Hidden Arrows (3)

Constance is now chasing the leader of the assassins in one of the dark alleyways in the city. He can see that he is getting nearer and nearer to the leader as the man is getting tired of trying to shake him off.

Luckily, the stamina training pays off in this situation...

Constance has still a lot of energy to spare while the assassin is getting slower and slower.

The assassin realizes that he is already in an unfamiliar part of the city, and feels troubled and uncomfortable as he is now not sure where he would turn to next. It seems they have reached the dark slums of the city that are devoid of people and authority.

The two have keep running until the assassin turns into one of the alleyways and finds himself trapped in a dead-end as there is a high wall blocking the path that would be impossible to climb up as there are no objects and structures that he could climb on.

He unsheathes his dagger and short sword as he knows that he can only fight Constance who is chasing him now. He knows that he is at a disadvantage as he is only using his spare sword and dagger as he has dropped his bow, main sword, and some throwables when he flees from the area near the inn.

He looks at Constance who also arrived at the dead-end, both are holding their weapons ready to fight. They lock eyes as both of them realize that the opponent they are facing is a person that has already slain a lot of men.

Constance looks at the leader of the assassins and notices that he is already tired from all the fighting and running. He is also tired, but his enemy is more tired than him and sweating profusely.

The assassin is trying to buy more time to catch his breath, but Constance would not let him.

Constance immediately charges forward to the assassin, slashing his sword from the side while pushing the shield forward.

The assassin blocks the sword slash with his short sword but is bashed by the shield as his dagger can't stop it. He falls and drops the dagger on the floor, the pain in his hand is apparent after the shield is bashed to him.

He tries to regain his footing when Constance hits him with the shield again.

Constance then punches the stomach of the leader of the assassins, knocking the man unconscious. The battle that he thinks would be hard ends easily and quickly as the assassin is already tired and weary of all the running.

Constance sighs with relief that he is able to take down the leader rather easily and he can now sigh in relief that everything is over. He tied the hands and feet of the leader of the assassin to make sure that he wouldn't try to escape while he sat in the sides after it.

-- -- -- -- --

"Your Imperial Highness and My Lord, that is everything that I had gathered."

Sir Markus is now standing in front of Constance and Princess Tessia who had just listened to his report of the attack that happened hours ago. They are now all staying inside the Callium city hall seeking protection from the Callium City Mayor, Baron Gustaf Adolfe, and the Callium city guards.

"Thank you, Sir Markus, for the information you have gathered." Princess Tessia said. "And also, for fighting wholeheartedly against those assassins. I thank you and other knights… and also you Lord Constance."

"It is my honor to serve you, princess," Constance replied.

"It is also my honor Your Imperial Highness." Sir Markus added, waited for his liege to speak out first before him. He bowed his head slightly to the princess, even if he is serving the Margravate of Arignon, it is still a great honor of fighting for the imperial family.

Sir Markus then immediately leaves the parlor making Constance and the princess is now all alone in the room.

"It seems that someone is targeting you, princess," Constance speaks, breaking the silence. "They know that you are traveling with limited guards, luckily they have attacked us inside the city."

"I can't remember making any enemies making me a target of an assassination."

Princess Tessia's face shows anguish and sadness, knowing that her already hard and strict life would become much more as she is now a target of assassinations and attacks.

Being an imperial princess is already suffocating in following traditions and protocols and now that she is being targeted would mean more protocols and security, especially since she would now enroll in the imperial academy for schooling and education.

"It might be because of the ongoing power struggle that is now affecting the entire empire princess, as you are the daughter of the late Grand Prince Frederick, the rightful heir of the imperial throne… Losing him is the biggest disaster of the empire…" Constance said. "Your faction's enemy is even hiring the hidden arrows to have you killed."

Princess Tessia becomes gloomier when Constance mentions her father's name who already passed away years ago. The empire should have not devolved into this madness and chaos if only her father didn't go into a campaign against the Slavinia Confederation in the east where he met his end together with two legions.

His death becomes a destabilizing point for the empire as it gives the other faction an opportunity to fight for the seat of the emperor. The once powerful faction that is supporting the first empress has become a hollow shell compared to the past as they have left and joined the other factions who are able to persuade them to change sides.

Her uncle, Grand Prince Alexander, who becomes the new leader of their faction after Grand Prince Frederick's death can't fully stop the weakening of the faction as the defeat is a big humiliation for their group.

"If only your father didn't march into the eastern steppes, the succession struggle that the empire is now suffering won't happen…" Constance said and then whisper something only that he can hear.

"And father won't have also lost his life in that campaign."

Constance looks sad that his father has joined that campaign and has never returned after. He can still remember the last time he had seen his father, riding on top of his mount and waving at him and his grandfather as he went to answer the call of the empire.