To defend your Religion from Heresy, you must yourself become its Worst Heretic. In the entire History Of Heretics, there must be none above the Rank Of Prime Heretic than you the Ultimate Knight Of Your Religion. Once you achieve that Weaver Of Calamity State, you understand Full Well every Possible Question any Heretic could ever pose about your Religion because you yourself have considered all the Worst Possible Heresies...long before they even imagined to pose those Questions.

You cannot defend the Law or Constitution Of Your Nation if you don't understand the Psychology That Drives Crime aka the Devil. You are not studying the Psychology Of Criminals for every Criminal has his own tendencies and thought patterns but the Psychology Of Crime itself.

Once you've achieved this State, you only need to hear a Single Sentence uttered at least Twice...and you can generate an entire Skill Tree for the Progression Of Thought Of That Heresy.


The reason most Religions are Endangered Species is because of these 'Two Statements that Jesus made'

1. The Children Of This World are much more Shrewder in dealing with their Affairs than the Children Of Light.

2. Be Wise as Serpents but gentle as Doves.

The Children Of Light claim to know what is right and blindly accept it without considering that the Devil could not exist without the Participation Of The Will Of God. Though they tend to have Faith in God, their 'Failure' and 'Tendency' to 'Consider', 'Ignore' and 'Blind themselves to the more serious questions pertaining to their Religion' makes these 'Subjects'...'Open Points Of Attack to any Heretic who understands their Tendency to ignore these Subjects'...turning these subjects into 'Achilles Heels' and 'Trojan Horses' for the 'Religion'. The 'Children Of Light' though 'Loving and Usually Right' fail to comprehend that 'Purity' and 'Being a Neat Freak' do not necessarily 'equate to the same thing'. One can only 'Build Immunity' after 'Falling Sick' several times to the 'same ailment'...on the other hand...when 'one tends to keep their environment absolutely pristine...they are prone to disease precisely because of the fact that they have never fallen ill'.

This is why 'African Immune Systems and those Of Asians and Middle Eastern Tribes' tend to be 'Stronger' than the 'Immune Systems Of Their European and American Counterparts'. It is 'due to their proneness to falling ill and the Harshness Of Their Environment' which 'Forces their Bodies to adapt to these Uncomfortable Climates'. Even in America and Europe...the 'Poor and Ghetto Americans and Europeans tend to be Street Wiser and more Immune to Disease than those in more Favoured States and Communities for the exact same reason'.

Simply the 'attempts of the Children Of Light to 'avoid' Problematic Questions, they become unable to 'hold defensive stances' in 'Debates' against 'Heretics'...and that is usually how they 'Fall' for you must know...'once you enter a debate with a Heretic...the usual end result is 'Death by Stoning' once 'they instigate a Mob Reaction to compensate for their Loss in their Argument'. While the 'Children Of Light seek to be Right'...the 'Children Of Darkness do not necessarily seek to be right in their Argument...they are already Fully Aware that their Argument is based on Folly(the Snake is the Only One In Eden who does not pass blame to another though he instigated the entire event) and so are the Possible Answers the Children Of Light may pose however they also understand that if they can compensate for the Flaws in their Logic by either 'Triggering A Mob Reaction' by 'being Louder than their Opponent' or by 'Manipulating Emotional Vulnerabilities among the Crowd', the 'Crowd shall lose their Sanity and give in to their Bitter Emotions' and 'will themselves' be the 'Executioners Of The Just' thus the 'Children Of The Dark tend to be very eloquent in Speech and Louder...but not necessarily Logical'. While the 'Children Of Light may seek to be right', 'the Children Of Dark seek a Spoil Of Souls or a Larger Following'. It is easy to spot Flaws in their Argument if you understand 'Basic Mathematical Operations' such as 'Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division' if you ignore their Argument and pay close attention to their 'Application Of Prepositions during Argument'...then you can be both 'Right and Logical in Your Own Argument'. 'Prepositions' in any 'Language' are used to 'establish 'Relationships and Links' between 'Sentences' and Ideas'. Once you 'spot the 'disconnect or inconsistency' between their 'Use Of Prepositions' and 'the Relationships they try to build between their Arguments' is 'very easy to 'tear apart their argument' and 'break it down from Within' but first ensure that the Data they present has not been manipulated by External Sources' lest you deal 'unjustly' with an 'innocent person whose naivety was exploited''.