Who needs an appointment?

When they reached the temple, Psymuk and Harinder took the crates directly into the depths of the temple to the restricted area. Knowing how dangerous the tomes might be, they made sure to reinforce the protections on the space and had trusted guard set to protect them.

They came out to bid farewell to Misty. For the next few days, they would be reviewing the journals to compile a list of experiments that the mad scientist had completed. Once each tome was reviewed, it would be destroyed for good. Psymuk had told Misty that while knowledge was powerful this was the kind of knowledge that no one should have.

"I can't leave yet. Would It be alright if I went to the assessment chamber?" Psymuk looked at her in confusion.

"That shouldn't be a problem, can I ask why?"

"I need to talk to someone. I think I can connect with them there."

"I'll take you myself." Psymuk started to take her down one of the halls when Harinder stepped in.