Accost Splendora ❷ C-1_2 Under The Peach Tree Book By Ryan T.S

Chapter One

Page 2- _Intrepid Glare_

Takashi.... _Do you remember anything before coming here?_

Her heart split into piercing doubtful thumps. Peevish itches conveyed a blank mind, bluffing oblivion to the unbidden warping walls around. She gathered scattered pieces of memories, rummaging through a somewhat amnesiac brain.

What did she hope to find? The suppressed humility from her childhood?, Or the time she almost stabbed her brother on reflex? Evading blame only daubed stupidity, as was Takashi's way of passionately exaggerating words.

Tossing an effort at ignoring the stern glare struck from a smirked face, she secretly leaned on her mind for answers. Quivering lips stumbling upon a stall was all she could get, flexing nothing but displeasure.

Rintarõ.... _Ok i give up, i don't seem to remember a thing so you might as well pitch in._

Takashi.... _Seriously!?, nothing about me calling and delivering some good news ring a bell?_

Rintarõ.... _What?! Argh!, if that's all then i remember as clear as day. I received a call from you this afternoon, but there was nothing good about it. And i'm guessing that's when i blacked out?_

Takashi.... _You're right about one thing, but not quite. First there was nothing bad about my call, second, you've been in here for three days straight. I've been visiting you for the past three nights._

Immediately, shock expunged the wavering smile plastered on her exquisite face. Clustered surprise took feet onto her door, fostered by sprouting inquisition. Wary of regret, forth-drawn ideas bounced back, surmounting whatever curiosity turned her face woebegone. A foreboding melody clasped her thrown stance, chiming the peerless flair of seductive Haruno. She effortlessly feigned cuteness, no doubt ramming futility right for a loss. No one could resist those pretty golden flecks , paired with the cute sister pose, even the uncanny valiant posture of her brother. Frozen overwrought from the forseen perilous dare, Takashi ignorantly gave in to an explanation.

Sought from the stammering mouth of her brother, apparently after fainting, her body lay still 'till he arrived, the so said evening of that day. Panick-provoked, the quavering brother turned tail to the nearest hospital. Despite his shivers, Takashi's jaws wouldn't draw back on prayer, despairing knees pinned down before ward 6. One could even mistake his incantation-like words, to be a "miracle" charm. Unrewarding efforts they may have seemed, opposing the expected as nothing wrong dawned upon his little sister.

'All she needs is some rest," the doctor kept saying for three full days, crushing a mere glint of hope. What was hope anyway? Who needed such a thing? Shook by the very same logic, Takashi appeased a pathetic resolve, frequent check-ins on every visiting hours.

Perishables heaped beside the bed, tears staining her blue dotted white robes. Dreary to say, fondly loved Haruno neither snapped nor twitch.

The somewhat long proclaimed explanation fell on partly deaf ears. After all, to her it only felt like a few hours.

Failing to find a problem, the doctor downed a discharge nod.

Later, she slowly walked out the hospital, belittled and feeling nothing short of weak. Tingling feet turned for Takashi's car, parts of her stomach growling enough to startle her brother for a split second. She tackled feets of repeating cute eyes, ruefully encountering his fortified bold stare.

To Be Continued....