Some Israelites cannot wait for the 'Day Great Babylon gets what is coming to her' but if God were to wipe out all Babylonians...the 'Fate Of Israel would be Suspect'.


1. Abraham was called by God to leave his 'Father's House' which was 'Ur Of The Babylon. How did the 'descendants of Seth find their 'Place in Babylon'...the 'Nation Founded by Cain'...that is a 'whole long Rabbit Hole I don't have enough time to explore' or is it 'out of ignorance that they did not know Cain murdered their 2nd Brother'. Abraham had already made an enemy out of his Father by fleeing Home. Isn't it ironic that God asks him to prove his loyalty by Sacrificing his own Son.

2.Abraham births 'Ishmael under Sarah's suggestion'. The 'same Sarah suggests to him that he exiles one of his Sons...the Son she wanted to be born'. Haggar's arrogance had some part to play in that scenario but does your blessing become your curse. Right then and enemy is made out of the Ishmaelites.

3. Isaac births Jacob and Esau...even before the Children are born...there is a Serious Civil War going on in the Womb that is so terrible the mother has to ask a seer whether the Children are out for her doom. Jacob takes it upon himself to use 'Food to Cheat his Brother out of his Blessing' enemy is made of the Edomites right then and there. Is it not an 'irony' you have to work 'twice as hard under your 'Tyrannical Uncle' to 'earn the Wife you've always wanted?'' The Gods will always 'make sure you pay off all your debts' before your 'Dreams come true' because they 'don't want to make your Dreams come true'...then the 'Devil comes and demands payment for his efforts' then you end up as 'Bankrupt' as 'when you began your journey'. Abraham was 'Wise enough to 'refuse certain Favourable Offers' because he wanted his 'Blessing to come from God...not men'. Can you truly be satisfied with 'Wealth' when 'the Man who made you Rich' is always 'taking' the 'Credit for your Efforts'.

4. Joseph's brothers throw him in a Well(so...the Dam breaks)...then sell him to the Ishmaelites...whom they had 'prior made an enemy of'. The 'Ishmaelites take the coins' and 'see this as 'the Perfect Opportunity' to 'teach those Israelites' how 'Karma works' by 'selling Joseph to the Egyptians knowing full well...Egyptians are all about Omens and Joseph can interpret Dreams'. God uses a 'worldwide famine' to 'Force the other brothers into exile' and 'submission'. This is how their 'Slavery Story' in 'Egypt' begins. When they are in Slavery, they cry out to God who sends Moses to 'deliver them'...but to escape...they end up making an enemy of the Egyptians. They always talk of how the Egyptians 'dealt with them unfairly' without 'remembering how' they 'ended up in Egypt' in the 'First Place'.


Is it not 'Perfect Karma' that all the 'Beasts Of The Apocalypse' are 'Perfect Hybrid Chimera Type Pokemon'. You cannot describe the Traits Of All The Nations Israel has made enemies of with the Traits Of Just One Animal. Babylon alone is like that 'Hybrid Statue Nebuchadnezzar sees in his Dream'. These are the sorts of 'creatures that cause 'the Day Of Jacob's Trouble' and ironically...all of them are 'Family Members' with the Worst being 'Babylon...the very Place their Origin Story Begins'. Some 'People cannot wait to see their Enemies get what is coming to them...(I absolutely agree with that Line Of Thought Perfectly)...but before you make this Conclusion and kill the Final Boss...first understand your Origin Story.


The Gods establish a 'Clear Contrast' between 'Mary' and 'Babylon' or 'Jerusalem' and 'Babylon' if that is what you want to hear...but they also make it clear that the two share some similar traits thus 'establishing a link' between the two to point out that they are in some sense 'Two Sides Of The Same Coin'...though the 'essence' of their 'Character is different...their experiences share some similarities.

1. No one knows who the Father Of Jesus is(unless you look at His Story with the eyes of Faith) one knows where the Beast of The Sea comes from (unless you are the Leader of an Evil Cult).

2. Both 'Women' are 'connected' to 'Terrible Monsters'; Mary to a Dragon...Babylon to the Beast. The True 'irony of this is...the Beast's Power comes from the Dragon...who is connected to Mary' so the Dragon becomes a 'link' between both 'Mary and Babylon' like some 'kind' of 'Preposition' or was it...'Premonition'...or 'Preproposal'.

3. Here is the difference between the Two; Mary 'cannot stand' her Monster...'the Dragon'...yet she is 'Standing Perfectly' on Him; the 'Perfect Tsundere'. Babylon 'loves' her 'Little Beastie' (A Romance no?) but she is seated 'Firmly on him to establish a Firm Tyrannical Hierarchy'; the 'Perfect Yandere'.

4. Mary's 'senses are sharp'. The 'Lights Of The Sun, Moon and Stars' are not 'decorations' but connote the 'Sharpness Of Her Senses' to 'an extent' well as 'the Weight she carries'...the weight of the Fate Of An Entire World(Fatima) when she loses weight...that becomes (Medgugorge). No one 'warns her' of the 'Dragon's Evil Attempts to kill her child...she flees the moment her child is taken into Heaven. The 'Wise Men do not return to Mary and Joseph' after 'visiting Herod', lest they 'inadvertently' become the 'Assassins Of The World's Fate' were Herod to 'track their movements'. We hear she is 'given Eagle Wings'...we 'never hear who gives them to her'. She repeatedly 'outwits the Dragon...even without a Fight'. 'Babylon's Senses on the other hand are Perfectly Dulled by her Murders and the Blood Of The Prophets she drinks'.


You may 'Pretend' your 'Family's Problems' are 'non-existent' but that only 'makes the Nightmare worse'...because of the effort you will have to put into hiding your Roots. Do this and you shall remain in a 'Perpetual State Of Denial'...this goes both ways...not only with Children Vs Parents...but some Parents also cannot stand their Children because they are the 'Perfect Embarrassment'.

You can do that or you can 'confront these Family Problems' without 'letting them become Shackles' for 'your Feet'. Even 'Blessed as His Family was' had some 'Family Problems'...his 'First Birthday' was celebrated with an 'Assassination Attempt by Herod' one knew who his Father was...he grew up in exile...even when his Parents returned to their land...they had to make a detour and move to a different Town because some 'Factions' were still after his Life. His 'Family under Normal Eyes would have been considered to be a True Failure'...but there is a 'difference' between 'a Blessed Family' and 'a Perfect Family'. The 'Two may not necessarily be the Same'.

The 'Killer Part' is...if 'Christians find their Origins in Israel' which 'traces its Roots to Babylon' 'understand' some of the 'Prayers you make' and the 'Possible Consequences' of attempting to 'Hasten Babylon's Demise'...that is how a 'Great Tribalation' begins or was it 'Great Tribullation' or 'Tripullation'.