Setting Fang Xu Straight

It was quite an unfortunate mouth this Fang Xu had on him. This was because he had not known the extent of Lei Jin's ability of experience. Then with such a lack of knowledge he kept on spewing hateful comments about Lei Jin's honored parents.

Lei Jin was too furious at this time to the point even his wives couldn't help but feel the same anger. Fang Xu was truly hateful and would be soon receiving his punishment.

Lei Jin launched at Fang Xu, kneeing him in the gut with incredible force. The impact alone would have been enough to launch Fang Xu quite the distance. However Lei Jin had held his arms out so that wouldn't happen. This only magnified the force of the impact causing Fang Xu to sip up blood immediately before falling to the floor gasping for breath.

Fang Xu looked like he was in a complete daze. "What just happened? How am I on the floor? That couldn't have been Lei Jin? Could it? But he was the only one who moved or did anything." He thought as he looked at the pool of blood he had spit up. It was a pathetic state for a 'small' man.

There was one thing he learned right off the impact. That thing was that Lei Jin is monstrously powerful. Lei Jin was indeed one who could protect his wives. "Oh! Note to self… don't piss this guy off." the bloodied Fang Xu thought.

Lei Jin picked Fang Xu up by the collar of his outfit, and glared at him. Lei Jin's eyes filled with fury as he punched Fang Xu in the chest knocking the air out of him. "That was for insulting me." Lei Jin said.

Lei Jin punched him again with another heavy punch. "That was for insulting my mother!" He shouted with fury that the others could feel.

Lei Jin backhanded Fang Xu. "That was for insulting my Father!" Lei Jin Roared.

"Please… Forbibe ths dmb oen." Fang Xu tried to get out, crying from the pain.

"My parents were killed on the Ink Battlefield. Sacrificing themselves to save many more! They didn't come home!" Lei Jin shouted in Fang Xu's face.

Fang Xu remained quiet. He didn't know what to say.

"I was so happy that day. I was going to show my parents just how much I improved. Receive my mothers hug and father approval! But… instead. Instead! The INK CLAN TOOK THEM FROM ME! I WAS 7 YEARS OLD!" Lei Jin continued shouting in Fang Xu's face.

With each word that came out of Lei Jin's mouth, Fang Xu could only feel contempt for himself. Unable to defend his words or himself. Lei Jin was right. No one could possibly understand the depth of loss Lei Jin had suffered. It was a chasm that made the loss of others in the young generation seem meaningless at best.

"You speak without knowing, only to steal away a woman who doesn't wish to be with you. You insult the heroic actions that led to my honored parents incapable of returning. Even going as far as to accuse them of being ink disciples." Lei Jin said, calming down slightly, then tossing him out of the room. "Go reflect on yourself so you don't spew such hateful nonsense in the future." Lei Jin said.

Fang Xu struggled to his feet and stabilized his breath. Then bowed before leaving, unable to speak for the moment. Once Fang Xu was gone Lei Jin took a deep and calming breath.

Gu Pan rushed over and clung onto Lei Jin. "Are you alright now, my dear fiance?" she said, staring him in the eyes, lovingly.

Lei Jin pulled her close and just started kissing Gu Pan. He wanted to take her right then and there. She was definitely a good fit for him. The two stopped kissing for a moment.

"I take it you're not upset with me then." Gu Pan said blushing.

"Why would I be upset with you? It wasn't you who held us up and it certainly wasn't you who spewed such hateful speech. I love you and have you join my family." Lei Jin said.

"Achem… Gu Pan, Lei Jin. I have prepared your marriage contract. Please sign it quickly. I am thankful to have found such a well fitting husband for my Disciple." The headmaster said.

Lei Jin and Gu Pan signed the contract thus sealing their union. And in front of so many masters no one could deny it.

"Lei Jin, now that Gu Pan is your wife in writing. Go and make her yours in union. Take care of my Disciple." the headmaster said, putting the contract away.

"I will, father-in-law. Gu Pan is now my family. She is precious to me and I won't let any harm come to her." Lei Jin said, feeling excited for what comes next.

"I know you will, Lei Jin. You are a young man, but a man nonetheless. You care deeply for your family. So I know that even if Gu Pan is your 7th wife she will not lose out. Gu Pan, be sure to stay with and support your new husband. Love your family. This husband of yours is a good seedling. So you should try to have some young ones yourself." The headmaster said.

"Master, I will always love my husband and any children we have. Not just my own, but my sister's children as well. My children are the children of the family and will receive love from not one, but 9 mothers." Gu Pan said, super red in the face.

Lei Jin's first six wives were all happy, crying, upon hearing these words.

"Sister Gu Pan, we will all love each other to the fullest. Now go and have, husband, make you his. Afterwards, we will all make you our sister wife." Qing Ning said.

Lei Jin and Gu Pan left the room and headed to Gu Pan's home. It was still hers and thus the two of them went in together and began practicing the Primordial Yin-Yang Exploration method. Since it was day Lei Jin had his turn first.