Making A Scar

With the look in Lei Jin's eyes combined with the violent and explosive aura. It was incredibly easy to tell that whatever this thing was in front of them was a deeply rooted enemy. Even the people who had seen his reaction to the Ink Force on occasion this was no simple anger.

"Alright, everyone go and claim your race heritages. I'll wait and gather my strength. I want to blow this damned thing away in one single attack." Lei Jin said, clenching his hands and releasing.

Those who dared to see could tell he was building a massive attack. The respective leaders of each clan went and refined their sacred artifacts. All the while Lei Jin had been charging his power to form one super massive attack. Even going as far as fusing the complete energy of multiple sets of rank 8 materials.

~~2 years passed~~

Over that time Yank Kai had managed to reach the level of a Big Dragon. Lei Jin on the other hand was starting to grow impatient. Even More so than Kun Ao, who seemed to be more than happy to complain about everything even though he was just along for the ride. As you can imagine it was more annoying than handling the super massive attack.

"I have refined the 'Dragon Crystal Palace'. Seniors can take away their sacred Artifacts now." Yang Kai said, touching down and cupping his hands.

"Good! Then it wasn't a waste to give a brat so many treasures." Kun Ao jabbed, then received a glance from Lei Jin and shivers ran down his spine. "I… I mean good work Junior." He quickly changed his tune.

Everyone retrieved their artifacts and the chains binding the Ink Giant Spirit God crumbled and fell only to return to energy. That energy quickly rushed to Lei Jin and helped to empower his already significantly powerful attack.

The Ink Giant Spirit God moved around for a bit. However none of the moves could be considered anything lifelike. It was truly just the last movements after death.

Lei Jin took out full sets of 9th rank materials now and fused the incredibly chaotic energy together. This action amplified the power of the attack by several magnitudes.

A sudden surge of energy from the Ancestral land also poured into the attack. Even the Ancestral land knew that Lei Jin's action here would be helpful. So it treated him like a little nephew and helped to empower this attack to fully make certain that absolutely nothing would be left of this Ink Giant Spirit God.

It was time. "NOW BE ERASED FROM EXISTENCE YOU DISGUSTING VILE CREATURE!!!!" Lei Jin roared and unleashed the attack.

In that moment all sound stopped and it felt as though time and space had been completely still. With a single roar and a single push the single strongest attack that had ever been recorded occurred. The ancient divine spirits were all incredibly happy they had been behind Lei Jin.

They all looked at the young man sending such a powerful attack. All reading the words "Pilar Disciple Lei Jin" on his back. A privilege that was only given to the Pillar Disciples. They would have their title engraved into their very outfit along with their name. Right now though, those words felt incredibly different than they had prior.

The super massive wave swirled and spun around itself. The brilliant Rainbow colored attack engulfed the Ink Giant Spirit completely and totally. Vaporizing under the immense strength of this attack. It had been only a few breaths, but felt like an eternity but, also not. There was a collective sigh of relief when the attack finally dissipated.

Unfortunately there was no way to unleash such a powerful and mighty attack without leaving a few scars. However, there was no longer any hidden threat of the Ink Clan anywhere. The very existence of the Ink Force had been erased from the 'Sealing Demons Land'.

Though the look of shock on everyone's face was warranted. Here was a great emperor who had managed to unleash an attack so massive and destructive that it left a scar on the Ancestral Land. Such a feat was truly remarkable.

"It's done. I'm getting closer to my goal. One day I will wipe the Ink Clan from existence." Lei Jin said, confidently and clenching his fist.

"To think you'd be able to amass an attack that powerful. You really are something else." Qing Luan said.

"You praise me too much. I had to use many incredibly valuable resources and even assistance from the Ancestral Land. Without either of those such an attack would have taken me hundreds or even thousands of years to fully charge. I also can not control that much power. So I could only rely on the sudden influx towards the end." Lei Jin said, shaking his head and thinking calmly about it.

"I see, but you were able to help with that other matter before. Thank you for your help. Is there anything we can do for you?" Hong Hu said, asking.

"Hmmm, Could you escort Yang Kai? I have matters to attend to and it wouldn't be fair to keep him. I'm sure there are many people you would like to see there. At his Void Land." Lei Jin said.

"Oh! We can do that. Rest assured." Qing Luan said.

"There you go Yang Kai, with that your wives will have an excellent place to nurture their Divine Spirit bloodlines." Lei Jin said, hiding the exhaustion in his voice.

"In that case you should invite them to your place in 'Azure Void' That way they can procreate more easily." Yang Kai fired back.

"Wait, you have such a place, Lei Jin? Then we will definitely be sending people over." Yue Zhuo said, a flash of excitement flooded her face.

"So long as the Divine Spirit Clans align with the 'Cave Heavens & Paradises' I won't turn you away. However the Phoenix clan is exempt for now as they are already one of us." Lei Jin proclaimed, wondering how the Divine spirits birthing process will change his procedures.