To become a 'True Immortal', the 'rate of Consummation' must be 'directly proportional to the Rate Of Purgery' other must throw out of your equivalent amount of what you take into it.
The things a Man 'consumes' are usually 'Pure', the things they 'expel' are usually very 'nasty'. The reason for that is everything a 'reasonable man' must expel are 'reasonably dead things'. Most of the things that come out of the Body are Dead and Decaying Cells. The gradual accumulation of these determine how fast Humanity ages...and at a certain threshold can kill. To maintain life the Rate Of Regeneration must be proportional to that of Degeneration...Ecologists know this best...and so do Engineers.
To become an Immortal; follow this simple Equation;
Consummation = Purgery.
If Consummation > Purgery, there shall be a 'gradual overaccumulation of Dead Cells in your Body' constantly 'greater than the Purged Dead Cells'...trapping you in a 'Karmic Cycle of Excess', that will kill you once your own weight becomes more than you can bear.
If Consummation < Purgery, every time you Purge Dead Cells, you consume less to replace them and thus the relation of Purgery to Consummation is greater Purgery to lesser Consummation; thus your body shall get thinner and will be like the Perfect Skeleton that perishes due to Malnutrition...not a good way to go. This becomes a 'Karmic Cycle of Degeneration' that will thin out the Race Of Mankind.
There is nothing complex about how Calamity is born, there is a sensible simple equation to Calamity and there are Perfectly two types Of Calamity. The Calamity Of Excess (Consummation > Purgery)
The Calamity Of Degeneration (Consummation < Purgery).
You see the greater than(>) and less than (<) symbols look exactly like Pacman's Mouth.
The sweet spot of Moderation
Consummation = Purgery is the simple life of an Immortal.
You don't want to live on Mercury but I assure you, you won't like Pluto either. Earth is exactly the 3rd Planet from the Sun, Humans live in the 3rd Dimension, the Earth was created on the 3rd Day, the Gods are a Trinity. Middle Man Yeshua Ha Meshiach(Number 2) the sweet spot between excess severity and excess leniency making him 'the Bridge between Mr One and Mrs Three'.
Right after Jesus' baptism beside a stream, the Holy Spirit 'drove' and I repeat again 'drove' him to the 'Wilderness'. He did not 'suggest' to him that he should go there. This means, he 'forced' him to go to the 'Desert' by making things around him so 'uncomfortable' that 'relative to the Discomfort in his own home, the 'Desert' was Heaven...even though the Devil was waiting there. Ask me how you can survive for 40 Days without Food and Water without some kind of 'Secret Stash'...his answer will always be 'my food is to do the work of the Father' (Isn't it Hiccup Risy). The Devil too I don't get him...he managed to somehow walk all that way...just to ask Jesus to turn stones into bread. At least be kind enough to bring Food even if it is poisoned...that is just how bad his determination to do evil is. He is the only being in the Universe that actually 'Plants', 'nurtures' and 'maintains' Weeds...knowing full well they do not only kill the Crops but produce no Harvest of their Own. I mean who Plants Weeds, the moment you start your Farm, they appear of the greatest mysteries of the World. You can live on land for Twenty Years and it will be completely bare...but the moment you turn that land into a Farm...Weeds start to Sprout. I mean even if you Plant 'Narcotics', there is always a Purpose behind your Actions...the Devil...he does not eat anything he what is his reasoning? You may say Wickedness is about making Men's life miserable; but that is just one facet of Wickedness...anything in this World that does not make sense...such is Wickedness. Wickedness is just 'Sheer Stupidity'. Where do they come from? Here comes the interesting part where 'John's Ministry' was in the 'Wilderness' and Jesus is 'a Symbol Of Salvation'. After the Baptism, when the Dove descended...their roles were 'switched' with John beside a 'Stream' and Jesus in the 'Desert'. What commonality does a 'Man who eats Locusts and Honey every day and wears Leather Clothes have with a Place where there is Water'.