread' on his 'Arm' to 'Mark' him as the Elder Born'. Suddenly, his Younger Twin 'grabs hold of his 'Heel', pulls him back into the 'Womb'; kicks him further back in...and then 'comes out'.

He has just created a 'Moral Dilemma' because though his brother 'broke the Womb; making contact with the Physical World First', he was the 'First to be Born'.

The Question then becomes... 'Who is the Elder Born?'

It is even 'worse' when those 'Two Sons' belong to the 'Royal Family' where the 'Law States' that the 'Elder Prince' is 'Successor To The Throne' yet no one can 'truly know' who the 'Elder Born' is.

In the 'best case scenario' one of the 'brothers will have no interest in the Throne' and leave to 'find his place elsewhere'.

In the 'Worst Case'...'both' shall start a 'conflict' that 'tears the Royal Family apart' from within. They live their 'lives' trying to 'outdo' each other and 'crave to prove their 'Superiority to their Father'.


In the end...the two become bitter enemies though they share the same Blood. This is the 'Summary Of The Tale Of Hagoromo Ootsutsuki and his Brother'...the 'Sons Of Kaguya Ootsutsuki'. The 'Birth Of A Family Curse/Root Of Generational Curses'.