Arcology is a Biblical Principle that describes the processes or steps that need to be taken in order to build a completely self sustaining Society or Family that is independent of or not dependent on outside help for Survival. Today, we shall discuss the First Four Laws Of Arcology.


Any Ark you intend to build must be immune to Leakages for if you can create backdoors in your Ark for Exploitation...know that the enemy can figure out how to exploit these Backdoors as well.


Basically this means...what goes on in the Ark stays within the Ark and the Stormy Waves outside the Ark must not be allowed into the Ark. An interloper or treasonous Act usually begins with someone who does not consider himself a member of the 'Ark Sect' but a member of the 'Stormy Wave Sect'. He finds his way into the 'Ark' and 'acts like a member of the Ark but in essence is not'.


1. The Parable Of The Thief who sneaks into the Sheep Pen without passing through the Gate.

2. The Parable Of The Wheat and Tares.

3. The Thorns, Ground and Birds that choke the Seeds in the Parable Of The Sower.

4. The Yeast Of The Pharisees.

These have in common Elements of being added to 'Sets or Sects they do not actually belong in'. There is some level of 'Participation' but in 'essence' there is 'no sense of Loyalty'.

Jesus provides a simple Formula to discovering the Wolf among the Sheeps during the Last Supper when he says 'the one who dips his hand into the Meal with me will betray me'. In essence, when one consumes Food...that act of eating is a Form Of Communication between the 'Cook' and the 'Consumer'...any hand that finds its way into the 'Food' that did not participate in its 'Cooking' is the 'Wolf amongst the Sheep'. No 'Cook would willingly Poison another since he would be the First Suspect Of The Crime'...thus the 'Criminal is always someone who puts his hand in the Pot...when he did not 'participate in the Cooking' and is not going to be a 'Consumer Of The Meal' which is why Jeremiah's 'Potter Field Parable, the Baker executed by Pharaoh according to Joseph's Dream...Topheth and the Valley Of Trouble and Judas Iscariot's Burial Ground have that one element in Common with the Fall Of Mankind namely 'A Pot' in which an ingredient has been added by a 'Party who neither cooked the Meal nor will Consume it'. Judas puts his hand in the 'Pot' though he did not 'cook the Meal'. He leaves the 'Supper' before anyone 'consumes the Meal'. He 'neither cooks nor consumes...yet his hand is in the Meal'.


The Ark must never weigh more than the Amount Of Water it displaces.


It is a very 'Foolish Thing' to be 'Gluttonous or Greedy' without 'comprehending how Karma might Pay One back for an act of injustice' hence the 'Concept Of A Balanced Diet'. 'Obesity is usually associated with 'eating too much' but not necessarily 'acquiring enough nutrients' thus all one eats is 'Mass' but with no 'Energy'. Your stomach feels full but you do not actually feel satisfied and that further amplifies craving like a Ship with a Punctured Hull that starts to take in Sea Water...and begins a 'Countdown to its Demise'. The 'ability of a Ship to Float is due to its ability to 'displace an equivalent amount of Water to its own weight'...which is why 'Crime' and 'Fear' usually go 'hand in hand'. The 'Crime or act of injustice' is like 'Puncturing A Hole in the Hull Of A Ship' which is how 'Trojan Horses usually find their Way into Troy for instance'. The Trojans were known for their Wisdom and the Spartans for their Brutality. Under normal Circumstances...Brutality can never defeat Wisdom. Achilles was dropped into the 'Pool' while his 'Mother held his Heel'. His Mother failed to 'put his entire body into the Pool and overlooked this error in Judgement because she assumed the Heel Of A Person was such a small Warrior could actually reach when battling a Skilled Opponent'. is this one breach that 'kills Achilles' like David's Proverbial Stone that 'slays Goliath'. The Trojans were equally overconfident of the ability of the Walls Of Their City to Protect them from Harm...and never imagined that the 'Spartans could ever resort to Shrewdness'. Their 'confidence in the perceived idiocy of the Spartans led to a grievous error in Judgement' when they perceive the 'Giant Horse' the Spartans left behind as a 'Spoil Of War and Offering to the Gods'...they bring this into their City without considering 'the Mass Of The Horse...they carry it and perceive its lightness and do not imagine that the Lightness Of Such a Giant Horse might be due to the Fact that it is completely 'Hollow'...and 'nesting a Troop Of Spartan Warriors'. Their overconfidence in 'the Security the Walls Of Their City could provide coupled with their confidence in the Stupidity Of The Brutal Spartans...caused their City to Fall the One Moment...the Brutal Spartans choose to 'use their Heads and couple that with their Muscles'.


The Thrusting Force Of The Ark must never be outweighed by the Pull Of Gravity to prevent the Ark from Collapsing.


A lot of Havoc or Calamity can be wrought from being either 'too trusting or naive' or being too 'skeptical or overly suspicious'. If one is too trusting, one tends to overestimate the ability of the other to 'defend and support them in times of Crisis'...when the Thrust Of An Ark far exceeds the Force Of Gravity...the Forces acting on the Ark tend to be greater and can 'shatter the Body Of The Ark' if the 'Materials that compose the Mass Of The Ark are not durable enough'...this can also have a 'negative impact on the 'Balance Of The Ark'...this is why God sets up the 'Levites to have a different Support System from the Rest Of The Nation...because he did not want them to derive their 'Support from Political Leaders or Economic Forces...but from Legitimate Provisions made by God himself imposed upon the People Of The Land as a Sacred Duty to God Himself. If The Levites became dependent on Political Leaders and Economic Influences for their Livelihood, then their decisions could be manipulated by these Forces when these Forces impose upon them the Obligation to repay their Debts. Many Sovereign States have leaders with genuine Visions Of Prosperity for their Nations. It is not always out of Malice that Political Leaders fail to carry out their Promises...but they spend a lot 'repaying Foreign Debtors' and 'Loan Sharks' that they 'seldom have enough to implement their own Plans'. God did not want the Levites to fall into this Trap.


The Ark must never approach Celestial Bodies whose Gravitational Pull outweighs the Thrusting Force Of The Ark.


There are areas within the Ocean where Whirlpools and other Strong Currents can 'pull a Ship towards a Rock and Shatter it dooming the Sailors' like the Story Of The Titanic. Experienced Sailors avoid these 'Ocean Hotspots' and there is a 'Spiritual Reason' as to the 'Superstitions Of Ghost Ships in those Areas' which goes something like this... 'in Stories about Sailors who encounter Sirens or usually hear of the Ship sinking due to 'Treachery' like the instance of the 'Samson and Delilah Tragedy' and the 'Beheading Of John The Baptist'. The 'Lesson' is 'never approach anyone or any being or Force...that causes you to 'doubt the Loyalty Of Your Own Kind'. This creates 'Turbulent Waves Of Conflict...amplified by Doubt...that will sink your Titanic'. In most of the Stories where the 'Apostles encounter a Storm at Sea', the Story ends with Jesus 'reprimanding them for their Lack Of Faith' because though they have known him for long, walked with him and seen his Miracles, they 'trust more in the Power Of The Storm than in the Might Of Their Master' and any 'Soldier in an Army that Trusts the Strength Of The Enemy General more than the Strength Of His Own General will either defect from his Army...or sow seeds of Discord that destroys the Unity and Coordinating Might Of The Army during the Ancient Tales Of Treachery in Biblical Tales and Foreign Myths.