Langya Wrap Up

With the realization that Lei Jin has already made a decision as to who should receive the World Fruits, the remaining Supreme Elders were surprised. After all, there were over a hundred Supreme Elders. It was simply surprising.

"Young man, care to explain why you have chosen the two of us?" The woman asked.

"I'm curious as well, Young man. There are so many of us and you've already made a determination as if it was as easy as breathing." The man said.

"Firstly may I have Seniors names. In this way I won't have to refer to either of the Seniors by their looks." Lei Jin asked, politely.

"Liang Changming of Bright King Heaven." The Man said, bringing his hand up to his small beard.

"Han Qiu of Red Clouds Paradise." The woman said.

"So it is Senior Liang Changming, and Senior Han Qiu. This young pillar is Lei Jin. Now that names are out of the way I shall explain." Lei Jin said, nudging his cupped hands and turning to face each of the Supreme Elders when he recognized their names.

"I'll start by saying I had not expected this to be the result. However, it seems that those who have fully reached the peak will not be affected by the World Fruit. My guess to this is that there is no longer a gap between the maximum cultivation and where one currently is. Even if you managed to cut off a small portion of your foundation it wouldn't help the fact. Since this would also lower your total potential. So unless there was a way I am ignorant of then the Several Seniors are incapable of even using the World Fruit." Lei Jin said.

"Thus it would be a waste to give it to us who have reached our absolute limits. That's unfortunate, but not unexpected. Please continue." Supreme Elder Liang Changming said.

"Secondly, Senior Han Qiu, seems to have refined multiple high rank materials. And while to a lesser extent so has Senior Liang Changming. If I am sensing correctly it's 6 and 5 respectively. Meanwhile the other seniors have only refined at most 2 high rank materials. As such these Two Supreme Elders had the most innate talent to begin with. This makes them more suited to becoming 9th rank." Lei Jin explained simply.

"Hard to argue with that but how were you able to sense such a thing?" Supreme Elder Han Qiu asked, puzzled by the fact Lei Jin could tell what resources they had used.

"My master has his ways of seeing such things. Naturally I would learn these things over time. Now then open up a place in each of your Small Universe Seniors I shall give you each a True Rainbow." Lei Jin said, prepared to give them each one.

"About this True Rainbow? Is Langya the only one to receive one?" Another Supreme Elder asked.

"I'm curious about this too, I can feel there are some good effects coming from the True Rainbow." Supreme Elder Han Qiu said.

"Yes indeed, it sure would be nice if all of our Cave Heavens and Paradises were to receive this gift." Supreme Elder Liang Changming said, eyeing Lei Jin.

"Brothers and Sisters should be careful. Doing things like this may lead to Lei Jin outright refusing to give." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said quickly, knowing that getting this out before Lei JIn was paramount.

"Why does Sister Azure Heart say this? We just want to receive a True Rainbow for our various Cave Heavens and Paradises." A different Supreme Elder spoke up.

"It's simple! Do you think our Lei Jin would dare do something like cast a True Rainbow like this without having planned to give it to all the Cave Heavens and Paradises. It was his plan to do so from the very beginning. Let alone do it in front of so many Supreme Elders." Supreme Elder Azure Heart explained.

"Achem… I think that's enough. I can't be everywhere at the same time so this will simply have to do. The order in which the Cave Heavens and Paradises receive a True Rainbow on such a scale will depend on when I arrive. However, there are now 2 of these cast out in the 3000 Worlds. And since they have a small feedback the True Rainbow will likely remain indefinitely. Hmm… seems that Langya and Starboundary had got lucky in this matter." Lei Jin said, getting the topic back on track.

These old fogies really know how to pursue a good thing. Almost to the point they are willing to take it. If it weren't for Lei Jin needing to be the one to cast these the various Supreme Elders likely would have tried to extract it from him. Lei Jin already had enough non wifely physical contact for a while. Perhaps concubines would be a mildly acceptable person to have contact with him at this moment. That is assuming his wives were busy, and if he had concubines.

The Supreme Elders dropped the discussion quickly after Lei Jin spoke. They saw he was getting ready for the True Rainbow. Thus they all opened a spot in their Small Universe. Lei Jin prepared the True Rainbows, setting them inside the seniors' Small Universes.

"And here is the High Rank World Fruit for Senior Han Qiu." Lei Jin said passing one of the World Fruits over. "And One for Senior Liang Changming." he added, passing another one over.

"Thank you Junior Lei Jin. With this thing, I will reach the 9th rank. Afterwards I'll head to the Ink Battlefield and start helping to change the overall situation there." Liang Changming said, as his eyes lit up upon opening the box containing the World Fruit.

"No! That would defeat the purpose of having 2 people reach 9th rank. The situation is such that if either of you were to go out of control the other would be available to control the situation. Besides the situation on the Battlefield does not require more 9th ranks for the moment. We must first work on our own security." Lei Jin said, almost like he was scolding Liang Changming.

"I see, so you wish to secure our forces beforehand. And having two 9th rank's safety is pretty much a given. Young Pillar Lei Jin is wise beyond his years." Supreme Elder Liang Changming said, realizing just how smart Lei Jin truly was.

It was after this that the Supreme Elders left. Shortly after, Lei Jin spent a great deal of time granting a large number of True Rainbows. Then Lei Jin, his wives and the two Supreme Elders all left Langya Paradise, now that they had finished the needed business. In time Lei Jin's actions here would arrive in the ears of the other Headmasters. This would have a myriad of effects that will certainly be seen in the future.