A Source In The Distance

Lei Jin stood there for a moment. He was both upset and pleased at the same time. He was upset because this put him in an awkward position as his 7th wife Gu Pan has yet to lay in with him in their true bed. Accepting another woman right now or even entertaining the idea at the moment was not what he envisioned as a good husband to a harem being. However he was rather pleased by the boldness of the Supreme Elder to act in such a way. It was only further proof of her qualifications to become an Old Ancestor.

There was another key thing that did make him pleased. That was the fact that this young woman who stood there staring into his eyes from afar was indeed as attractive as her master's, master had said. Supreme Elder Han Qiu had indeed not told a lie. This young woman Xia Meili was indeed a beautiful woman. A feast for the eyes some would say. She held herself with a woman's confidence. More over her long red hair and matched her bright red eyes.

After a short time Lei Jin had the feeling that Xia Meili would certainly fit in with his wives. But there were a few things he needed to get sorted beforehand. Luckily for him all of his current wives were able to sense the same things. So Gu Pan realizing that the only reason Lei Jin wasn't outright accepting this beautiful woman was her fault, she decided to be the one to speak. And Lei Jin immediately felt relieved.

"Junior Xia Meili, our husband is not unwilling. However, there is something we must do first. That is before any of us would be willing to let another woman into our family." Gu Pan started.

"Yes, So it is not a problem for you to tag along with us. However, you must understand that you won't receive any concrete answer until after our husband and us sisters have properly welcomed Sister Gu Pan to our large warm bed." Qing Ning said.

"I see then it's not that I'm being refused but rather Junior Brother's family is really close and loving. This is good. I'd like the man I am to marry to be such a loving husband to his wives." Xia Meili said, blushing happily.

"Sister Xia Meili, Supreme Elder Han Qiu mentioned something about making a dream come true. Going as far as to state that my abilities would make that a dream come true. If it is convenient, would Sister Xia Meili care to explain what this dream was?" Lei Jin asked now that the main issue had been addressed.

"Of course," Xia Meili smiled, tilting her head to the side slightly and gracefully. "I've always wanted to have a great many children to love. I'd like that more than anything else." she said with a soft yet confident voice.

"I see… So that ability is the one Supreme Elder Han Qiu had been talking about." Lei Jin said, rubbing his chin in thought. "Supreme Elder Han Qiu, would like to bring your disciples to see my Rainbow residence yourselves. I know I have just given you the World Fruit but I think it would prove fruitful if you were to join us there for a short while. What do you say?" Lei Jin added.

"Oh, even better. I'll take you up on this. We can call it a small pilgrimage to see the results of the Young Pillars work." Supreme Elder Han Qiu said, clapping her hands together.

"Good now then… hold on a moment." Lei Jin said.

"Wait what's going on? Is something wrong?" Supreme Elder Han Qiu asked quickly.

Lei Jin ignored this and floated up crossing his legs. His aura burst and covered a truly massive area. He was feeling a faint sense of something. There was a feeling that he had felt before. It was incredibly faint to a point that even he had really focused hard to sense the location. His wives upon noticing this phenomena as well instantly grew quite excited at what this meant.

"Mother-in-Law please steer in this direction. About 5 days and then we will find something interesting." Lei Jin said.

"Ahaha, already found another thing, Lei Jin? Good. Very good." Supreme Elder Hong laughed.

Supreme Elder Azure Heart turned the ship and continued in the direction that Lei Jin had pointed out. While their guests followed them as well. Supreme Elder Han Qiu of Red Clouds was incredibly curious about what it was that could get her ignored directly.

~~5 days Later~~

"Stop the ship here!" Lei Jin shouted.

The ships stopped quickly there after. And Lei Jin flew up and went to a seemingly random place in the void. He inspected it closely for some time. Then he seemingly began to cultivate again.

"Sister Azure Heart, Brother Hong. Could either of you explain what it is that is going on?" Supreme Elder Han Qiu asked, now even more confused.

The two of them knew what was likely happening but could not confirm it as they did not know for sure. Instead they both nodded to Qing Ning. They did this in hopes she would be able to speak to what was happening. Supreme Elder Han Qiu looked at Qing Ning after this with intense curiosity.

"Don't worry too much about this, Supreme Elder Han Qiu. My husband is simply doing something amazing once again. You'll see in about half a day's time." Qing Ning answered, having been the only one in a position to be able to answer.

"I figured he was doing something important but what exactly is it? It has to be something worthy of ignoring my question for this long. Did he find a hidden great Territory or something?" Supreme Elder Han Qiu asked, now a fair bit more calm.

"Something like. I'm sure you won't lose out on the time you have spent with us chasing this thing. My husband is certainly going to pay you back for this." Qing Ning smiled pleasantly.