The ReKindled Ones!

With everyone that came to help with the Alchemy and Artifact refining, being shown to the places they would be working things out, everything started. Lei Jin and the Artifact Refiners began creating and refining the Artifact Worlds. Elder Kong and Ling Shi handed the Alchemy masters the recipe for the Temporary True Rainbow Pill. Then showed them how it was done, since it was one thing to see the recipe and another entirely to see the process itself.

Due to the large number of Supreme Elders who came to assist with providing World Force. The process of Refining the Artifact Worlds went smoothly. There was no need to completely stop the refining process. Though the number they could make each day was still limited by Lei Jin himself. He only allowed 7 to be produced a day. They continued to refine these Artifacts for a month straight.

"Seniors, you've worked hard this past month. I would like to continue refining but I'm afraid I must do something before we continue." Lei JIn said, with some sweat rolling down his face.

"Taking a break is indeed a good idea Young PIllar. Besides… It looks like we are running a bit low on resources for this endeavor. This elder will go collect from the Contribution hall." a 7th rank said.

"Likewise this master will head to the star city and purchase more." another 7th rank said.

"I will accompany you. With this Old fogie with you no one would dare to give any troubles." Supreme Elder Feng Guang.

"I think I can speak for many of us Supreme Elders. Taking a break is a good idea. By the way, Disciple Lei Jin, did Azure Heart really do this alone for two weeks?" a Supreme elder asked, clearly tired.

"Supreme Elder Azure Heart, perform the same degree we have done day to day for a total of 9 days." Lei Jin said.

"Azure Heart must have been exhausted from such things. Luckily the world Force is the only thing required. Still it is quite exhausting of a process to perform this refining. It would be for the best if us Old Fogies handle this matter here." The Supreme Elder who wasn't sleeping said.

"Ahaha, Azure Heart was indeed quite exhausted from before." Supreme Elder Feng Guang laughed.

"ALright, I'll leave the matters of resource procurement to the elders. Please gather as many of these resources as possible. Because when next we refine I'm not stopping until we have hit a much larger target than what we have just now." Lei Jin said, basically giving them notice of the things to come before he left the area.

"Perhaps Headmaster Xaing Xi has prepared some things in anticipation of this. Still though…" a 7th rank said.

"The number of resources he was able to acquire on his own was not small. That's what you were going to say, correct?" Elder Mei said.

"Indeed, That must have cost him no small fortune. Headmaster Xiang will have to reimburse him for each of the Artifacts he gives." the 7th rank said.

"Let us refrain from dwelling upon this and take action to procure more resources. If I know my Son-in-Law he will want to start refining as soon as possible." Elder Mei said, getting up.

"Indeed." The others said, a little offset from each other.

Lei Jin's purpose was to gain resources but since the Elders were going to focus on such matters he need not focus on such things. He now had the opportunity to take care of a few other matters. For instance the situation Xin Xia handled with the former ink disciples. This was now his first priority. He arrived instantly of course and Xin Xia knew he was coming.

"Husband has worked hard this time. I have prepared the former ink Disciples to receive husbands orders." Xin Xia said, happy to see Lei Jin after a month.

"Master us servants are prepared to receive the order!" Yu Dao and Yong Sheng said with enthusiasm that ensured how deeply they respect Lei Jin.

"Good! I see you have all been matched. Do you know why I asked you to match?" Lei Jin said.

All of the former ink disciples looked as if they were thinking. Though they weren't able to come up with an answer. Xin Xia knew the reason.

"The reason you have all been matched together in relationships is simple. You have sworn loyalty to my Husband. We all want you to flourish. Because just like how you were in the dark. So is the 3000 worlds. Life has been diminished and much destruction has been brought about." Xin Xia said.

"You 60 are simply the beginning of a wave of recovery of life in the 3000 Worlds. You see, I have a grand plan. Not only will ink die for good! But… The 3000 Worlds will be revitalized. Five of you have already begun to provide what is needed." Lei Jin paused.

He looked at all the faces of these former ink disciples and couldn't help but notice the immense amount of bewilderment on their faces. It wasn't a bad look. By this time everyone would have heard about the effects of Lei Jin's Aura.

"There are currently about 2 dying universe worlds and 1 completely dead world, for every world that is still considered a low rank Universe World. This number quintuples for mid rank worlds and further quintuples twice over from that for every high rank world. Mid rank worlds have 10 dying and 5 dead. High rank Universe Worlds 250 dying worlds and 125 dead worlds." Lei jin said, "more over this is not including the chaotic dead territory or any other completely dead areas. I have also ignored the shattered heaven. As you can understand the work is seemingly endless. However, with your help this task will become magnitudes easier. Now, I believe I should give you a new title." Lei Jin paused for a moment to ponder his thoughts.

"We will serve Master Lei Jin with every bit of our being. Our new families will continue to do the same. Our children and theirs as well." The 60 resounded.

"We will be the spark of revitalization. Thus I will call all of the former ink disciples the ReKindled! Now take these artifacts and begin nurturing them to grow." Lei Jin said, handing over artifact worlds to each of them bringing a total for each up to 3 total.

"We won't fail Master Lei Jin. This we vow!" They all said in unison. "We will nurture these Artifacts and also become like rabbits." They said resoundingly.

"Good! Now head back and begin. I expect great things. Just remember to follow the rules. I wouldn't want any of you to experience problems." Lei Jin said.