Seamstress Lust

The seemtresses began working instantly. It was clear to Lei Jin and the others that this place really liked Gu Pan. That being said, the ladies were about to begin creating the dress. They forgot one crucial important task, measurements. It wasn't really their fault though, since Gu Pan would always order a very specific size. So she spoke up.

"Head seamstress. I appreciate the eagerness to fashion a dress for this one. However, I want to change from my current way of dress." Gu Pan said, smiling with a slight blush.

"Oh my! Little Gu Pan, I apologize. What exactly do you want to be different?" The Headseamtress asked, knowing the answer already but still wanted Gu Pan to say it.

"I'd like a dress that accentuates my breasts. I have squeezed them for too long. I'd like my dear Husband to take care of the squeezing from now on." Gu Pan said, quite flushed.

"Oh my, Oh my! This is simply amazing! Alright then little Gu Pan. Let's take your measurements and get a perfect outfit for you." The Headseamstress said, pulling Gu Pan to the back.

"Bring us all for measurements. We are here to purchase many outfits." Gu Pan said.

"Oh! I see, then it seems we will have to take everyone's measurements." The Headseamstress said, with glint in her eyes that was commonly found in the other seamstresses eyes as well.

Lei Jin and his Wives went to the back to get measured. Of course his Wives all had excellent bodies. Voluptuous and proportional. They were made to pose in various different ways while naked. This was so they could get perfect measurements. Lei Jin on the other hand is well… He went last.

"Oh I like this pose! It shows Husbands… very well." Le Xue said, licking her lips.

Lei Jin changed poses at the instruction of the ones taking his measurements. There were many and they started to crowd closer and obstruct the view from his Wives. The air grew heavy and thick as the 7 Wives were physically annoyed they couldn't see the goods anymore. This atmosphere was enough to get the ladies to move.

"There only needs to be one lady measuring him. The others stay back. We don't care if you admire our Husbands' glorious… body. However, you best not block our view." Qing Ning said, speaking for all of them.

"My apologies ladies, it's just that these ladies have never seen such… a… Talented man. He is truly one blessed by the heavens. With such a talent it's no wonder he has such gorgeous Wives." The Head seamstress said, bowing deeply and apologizing, before turning her head again to stare at Lei Jin's simply awe inspiring nudity.

"Of course, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. Tehe…" Lien Yue giggled.

"What! Only… the… the tip? What does the lady mean?" The seamstresses who heard this gulped.

"Oh just that talent alone is useless. That is, until one is able to use it properly. And our Husband is talented and knows how to use it." Ling Shi said, holding a hand up to her mouth lightly and to accentuate and describe the feeling that Lei Jin gives them.

"Your Husband Lei Jin must be really good, if all 7 of his Wives feel this way." The Head seamstress said.

"Husband isn't Good!" Zi Rong said, immediately.

"Husband is the best there is! No could even compare." Xin Xia said. "Any woman would say the same thing after experiencing his talents." She added.

"Perhaps these ladies would understand if they felt our Husband inside them." Gu Pan and Qing Ning said in unison.

The 7 Wives giggled for a bit then went back to watching their Husband pose for them. The Seamstresses were now in a heat unlike anything they had felt before. Between seeing the talent Lei Jin possessed and the words of his Wives. There were a few who just imagined the feeling of having such a massive experience. These women well… they sort of passed out with large smiles across their faces.

"This is why few women have the potential to be my Wives. All of my Wives can actually handle my love. These ladies are unable to handle the mere thought of handling me." Lei JIn said, redressing himself.

Lei Jin then walked over and kissed each of his Wives with great passion and desire. Each kiss was filled with longing and love. This only confirmed the depths of their love for each other and more. His Wives even kissed each other to share their Husband's kisses with the others. They spent a great deal of effort doing this with Gu Pan. This was because she was currently only loosely linked to Lei Jin.

"Now then, how long will it take to prepare the order?" Lei Jin asked.

"1 day sir. My ladies and I will work to provide sir with the best of the best." The head seamstress said, with a great deal of energy.

"Good, then we will simply wait in the room. If you have any questions feel free to ask." Lei Jin said.

"In that case, I do… have one question. Could you fill me with that talent of yours? I'd like to try it myself." The head seamstress said, acting giddy holding her hand in a way to seem cute.

"No, my body is for the enjoyment of my Wives, and an example for my male servants to strive for. Not even my female servants that live in my residence get the chance to see me naked let alone become filled with my talent." Lei Jin said, quickly shutting that request down

"Please! I'll throw in a whole nother matching outfit for you and your Wives. Even the ones you may pick up in the future." The head seamstress begged.

"Hmm… how exactly are you planning to give us two outfits that would fit our other two Sisters without them being here?" Qing Ning asked, knowing that the cost of such matching outfits for Husband and Wife was not small.

It wasn't that they couldn't pay it. But rather than getting such a thing for something so simple and easy was not a difficult compromise. That said they did need to figure out several details before moving forward with it and agreeing.