Proposal Accepted! / Xia Meili The 8th Wife

"Wow, Young Pillar Lei Jin is quite interesting. The first thing he does after coming out of seclusion and playing with his wives is to take another wife." Supreme Elder Han chuckled.

"Supreme Elder misunderstands. My Wives and I had already made the decision in advance. It was just that announcing such a thing would be unacceptable. To take another wife before having properly welcomed the previous wife is an unforgivable Sin. I ask that you forgive us for forcing you to wait for some time. If sister Xia Meili has changed her perspective over this past month then it can't be helped. I wouldn't dare to force anyone into a marriage with me. I await Sister Xia Meili's response. Will you allow this humble Disciple of Azure Void to take you into his family?" Lei Jin said, with a caring smile filled with a sense of potential joy.

For a moment Xia Meili was stunned. She knew she wanted to become his wife. With his ability she would naturally have a great number of children herself. She loved the very idea of this. She did have a few questions. Depending on his answers would be the final determination.

"If Sister Xia Meili refuses, I'd be happy to take you up on this! Being your wife would be a great fortune. I wonder how many women out there wouldn't want it." One of the other Red Clouds Disciples said, as her face transitioned into a one full of abject desire. It was clear to Lei Jin and his wives that this woman was not fit to be one of his wives. Though it wasn't that she really wanted to. Rather it was her way of pressing her Sister Disciple to stop stalling for time.

"Brother Lei Jin, I am happy and would love to accept. But, I have a few questions I'd like answered." Xia Meili started.

"Ask away Sister Xia Meili." Lei Jin said, unsurprised by this. Rather he expected her to need a few things answered. This was due largely in part to her particular desire for the future.

"The Aura you have spread through this residence is able to allow people to conceive children more easily. Does this have an effect on brother Lei Jin?" Xia Meili asked. This was indeed a fair question.

"Sister Xia Meili is correct. This was the result of sacrificing my very own fertility. However, it is not just my own that was spread. My wives spread theirs as well. I'm sure you have heard that my wives have made a pact. That no one is allowed to try and have a child until all the sisters have gathered." Lei Jin answered, shocking everyone. They seemed to think it was not true and that it was rather some innate divine ability.

"Then is Brother Lei Jin… no longer able?" Xia Meili asked, seemingly saddening.

"Oh! Sister Xia Meili is worried I may be incapable of conceiving children with my wives?" Lei Jin questioned.

"En… I am indeed worried." Xia Meili said, shyly gripping her left arm with her right hand and pressing her breasts upward.

Seeing this Lei Jin couldn't help but sigh. He knew right away that it was his fault such a misunderstanding occurred. That or this woman before him was quite devious. She even had a tear come to her eye.

Lei Jin walked forward to be directly in front of her and wiped the tear away with a gentle caress. His finger removed the tear while his touch seemed to make all of Xia Meili's sadness disappear.

"I am currently unable. And this will remain until I retract this ability from the Aura and return it to the rightful owner. So doing something such as granting the wish that Sister Xia Meili has. Well it isn't impossible. Rather it's quite easy. Though, I must ask you to wait until at the very least all of the sisters have gathered. You will be the 8th so, Sister Xia Meili won't have to wait too long." Lei Jin said, in a gentle and tender voice.

"Brother Lei Jin says he can grant my wish? If Brother Lei Jin can truly grant this Sisters Wish, then I have no further worries. Yes, I'll marry Brother Lei Jin." Xia Meili said, nope with hopeful eyes.

"This Lei Jin has said he can do it so naturally he can. Welcome to the family, Xia Meili. I, Lei Jin, will make sure your wish comes true. It just so happens I want a large number of children myself." Lei Jin said, before then claiming her lips for himself.

A short time passed as the many Disciples were surprised and in awe seeing the two of them kiss. Though the matter ended there as Supreme Elder Han clapped her hands once in an attempt to acquire silence. She also pulled out the marriage contract to show her approval of the situation. Not, that she needed to. After all, Supreme Elder Han was the one who started all this trouble. But, what can anyone say? She saw the Heaven sent opportunity and then seized it sparing no effort.

"Once you sign this I will allow you to take her with you. Also my Red Clouds Disciples and I will be returning to our force right after. I trust you'll take good care of Xia Meili." Supreme Elder Han said, handing Lei Jin the contract.

Lei Jin signed it having it give off a similar feeling that the other contracts had had. After this he handed the contract back. And then picked Xia Meili up in his arms and faced the Supreme Elder.

"I must thank the Supreme Elder for her taking care of my new Wife through her life before I came along. I Lei Jin will take responsibility for her safety and well being from here and into the future. As I have done with my first 7 wives. Now, as both of us have separate private business to attend to, I wish the Supreme Elder and her Red Clouds Disciples a safe Journey. Here is something else for your Red Clouds Force. As I have taken a Disciple from them It is only natural I provide you with a betrothal gift." Lei Jin said handing over 3 Artifact Worlds and a large quantity of resources.

After the Supreme Elder received them, Lei Jin disappeared with Xia Meili in an instant. Then the bedchambers restriction was activated. Telling everyone that they had entered and thus began the husband and wife dance. As well as the Cultivation method Lei Jin has practiced with all of his wives before.