Accost Splendora ❷ C-1_10 Under The Peach Tree

Book by Ryan T.S

Chapter One

Page 10- _Assassinative Desire_

Or perhaps that was just envy, taking a shot at _little miss genius'_ heart. Ready to change the subject, the teacher added a weird statement.

Ms Toriumi.... _She's no doubt intelligent. Which is exactly why i feel sorry for her._

Tidying the silence with distorted disdain, exceptional oddity descended on the once pure atmosphere. So distant from easily depicting, efforts to do so would only reward despair. She stared deep into the lady's dejected face.

Rintarõ.... _What do you mean?_

Ms Toriumi.... _Well it just so happens, the day she turned up to write her entrance exam, a sudden cold gripped her marvelous body. And because of that, she was unable to write two other tests. But since this school is both prestigious and wealthy, maintaining a strict sense is necessary. In other words, she couldn't take another test. Even so still, she was able to score amazing points, and enrolled in the first year's second graded class, 1-A._

Rintarõ.... _Wow!, that's definitely amazing! (And suspicious)._

Detaching an imposed remark, her reasoning gadget mingled with stirred resentment. Mystery hovered about that girl, definitely fishy, or perhaps that was just her teacher's lunch, occupying boiled fish steaks.

Ms Toriumi.... _Ah! Enough about that, lunch will be over soon. Let's talk about why i called you here._

Rin busy throwing a fit about sinister vibes, her eyes plundered a glimpse of lady Chinami's smile, locked onto a deadly serious look.     'Come to think of it, why did she call me?," her heart pounded, fright-born and ready to burst. She turned to gaze upon her teacher's overjoyed freakishly smiling face.    'Whoa!, definitely scary".

Ms Toriumi.... _It's about your absence on Friday and cleaning day._

Haruno's face tightened, clutching unnecessary fear. She bagged a troubled scowling crease and shaking legs. All well in luck, Lady Chinami sat near enough to notice, striking a different approach.

Ms Toriumi.... _Oh but don't worry, your brother visited friday morning and explained everything. You were in the hospital because of a very serious illness, that pushed you into a coma right?_

Rintarõ.... _Huh!?...., uhh well, kind of. (Argh!Takashi!!!, i swear to get you for this) Sorry ma'am, it seems my brother may have exhausted quite the exaggeration. I was just out cold for three days after blacking out at home. The doctor said he was unable to find anything wrong with me, so i got discharged last night._

Ms Toriumi.... _Oh i see. (So he's also the funny type, quite the charmer eyy)_

To Rin, her teacher didn't seem one bit surprised. In fact, she caught her drooling one moment, and the next she was smiling. Farthest of thoughts, a podium-set choir sang praises, horror ambushing an impassive off-guarded girl.

To be continued...