To Langya Paradise

Lei Jin continued cultivating there for a moment after putting his harvest away. There was something he needed to check about himself and the relationship with his wives. "I wouldn't want them to suffer once I break through." he thought. The intricacies of their bond were strong and would naturally have an effect on each other. "Good, there does not seem to be any hidden dangers for my ascension. This is good. Very good. I can rest easy knowing that I won't impact my lovely wives in a negative way." he said as he stood up.

Lei Jin decided to head back after this short period of cultivating. He thought about giving one of these high rank world fruits to Yang Kai but decided against this in the end. Yes it would have been a good thing. However, Yang Kai showed an alarming lack of trust and even discontent with him. It wouldn't be right for him to receive a world fruit. Let alone a high rank one.

"Oh! I'll have the low rank fruits for my servants and use the High rank ones for special occasions. But in the meantime I will use them to study worlds and the effects of these world fruits. Perhaps I could build a perfect Artifact World that has the same effects as the fruits." Lei Jin spoke softly, thinking aloud if you will.

The flight back was smooth and free of obstructions. Lei Jin arrived back at the Azure Void Training grounds. Of course his wives were quite excited to have him back. Even going as far as to stop their lessons just to go dote on him. They all knew of the situation as it had developed. Though they knew to keep it a secret given the severity of such a thing.

"Everyone, begin preparations. We are going to leave this Star Boundary soon. Let us begin the search for resources. As well, we must stop by Langya Paradise." Lei Jin said.

"Awe, you really are a doting husband aren't you?" Azure Heart said, showing up to the sight of Lei Jin covered in his wives.

"I do love my wives a great deal. With them by my side I feel so much stronger than before. I'd also like to… well… we should get going, once we are far away I'll explain further in depth." Lei Jin said, attempting to speak of the urgency.

"Gu Pan will be joining us sisters soon. It's going to be fun." Qing Ning said, smiling over at Gu Pan.

"Oh uhm, yes!" Gu Pan said, flushed in the face.

Lei Jin knew something was up. "Sister Gu Pan, tell this fiance what is wrong." he said, walking up to her and placing a hand on her face.

"I think she just got embarrassed by the thought of being alone with husband for two months." Le Xue said, licking her finger seductively.

"I… I… am just a little jealous. I want to be with you as well but right now is not convenient." Gu Pan stammered out.

Lei Jin pulled her close with his spare arm wrapping around her perfect waist. "You say it's not convenient, then how about now?" Lei Jin asked, as his hair flew up and obstructed the view of others. They were now the only two people in the world.

"I feel as though we are just taking advantage of you. I don't feel like I deserve to be with such a powerful man." Gu Pan finally said, with tears welling up.

Lei Jin stopped her from speaking nonsense by kissing her. He was letting her know that she would feel loved no matter what. Lei Jin had now finally taken action to make her his. Her first kiss he just claimed. She brought her arms up around his neck and closed her eyes to enjoy the moment. The two kissed for several minutes straight. Lei Jin wanted there to be no more confusion about what he felt for her. They may have been paired by others actions but they would be happy. Once Gu Pan knew this overwhelming feeling of care and love came over her, all of the past feelings she had for Yang Kai disappeared. As if there was simply no more room for those feelings.

"So how do you feel now, dear fiance, Gu Pan?" Lei Jin said, backing away slightly.

Gu Pan was speechless for a moment. She saw the small amount of light bouncing up glistening on the drip of saliva that remained. As if to keep them connected for longer.

"My fiance is a good kisser. He cares for me and I love this. I know my life with you will be a long and happy relationship. Thanks to you, my insecurities have vanished." Gu Pan said, tilting her head and smiling before reaching close and giving Lei Jin another kiss.

"Hmm… That's good, My wives and I wanted to make you feel at home with us. It is a big change having to leave your home in Langya to come live with me. I know this is difficult for you but, we welcome you with open arms. We will wipe each other's tears and bear each other's sorrows. That is what it means to be family. And you are joining my family. You will be loved not just by this future husband, but also by my wives." Lei Jin said, as he whipped her tears away.

"I look forward to the day I call you husband." Gu Pan said, taking a step back.

After words Lei Jin snapped his fingers and the True Rainbow that was cast into the Star Boundary fluctuated. After the fluctuation it grew in both size and effect. If anyone wasn't sure about his strength at this point this would have been enough to convince them. At least Lei Jin hoped it would be seen as such. It was after this that the ship was ready.

"Alright, get on board, next stop Langya Paradise. The wedding is bound to be exceptional. So let's go and experience it." Supreme Elder Hong said, who was now on the ship with Azure heart.

"Come on Sister Gu Pan, it's your wedding! Let's go quickly and become sisters." Lei Jin's wives all said pulling Gu Pan along with great excitement.

Everyone in the group boarded the ship.

"When next we come to Star Boundary I hope you all have made progress in your cultivation. Listen to your instructors and work diligently. There may come a day when I must call upon you." Lei Jin said, turning to look at the numerous disciples who were training in the star boundary.

"We will not fail to do our very best, Senior Young Pillar!" The Disciples rang out.

The ship sped off as Lei Jin waved goodbye. The journey to Langya would be quick. Even if we had to backtrack to complete the other tasks. Properly finishing the marriage was essential. Now that such a large step forward had been made there was no reason to put it off.