
Lei Jin did his best to ignore these comments. It was not in his nature to accept such comments in general. These four new managers would eventually visit the shrine anyway. So these four inevitably pay their respects there, so there was no need to comment. Though someone else had a few questions. Though not enough time to answer them all. Everyone arrived at Lei JIn's residence and landed.

"This… It feels as if you are everywhere at once. Just how did the Young Pillar manage this? I'd say there is enough energy here to temporarily grant you 6th rank strength." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said, bewildered by the situation before him.

"This aura is derived from my very own. And has the ability to instantly heal minor and superficial wounds. Injuries that are not heavy can be healed passively over a short time. Though anything beyond that requires my intervention." Lei Jin said.

The Headmaster Li Yuan Wang along with Gu Pan after hearing this made an audible gulping sound. Such strength was nothing short of impressive. And this was on top of what Xin Xia had said to the new managers before. At this Qing Ning appeared as if walking in through the use of the Aura.

"Husband is back so soon. Welcome home. These four are the new managers. They don't look too bad. Now then you four I'll expect nothing short of good work. Come with me and I'll begin your training at once." Qing Ning said, as she eyed the four new managers.

"We are in the Seniors hands!" They all said in unison before following Qing Ning away.

"Husband, I'll make sure these four are trained thoroughly." Qing Ning said as she walked away.

"I have confidence that my wife will do well. These four will be responsible for a great many things while we are away. I'll be taking our guests to see the new servants." Lei JIn said, in return.

"Alright our the guests from Langya Paradise alright? We are going to head to visit the former ink disciples." Xin Xia said, looking at the still shocked look on both of their faces.

"Achem… Please lead the way. I'm quite curious about many things." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Feel free to ask…Hold on one moment dear guests…" Lei Jin said, before going to a servant and speaking for a moment before returning. "Apologies Senior but I make it a point to take care of such things the moment they arise." Lei Jin said.

"No matter, rather I'm curious why the young woman seemed so thrilled. The news you gave must have been quite good." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"Master, I might have an idea about this matter." Gu Pan said, thinking about it.

"Oh? Then please Senior what is it you believe I said to that maid servant of mine?" Lei Jin said, curious about if this woman could gather the insight.

"If this woman is able to guess this you should make her my sister, dear Husband." Xin Xia sent through the direct connection between her and Lei Jin.

"Agreed, If this Gu Pan is able to understand the reason this easily then she would likely be a good fit." Lei Jin said in agreement through a similar method.

"Given what I've heard about the Young Pillars abilities… I would assume that you would even have the ability to search everyone's physical wellbeing. Is this correct?" Gu Pan asked.

"Correct, I can indeed do this. However there are some limitations. For instance Open Heaven realms that equal my strength or exceed it can not be searched in this matter. I again must take action to do so. Even then it is not an easy feat when one resists." Lei Jin said, unafraid of giving too much information. Since all of it was just stuff anyone could figure out with a glance at the surface a few moments to dwell on it.

"Then the only conceivable thing that comes to mind is that the Pillar Disciple sensed she was carrying. Upon hearing the news, that was her reaction. Your servants must hold you in high regard when you give such good news like that all the time." Gu Pan smiled.

"Ahaha, you are correct. Perhaps we can talk more later about the proposition Headmaster Li Yuan Wang had mentioned." Lei Jin said, confirming his position.

"Here I thought your powers had limits. I wonder just how much more you'll be able to do in the future." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang laughed slightly.

"You praise this one too much. I wouldn't be at this point without the love of my wives. Each has their own strengths. Though they have the same love for this one. My wives give me a strength I had not known about before. Soon you'll know the full reason why but now is not the time for such things." Lei Jin rambled.

"I have another question, Pillar Disciple, Lei Jin." Headmaster Xiang Xi said, eyeing the servants around.

"Please ask away. I will answer anything that is convenient to speak of." Lei Jin said.

"Could you tell the Headmaster why you have many maid servants wearing entirely different outfits?" Headmaster Xiang Xi Asked.

"I also wondered this, from what I've seen." Head master Li Yuan Wang said.

"That is an easy answer Seniors. The maids wearing the typical uniform are not pregnant. Whether they have yet to become so or have recently given birth." Xin Xia said, "and the ones in the other outfit is what we call 'pregnancy wear'. It affords the woman extra privileges." she added.

"I see, what kind of privileges are these?" Gu Pan piped up curiously.

"While a woman wears this pregnancy outfit, they are barred from any excessive physical actions. Thus when reporting they are not even allowed to kneel. I have forbidden this action as I don't wish to have any accidents occur. Even if I were to fix any problems as they arise it is best not to cause these issues." Lei Jin explained. "Further when a woman gives birth while in this aura I have spread throughout my residence they will experience a near painless birthing." He added.

"That indeed would make these women a far degree more willing to conceive. And under the influence of the aura the chances of conceiving go up drastically." Headmaster Li Yuan Wang said.

"That part comes at a cost, since it requires I spread out my own fertility among the aura. This limits my ability. At least for the time being." Lei Jin said.

After this they all arrived at the middle of 3 courtyards and many 2nd and 3rd rank open heavens were in the area. They all quickly flew even from the other 2 courtyards. Followed by the three who were carrying.