Supreme Elders Gathering

With the restriction activated it was clear to the others that had known Lei Jin well, this would take some time. Lei Jin and his wives love lusting after each other quite dearly. Hence the reason this would take some time to finish.

"Why exactly did he go back into seclusion?" A supreme Elder asked.

"Yes! I'd like an explanation as well. Us old masters have come from quite a far trip to see Azure Void's Young Pillar." Another Supreme Elder stated.

"I understand your confusion, senior brothers. However I can not simply tell you the reason. Lei Jin has his own considerations to take care of." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said as she sipped her tea.

"I'm not asking for much Azure Heart. Just tell us if what that young pillar has chosen to do is more important or not." The two Supreme Elders said the same. "Jinx! You owe me a jug of wine!" they continued.

This went on for several minutes. That was at least until those supreme elders realized how childish they were being. As well the number of jugs of wine they both now owed the other was quite a rather large number.

"Achem. Pardon that little bit, Brothers and Sisters." The two Supreme Elders said now only glancing at each other for speaking at the same time.

"Now that the child-like behavior is over. Sister Azure Heart. I won't ask for much. But it is simply a bit difficult to have a junior treat us this way without an explanation." Another Supreme Elder said.

"Fine.. I'll give you all something but it's all I can say. Otherwise that young man might renege on giving me what I asked of him." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said.

The room fell silent realizing as Azure Heart prepared herself to say. Many began waiting with baited breath. Thinking about what could be more important than having 2 9th ranks emerge. To be fair there were actually quite a lot of things that were FAR more important. However, when you're stuck at the 8th rank and then there is a chance for you to reach the 9th rank. All sense of reason practically disappears. So these Supreme Elders had simply been blinded by the good thing they had the potential to receive.

"He is connecting with his family. He and his wives do this each time he marries." Azure Heart said, plainly.

Several of the Supreme Elders fell over. Some even hit their face on the floor. The words they just heard. Could their junior really have prioritized that over this? It was simply unthinkable of an action to them.

"Sister Azure Heart, are you serious? That Young Pillar prioritized pleasure over this important matter?" A Supreme Elder asked after having got up from the floor, they were clearly upset.

"Of course I'm serious. My dear Son-In-Law, Azure Void's Young Pillar, does this with his wives everytime he marries." Azure Heart said.

"Yes, after he initially marries the woman and performs the rite of Husband and Wife. He along with all of his wives go into seclusion together. So far everytime they have done this all of their strengths have risen." Supreme Elder Hong said, adding in some minor harmless detail.

"Why doesn't he just bring his previous wives with him the first time. That would be faster, No?" A male Supreme Elder asked, instantly getting slapped on the head. "Ah what was that for Sister!" he said.

"You spouted nonsense. So you get slapped." A woman said hmpfing. "Sister Azure Heart. You have a good and upright seedling. He treats women properly even with so many wives for himself." The Woman added.

This calmed everyone down. It wasn't that Lei Jin was being disrespectful. Rather the opposite. Lei Jin was practicing a way to take care of the feelings of all of his wives in a way that made them all feel special and loved. Such actions were deserving of a little patience from his seniors.

"Thank you Sister. Lei Jin has made some big changes and made things much better in a simple 1 and some some change. I believe that even his master would be quite proud of him." Azure Heart said.

"Sister still didn't have to hit.. Nevermind, I'll just wait patiently for that junior to finish… 7 times." The Supreme Elder who was hit on the head before said.

"His parents too I'd imagine. Perhaps we could send a message to the ink battlefield to tell his parents and master about the achievements." The Woman Supreme Elder who had hit the other Guy before said, deep in thought trying to come up with ways to pull it off.

"I'm afraid he has already sent a letter to his master. So there is no need to contemplate this issue further." Azure Heart said, attempting to shut it down.

"What about his parents? I doubt a young man like that wouldn't write back to his parents. No… say it isn't so."The Woman responded, slowly realizing that Lei Jin must have had a rough time growing up.

"I'm afraid a letter to Lei Jin's parents would have to be sent 35 to 40 years ago. As they didn't make it. The Ink clan had a surprise assault on a resource base. One that his parents were at. Though Lei Jin didn't let the situation get to him. Instead he grit his teeth." Supreme Elder Hong said, empathetically.

"I'm proud to call him son in any sense. Even if he is just my son-in-law. The things he has done have done nothing but prove he is worthy of having 9 gorgeous wives to stand beside him. In fact I feel he is worthy of having more women share his bed." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said.

"What makes you say all of that? Us old masters haven't heard much about the situation just yet. Aside from the High Rank World fruits, what else?" A more outspoken Supreme Elder asked, he had been dormant and quiet for most of this time.

Azure Heart and Supreme Elder Hong began explaining the things in great detail. One after another, the Supreme Eldes' eyes began widening a great deal. Everything they heard just continuously made him seem otherworldly. A young man appeared just a little after the time Yang Kai had been suppressed, this Young man was Lei Jin. While he may have been young he was one hell of a power house.