The Shrine

The Supreme Elder had decided to take a look at the shrine they made. She should also put something there to show her thanks to them for such a wonderful Disciple birthed into this Azure Void Cave Heaven.

The sight before her was not simple. The shrine was as large as the room she used while staying in Rainbow residence. Incense stands were everywhere. Artifacts were on display. And words of thanks from each of them had been displayed. This along with each of the enshrined parents having what seemed to be their uplift words of encouragement. Pictures had been drawn to show a young Lei Jin happily spending time with his parents. This was in the dead center.

Beside this on either side was a jade tablet that had changing pictures displayed underneath a banner with each of his parents' names. Some drawings were of a very young Xin Xia with her master.

The Supreme Elder could tell they spare no effort in construction. Even the Artifacts that were displayed were the original ones. Each under an intense restriction. If someone were to try and steal it even 7th ranks wouldn't be able to get away cleanly.

"It's beautiful. No wonder they were so anxious to start exploring each other's bodies. They have definitely honored these lost souls perfectly well. The cycle of reincarnation will most definitely look upon this kindly." The Supreme Elder said.

"The Supreme Elder is kind enough to come and visit the shrine. I'm sure that Husband would thank you for visiting as well." Qing Ning said, paying another round of respect to the shrine.

She was the only one no longer busy. The other two had gone to speak with their respective masters. And Elder Hong was cultivating in seclusion. So neither of these two women had much else to do.

For Qing Ning, the reason she was here at the shrine was quite obvious. She wanted to express her thanks to Lei Jin's parents. This is one of those things that she held dear to heart. She was the first woman to marry Lei Jin. Thus she felt it was her duty to give thanks for herself and all the other wives that she had also given approval for. She felt that each time she did this it was being disrespectful in a way. This was her way of repenting for doing this. Even if it wasn't something that her late in-laws would have required, this was something she felt she should do. It was something with her own temperament.

"No, I simply wanted to see just how much that darling child of my friend's disciple loved his parents. And now that I see this, there is no doubt Lei Jin is going to be an excellent man in the future." The Supreme Elder said simply.

"Does the Supreme Elder mean that Lei Jin isn't an excellent man already?" Qing Ning asked. She was trying to get the proper meaning behind what she meant.

"I misspoke, Lei Jin is certainly a great young man now. However, he will be even better later. You will understand the meaning in the future. While you have the temperament of a good wife and mother, I believe he may yet hold a similar temperament. He only has one thing keeping him from showing this to the rest of the world." The Supreme Elder said, pulling out a bottle of wine.

The Supreme Elder had sensed another person nearby. Thus she stopped short of a full explanation. Qing Ning also noticed the presence of this person.

"Since you've come here. Have a seat and drink with us. Yue He of Void Land." Qing Ning said, as the Supreme Elder looked over.

Having been found out Yue He, didn't have much of a choice but to join them. It wasn't that she deliberately was sneaking around the shrine or anything. She had simply wanted to stretch her legs and this was the first time she saw someone who didn't actively have preoccupations.

"I apologize for intruding. It was not my intention." Yue He said, walking over and taking a seat on one of the many cushions laid perfectly in the shrine. Once she was sat down she couldn't help but notice the absolutely amazing comfort of the cushion.

The Supreme Elder pulled out many small drinking bowls. She filled one up for each of the members of Lei Jin's parents team members. And an additional three for the three alive to drink. Then mobilized her strength to pass out the wine filled bowls.

"Thank you Supreme Elder for this, I know my late in-laws and their friends would appreciate this." Qing Ning said, grateful for the bowl of wine. She took it in both of her hands.

"Ah, thank you Divine Monarch. But I'm confused about something. Is it possible the Supreme Elder could enlighten this foolish junior. Why am I allowed to participate in this ceremony? And what is it for exactly?" Yue He asked. She was beyond curious but still took the wine.

"First you are a guest here. These people enshrined here include both of the parents of the master of this residence. So you should pay some respect to them simply for being allowed to be here." The Supreme Elder said.

"Yes, and indeed I shall." Yue He said in response. She was still far too curious for her own good. But it still wasn't a good time to ask.

They all started drinking and paying respect in their own ways. Slowly the jug of wine emptied and was replaced. This happened for the next several days. All eventually becoming hammered beyond hammered.

"Might I ask how these people died? I haven't heard of them before." Yue He asked through the hiccups.

"They were killed in battle. Young Lei Jin was only 7 years old. When his parents were stolen from him." The Supreme Elder said.

"What kind of battle was fought so recently? I don't remember one happening in all the 3000 worlds. None that directly involved the Cave Heavens and paradises." Yue He asked. When she asked this they all sobered up quickly.

"Yue He, this is overstepping. I'm afraid this is not something I can share with you. You're not qualified to know this information. So I must tell you to halt your questions there." The Supreme Elder said, realizing that she spoke loosely last time.

"I see, naturally the Cave Heavens and Paradises would naturally have their reasons for doing this. My apologies for stepping. My curiosity got the better of me." Yue He said in haste to plead for forgiveness.

"This is fine, perhaps some day you'll find out. But do not let today be the day. Just know these people and a great deal more have all paid the same price so you may be here the way you are today. So in a sense these parents gave their lives to protect yours and everyone else's." The Supreme Elder said plainly to put it into perspective.

"This must run deep. Then since this is the case allow me the opportunity to properly pay my respects." Yue He said, turning back and bowing with reverence. She knew what it was like to see people die for the sake of others. Void Land themselves have fought such battles multiple times.