Chapter 1

Laura walks into the class, wearing a brown face cap which adds more beauty to her long flowing hair, as usual, there's this weird look of disgust on her face, she never talks to anyone nor smiles. As she walks past Klause, he breathes slowly as he inhales the scent of her perfume. He could guess it was pomelo, he didn't notice she was staring at him, he looks up and meets her angry, wild stare, then it dawns on him that he is leaning on her chair. 'Sorry', he mutters as he Leaves wondering why she never smiles. Laura has been this way all her life, her rude and unfriendly nature makes one wonders if she ever had any friend. Klaus will always try to bring up a conversation with Laura but she never has his time, she ignores him like he's a piece of trash and never gives room for a conversation between both of them. Klaus on the other hand is deeply in love with Laura and vows to do all he can to make things work out between them.

As time goes on, Laura's hatred for Klaus seems to grow deeper, Klaus on the other hand keeps trying to figure out what he's ever done to hurt her,they've only known each other since a year ago when they happened to get the admission into the very college. Klaus seems to be the only person Laura goes that hard on, she's always been rude but her attitude towards Klaus shows that there's no room for even the tiniest bit of love in her heart for Klaus.

Few days later, Laura goes to get a few things from the mall, just right outside the mall, she steps on a banana peel and slips over and just before she gets to the ground, a masculine hand holds her by the waist and drags her up before she slips off, she looks up and lo and behold, it's Edd. The class king. Edd happens to be Klaus's brother, they never get along and everyone wonders why, they are never to be left alone as they've been caught a thousand times trying to fight themselves to death. Laura breathes deeply and thanks him, he offers to take her to a bar and get her a drink, she smiles haphazardly and they walk along the road like two kids in love.

Edd and Laura's friendship seems to be growing so much after then, they walk to school together and Edd becomes the only person Laura talks to, she asks Edd why he never speaks to his brother Klaus and he asks her why she never speaks to him either, both have no reason for hating on the poor boy but they cant help it either.

Days turn to weeks, weeks to months and things aren't getting any better between Klaus and Laura, Klaus notices how close Edd and Laura have been and it burns him deep down, sometimes he gets really angry and feels like shedding off his skin and devouring Edd but these will not only make Laura hate him more, but give her more reason to stay away from him. Edd is a tall and fair skinned lad,he is older than Klaus. Edd's life as a werewolf is a dark and dangerous one, unlike other werewolves who bite humans and turn them into werewolves like themselves, Edd feeds on them. He tears off their skins and feeds on their chunks of flesh. Klaus is the direct opposite of Edd, he falls among the add of dudes with fierce looks but an amiable heart. His life as a werewolf is a pathetic one, he is a borne werewolf and is destined to lead the pack, his position as the Alpha is taken from him by his brother Edd, who is a million times stronger than him. Klaus is only concerned about winning Laura's heart and becoming the Alpha he is meant to be. Klaus runs 5000 kilometers everyday in the jungle, he fights an animal every week in the jungle. His dream to be an alpha is a never dying dream. Edd with the calm looks kills a human every week, he sees it as an exercise and uses it to intimidate Klaus and tags him a weakling.

The college break starts in no time with everyone writing their to-do list for the short break, Edd and Laura plan to go fishing together with Edd having it in mind to ask Laura for a relationship. Klaus on the other hand vows to make things better between himself and Laura. Edd and Laura's fixed day for the fishing comes sooner than expected and they take all that they would need for their fishing activity, Klaus gets there a little later and meets Edd proposing to Laura, he drops the white roses he had gotten from the florist for Laura and waits impatiently to hear her reply, his heart rate seems to be 20 times faster than the normal heart beat but is soon calmed when Laura asks for a little time to think over Edd's proposal. Klaus comes out of his hideout and walks home sadly. Klaus gets home and a replay of the day's activity seems to be running through his mind, he sits down to a bottle of vodka as he tries to forget but gets more angry. He decides it will be best to let go of Laura, he concludes that she can never be his girl as she wouldn't even look at him twice. He decides to avoid her and promises to forget about her as time goes on. Klaus begins to avoid Laura, he skips some classes, he tries everything humanly possible to get her off his mind.

The week runs by really fast and before anyone would spell out Jack Robinson, the college break was over.

Edd and

It's a Wednesday morning, Edd and Laura walk into the class together, Klaus catches a glance of them and walks out of the class and goes straight to the bathroom, his eyes changes to darkish yellow, he folds his knuckles and his knee is seen transforming into a hard and hairy thing, Klaus tries to control himself but he roars out in pain as his body begins to transform into a werewolf's, but just before the transformation takes place completely, Edd comes in, finds Klaus in the awful situation and makes fun of him, asks him why he is all green with jealousy and tells him that Laura belongs to him and cannot be taken by anyone except himself, 'Edd'. Laura on the other hand walks past the washroom and hears strange voices and an animals like sound, she peeps to see what's going on and realizes its Edd and Klaus, she leans over on the door to overhear their conversation, from the tone of their voices, she could tell which was Edd's and which was Klaus's voice, she's just about to mind her business when she hears Edd boasting of how he got her within the twinkle of an eye, tells Klaus that he only wants Laura around because he needs an heir just in case he dies anytime soon, he adds that Klaus can have Laura after she has a baby for him. Klaus grabs him by the neck and promises to kill him should anything ever go wrong with Laura. Laura focuses her eyes on poor Klaus and how rude she has been to him all along.

Laura goes to school earlier than usual the next day, her eyes meet Klaus's own but he turns his face immediately,he has no idea that she already knows all she walks up to him and asks how he's doing, leaving both Edd and Klaus in shock. Laura tells Edd she can't be his girlfriend and openly asks Klaus to be her boyfriend, a surprised but happy Klaus responds positively and they kiss passionately. This is the beginning of the biggest war between Klaus and Edd.