The Devil's strategies never always revolves around Food...but what determines the level of havoc he can whether Mankind is awake or asleep.


Cleanliness is next to godliness...but as much as the Devil wants to become always the one Sacrament he avoids...the other Six...he may dare to present himself. Witches may dare to ride Brooms...the Devil never does...he always appears as Smog...the Mixture Of Smoke and Mist.


If you wanted to Plot the Devil on a Graph and understand the sort of havoc Lion Turtles go through in Terms of a Mathematical Expression...the Black Zetsuian Theorem is always the best. The Devil is what happens when you annihilate the Z Axis in a 3D Graph in your attempt to convert the Data into a 2D Expression On A 2D Graph...the Graph you will note...collapses into a very Distorted Image Of The Original...and the reason is simple...without the Z Axis...the X and Y Axis no longer understand the Relationship they have to each other. The in a expression of 'Distance' itself. His 'every act' is 'motivated' by the 'Desire to create Distance'...and not just between 'People' but 'Objects' as well...which is why 'people tend to feel more isolated in Dark Situations that in Light Ones'. You can say he is the sort of 'Reverse Warp Portal ' that materializes when 'an act of injustice distances People who were once very close'.

Have you ever noticed how difficult it is to bring a 'Villain to the Point where he Sees the Light?' This is a 'Common Tragedy' that 'befalls most Lion Turtle Monkeys' which is why the 'Gods advise them to see themselves as a Species different from Mankind...though not isolated from them'. It is like trying to explain to a 'Dot'...what a 'Line' is or to a 'Line' what a 'Square' is or to a 'Square' what a 'Cube' is. A 'Dot' is a 'Part Of A Line' but may not necessarily 'understand what a Line is'. A 'Line is a Part of a Square but may not understand what a Square is'. A Square is a part of a Cube but may not understand what a Cube is and the reason is...each of these exist in a separate Dimension...that increases in Complexity with every New Extension to the Fundamental Shape. History is 'not a Circle' and it is 'never a Line' but more like a 'Spiral'. In '3D Terms' the 'Circumference of a Spiral never increases or decreases but is always the same...the Positions Overlap...but the Axis always slightly differ. What happens when you try to express this in 2D Terms is like looking at the 'Plan Of A Building' and not the 'Building itself'. You would see a Circle...whereas the image is actually a Spiral. The 'Yin Yang' expresses the 'relationship of Points on a Spiral' and 'not necessarily' the 'Shape Of A Circle'. To make up for 'the loss of info due to the Collapse' like 'the Devil falling from Heaven to Earth'...'what happens usually adds extra info to the 2D Expression that was not necessarily in its 3D Expression...and this reveals itself in many the 'extension of Distance or Space' to 'compensate' for the 'inability to express overlapping images/expressions' due to 'collapse'...and this is another expression of a 'Scale'. It is almost 'impossible to express overlapping images' in '2D' since 'one of the images will superimpose itself on the other' 'create the impression that the other does not exist'. One way to 'express this without 'eliminating' the 'other object' is to 'harmonize the objects' by 'ridding certain things like the 'Volume of Sounds that Harmonize' or 'the strength of Opacity/Transparency in Colours/Wavelengths Of Light'. 'Harmony' in 'Colour' and 'Sound' are meant to compensate for 'overlapping Sounds' and 'Wavelengths of Light' by 'sacrificing some strengths of the Objects one wishes to build a relationship between'. In cannot 'differentiate Sounds' if one were to hear...'the Sounds Of A Star or Sun in Unison' and 'Light is always Perfectly White'. The 'Perceived Differences' are 'expressions to 'compensate for the Collapse' that occurs when a 'Higher Dimension Collapses into a Lower Dimension' 'the Advent Of The Son Of Man'...or 'the Fall Of The Devil' and 'the Fall Of Mankind in Eden'. In 'Spiritual Terms' those 'Three Falls' occur 'simultaneously'...and in 'a sense' even 'echo Judas' Treachery at the Last Supper'...but to express this in 'Temporal Terms' one would need to 'separate the events' and 'link them via Context'. The 'Z Axis ensures that the X Axis and Y Axis comprehend their relationship to each other' like the 'Black in the White' and 'White in the Black'. Even in a Room Full Of Light...there are always some Shadows generated by Obstacles'. The 'Devil is the Obstacle'...the 'Shadows are Cast...where the Light does not reach'...causing the 'collapse into the Lower Dimension' to 'express itself as a 'Relationship Of Distance' between the 'X and Y Axis' which is why in an 'attempt to convert a 3D image into a 2D image...the 'image collapses' the moment the 'Z Axis is eliminated'. Playing Super Mario on the Nes not the same as Playing it on the 'Switch Console'. The Differences between a 'Switch Version Of Mario' and 'Nes Version Of Mario' a 'matter of eliminating the Z Axis'...and converting the 3D image into a 2D Expression without 'sacrificing' the 'Relationship between the X and Y Axis'.


...I have not yet found your Works complete in my sight...remember your first love and consider how far you have fallen...or I will come like a Thief in the Night and you will never see me coming...I will snatch the Candle from your Lampstand...


Head back to Genesis and trace the Origins of the First Expression Of 'Romance'...God creates Adam and the two share a relationship...but Adam does not feel complete. God brings Animals to keep him occupied but it still does not complete him. God puts the whole world under his care...yet Adam still feels incomplete. The 'First Time' Adam feels complete is when 'Eve is created'...and her 'Creation Story is actually very interesting'... 'God creates her after putting Adam into a Deep Slumber and 'picking one of his Ribs' 'Eve who is Adam's also a kind of Offspring. Now the Question becomes, what is a 'Rib'. A 'Rib' is a System Of 'Parallel Circular Bones/Nearly Parallel Circular Bones' joined to the 'Spine' that 'Protects Vital Organs...that are so fragile that without the Rib...the Living Being is very vulnerable to Death if any object pierces a Vital Organ contained within...a similar Expression Of The Longinus Spear Protocol. This is the 'First Expression Of A Romance'.



Mankind's Fall always begins with the 'Proverb', 'Objects in the Mirror are Closer than they appear'. The Sort Of Thing you need a 'Convex' or 'Concave Lens to Correct'. If you wanted to draw a...Reflection of An Object on a Graph(Sasuke in Relation to Naruto or Madara in Relation to Hashirama...or Indra in Relation to Asura...or Boruto in relation to Kawaki)...what happens if you shift the distance...between the Figures on the Left X Axis or Low Y Axis...that is the sort of Havoc Black Zetsu causes in the Shinobi World Of Naruto. The 'Problem is'...'in the beginning...the shift is so might consider it negligible and that it might not cause much Trouble'...'the Trouble Starts when your Teacher 'orders' you to 'Scale Up your Reflection' and its 'Object'. That 'negligible shift' starts to create 'vast differences between the image and its object' as the 'Scale Increases'...Shinobi World War IV...that is the result. It starts with something as Small as 'Black Zetsu' altering the 'inscriptions on the Uchiha Stone Tablet'. This ultimately leads to the 'Third World War' where 'Obito is mistaken for Dead after his Heroism...and Rin is killed...beginning Obito's Quest for Vengeance. Obito 'instigates the War by creating the Akatsuki' but his 'motivation' is as simple as 'The Shinobi World failing to keep Rin alive'...which is why most of 'the Tools used for that Vengeance' have the name 'Rin' attached to the 'Rinnegan'...the 'Edo Tensei'...the 'Susano'o'...the 'Izanami' and 'Izanagi'...the 'Mange-kyo Sha-rin-gan'. In simple 'words' it is a kind of 'Jinx' that 'forces the 'Criminal to recollect' the 'Crimes he has committed against the Victim'...that is what a Curse is all about.'