The Bathing Ritual

The banquet tables seemed to overflow with food. Misty took the opportunity to stuff herself and try as many of the unfamiliar dishes as possible. Some looked different but tasted like food from her old world and other things were completely new.

One of the vegetables tasted like beets, though and she had to discreetly spit that bit out. Even back in her old world, beets tasted like blood to her, and she could never get used to the taste. Her father had forced her to eat cinnamon sugar beets. Even back then she had gagged and couldn't swallow them.

Jay and Kason both kept filling her plate and introducing her to some of the people that they knew who had come to the temple. The faces blurred together, especially since her focus was on the ceremony tonight.

Part of her was scared to meet with Tamult. Astera and Melcar were patient with her, but they were essentially messengers. Thinking about all the things that might go wrong left her stomach in knots.