Chapter 3

He tries to calm her down, but she screams in fear, it dawns on him that it is possible she might have forgotten that he exists or could be an effect or reaction to the treatment she's been given, he moves closer to her, He realizes that Edd uses her for his selfish needs and interest, he has tortured her so much and has left her with marks as body decors. Klaus falls on his knees in anger, his body seems to be transforming but he isn't ready for that now. He didn't come for a fight with Edd, he thinks he isn't strong enough yet to defeat a person like Edd. On the other hand, Edd hears Laura's voice and rushes in immediately, the two brothers run into each other halfway into the passage and they immediately throw punches at each other. They fight as though they had foreseen themselves fighting each other already. As the fight continues, their bodies transform to that of the werewolf, with huge masculine bodies and dark yellowish eyes, Edd defeats Klaus and makes fun of him, reminding him that he(Edd), is the one and only true Alpha. He asks Klaus to make his last wish as he draws a dagger and smashes it to his direction. Blood is seen flowing in the air, a happy and satisfied Edd looks down at the body of his brother or so he thinks, he realizes that he has gotten the wrong victim. His best friend and most loyal person 'Harry', happens to be the victim on the ground, the person Edd has slained. He looks closer, then it dawns on him that Harry has just given his life up in place of Klaus. A broken Edd drops the dagger and falls to the ground, he holds Harry's corpse close to his heart and roars in anger. As he roars out in anger, his back twists in a way which seems unnatural and the bones reshape and shift to form a lycanthrope humanoid skeleton causing him immense pain. He roars louder and looks up as he plans on devouring Klaus and shredding him to pieces but Klaus is nowhere to be found any more.

Edd vows to shred Klaus to pieces should he find him, he blames the death of Harry on Klaus and swears to give Klaus the most painful death struck. He organizes a search party to go in search for Klaus, not knowing that the search party has now taken sides with Klaus.

The sorceress visits Edd days later to tell him what she had seen in her dream the previous night, she reveals a lot of things to him again and tells him he is allowed to drain Laura one more time, the very last time to get all the strength he needs, she tells him to pick a day from the coming month and drain all of Laura's blood, she tells him that there's nothing to be sorry for if Laura dies in the process. The crony looking sorceress bites her lips in lamentation as she sings Edd's praises, she reigns blessings on him and expresses her joys to him, she tells him to reserve a seat for her if he finally becomes the Alpha in a few months. All these while, Klaus who has been listening to their conversation,tries to silently move out of his hiding place, he stares angrily at Edd and the sorceress which he describes as an old witch with unkempt hair and greenish teeth. Klaus plans to head immediately to the woods and call the pack for an emergency meeting, as he makes to come out of his hideout, his clothes gets hooked on a rose thorn and an attempt to drag it out makes a hush sound. Unknowingly to him, Edd is just a stone throw away and he(Edd) follows Klaus to the woods to hear whatever it is that Klaus has to tell the pack.

Edd hears their plans and comes up with his own plan to lure Klaus into his den,he feels betrayed, he is mad that the pack chose Klaus over him but he didn't care about any of these, he knows that not a single soul can defeat him. He uses Laura as the bait to drag Klaus to his son and Klaus falls to it. He tells Klaus to come up to him If he doesn't want to pick the head of his lover from the floor, Klaus immediately appears In front of Edd at the mention of Laura's name. Edd locks Klaus in a cage and makes fun of him, he tells him that this is his last game with him as he plans on killing him immediately after his ritual with Laura, he makes jest of Klaus by telling him that he (Edd), is jealous of his(Klaus)relationship with Laura. He tells Klaus that he deserves to be named Romeo as he will make history by dying with his lover.

The pack on the other hand is set with all the plans for the night, not knowing that their hunter has been hunted by the head-hunter. They are filled with positive energy and hope of victory but their happiness is cut short when they don't see any trace of Klaus joining them, Klaus has never been late, their joy soon turns to anger as they begin to think Klaus has only been playing a dangerous game with them and will leave them to their fate. A member of the pack rushes in an hour later to inform them that Klaus has been locked up by Edd and Edd plans on carrying out his power ritual immediately. They come up with an escape plan for Klaus and after successfully breaking the numerous gates that leads to where Klaus is being locked up, they succeed in setting him free and they proceed immediately to save Laura from the hands of the devil.

Edd ties Laura to a pole, he creates a deep hole on her skin with a swiss knife and connects a pipe-like object from the injury on her hand to his hand. He asks the sorceress for guidance, she brings out a book and reads out things which seems like spells, she's chains him to a chair and tells him a list of things to do, she reveals all of Laura's secrets to him, she tells him Laura is like a nine tailed fox with nine lives, she tells him that Laura is his only source of strength and power, she tells him Laura isn't a human but something more scary. She reads out some spells again and then she drains out the blood completely from Laura's body, a helpless and tortured Laura falls to the ground. The power effect of what the sorceress has been reading forms a thick smoke in the room, Edd roars in pain like a life animal thrown into a burning fiery furnace. In no time, Edd's eyes are seen changing colors interchangeably from dark blue to bright yellow. Just when he is almost done refilling Laura's blood with his, Klaus and the angry pack break in. The sorceress tries to run but is captured by two angry wolves still in their human form. They tie her to a pole and ask her to undo whatever it is she just did with Laura. The stubborn, creepy and unkempt looking old woman shrugs and stares at them mockingly and tells them that the deed has been 90 percent done. An angry Klaus looks at his helpless lover and charges angrily towards the devil, Edd shoves him away with a single punch, he punches Klaus many times before finally letting him go. He takes his head and bangs it on a wall, just when Edd is about shredding Klaus to pieces, Klaus sights a sword made of silver and drives it straight into Edd's heart. Edd falls with a loud thud on the ground, he tries to move but Klaus is a step ahead of him. Klaus disconnects the pipe and Edd falls helplessly like a chicken drenched in the rain. Edd tries to reach out to a weapon but Klaus overtakes him and strikes his spine and he gives up the ghost..

Klaus rushes over to revive the dying Laura, he tries to stop the bleeding but his efforts proves abortive, after trying with no sigh, he orders that the sorceress be brought to him and questions her on how to revive Laura, the sorceress refuses to speak saying she will forever remain faithful to Edd and Edd alone even in death. She's threatened with words but she refuses to give in. Klaus then pulls out a knife and keeps it on her throat, he promises to slit her throat.