Caught in the rain (M)

***Author's warning: Contains mature content


By the time Muckle and Misty were able to gather the blanket and basket, the rain had become a downpour. The pavilion was a little different that she was used to. In fact, it looked more like a carriage house. The space underneath the structure was clear but along one side was a small room that had a set of stairs leading up to a small loft. It had an old smell of livestock, as if at one time, the saquus had lived in the stalls under the eaves of the pavilion. The loft must have been reserved for the person on duty. Since them, the loft had been maintained. Everything in the loft was clean and there were a small about of supplies in the kitchenette. This bathroom reminder her the most of modern baths. Maybe it was because the size had to be compact, but a drip shower stood in a closed off area next to a toilet. The sink in the kitchen was the only one in the small space.