Accost Splendora ❷ C-1_6 Under The Peach Tree

Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter One

Page 6- _Dining Luster_

    'Where's my peeping boy?," she questioned the back of her mind, trying to figure out the weird events recent before a blackout.

Rewinding a week back, her eyes would often meet the lustrous glare of some boy in the train. And she could've sworn catching a short glimpse of him at school. Sadly her revival changed the old to new, and frankly she couldn't quite picture herself as the previous Rinny.    'Maybe seeing some of your friends will rid this weird feeling," inner whispers calmed her nerves, whimsy body scurrying into the premises.

       Monotonous tip-tap sounds echoed through the ground, dethroning eerie chatters with a euphoric rhythm. Straight long hair swinging left and right, she boldly stopped, face front of her glimmering locker. From every corner loomed leery gazes, all vying for her attention. Each boy serenaded love whispers, tinged by chivalrous upright postures.

Charmed by the new luscious Rin, many corner-eyed her radiant looks, lieu of the anger bottling beside. Sparks of envy strung along a chain around the lobby, each girl blowing out flares of hell fire. Next she was catching deadly messages from a dozen green eyes, too sharp to be complimentary glances.

Regardless of the prickling stares, she cheerfully moved on to rolling her locker pin, harvesting a pile of devastating letters, keenly awaiting her jolly little heart. Seven or more her eyes counted, scrolling through the white enveloped curse. All were scribbled with the same name, _*The Unknown*_.

Almost instantly, she lurched right, her delirious head taking a firm foothold.    'How did they even open my locker?," a shuttering thought which held its first, eager on the queue of mysteries to be revealed. She snatched the letters, banged her locker shut, and scuttled straight upstairs. Her feet plodded upwards, stranding shuddering quakes throughout the passages, just before dragging a brake on the classroom door.

From the back sat Merumi dominating the left end, Keisuke drooling on his table stuck in the middle, and Takahiro slammed in the corner, peeping at a captivating sky.

       'Wow!, i was able to wake up early and yet they all still turned up earlier," sighed the young mistress. Her view stretched all the way back, colliding with her best friend's wayward up lids and brows. Void of civilized sense, a screech escaped Ai's table floor, rushing to embrace her friend so tight she could barely breathe.

    A startling sudden moment, everyone's heart took a leap for a split-second, reaching a collected halt, as they all turned to look at the star of attention. Among the masses peaked Keisuke's head, rising in shock to meet a cheerful grin. His blood moon red eyes blinked twice, a reassurance to see if was dreaming. Ebulliently widening for a huge smile, heart guided lethal laps. Even so, that didn't stop him from yelling a subtle, 'Rintaro.., is that you!?"

To Be Continued........