Sir Azure Void Visits

It was a little bit into the feast and a swirl of energy came from the token that Lei Jin always had on him. It came out and entered the dining hall where everyone was eating and watching the dancers that had come. A short time later the flow of power stopped and formed the image of someone. This person was only familiar to a certain few who were there. These were the two oldest Supreme Elders and Lei Jin.

Lei Jin stood up from his seat and kneeled before the figure bowing, with an outstretched salute. The look of shock from everyone in the room was palpable. That was until they heard the next words that came out of Lei Jin's mouth.

"This Disciple greets Honored Master. Sir Azure Void Old Ancestor!" Lei Jin said.

These words instantly reminded the two old farts memories and bowed as well. Followed by everyone else in the room. The party came to a halt and everyone spoke in unison. "Azure Void disciple is here! Greetings to the Old Ancestor, Sir Azure Void!"

"Ahahaha, Jin'er you've grown since I last saw you. I see you've got yourself good surroundings. So please stand and introduce these fine young women who take the places beside you." Sir Azure Void's Visage said. "Oh and please don't let me keep you from partying. Live a little." he added, getting the party started up again.

After that Lei Jin stood up and only then did anyone else dare to stand. If anyone was to ask, Lei Jin was certainly the highest social rank here. Even if his master's visage was here it only put Lei Jin in second place. Not a soul would even think of standing before he did.

"Master, on my right is my first wife, Qing Ning. On my left is my second wife Zi Rong. On Qing Ning's right is my third wife, Ling Shi. On Zi Rong's left is my fourth wife, Xin Xia. On Ling Shi's right is my fifth wife, Le Xue. On Xin Xia's left is my sixth wife, Lien Yue. On Le Xue's right is my seventh wife, Gu Pan, of Langya Paradise. On Lien Yue's left is my eighth wife, Xia Meili, Of Red Clouds Paradise. On Gu Pan's right is my ninth wife, Chen Yun of the newly formed Shattered Heaven Paradise." Lei Jin said, introducing his wives.

"Ahahaha, your parents would be mighty proud of you young man! You will surely be pleased with a large family." Sir Azure Void laughed. "Young ladies I trust you will take care of my disciple in the future. And help him achieve that goal of his." He added.

"Sir, Old Ancestor…" Qing Ning started, stopping when she saw a hand telling her stop.

"You nine young ladies may call me by another title." Sir Azure Void said, after stopping Qing Ning from speaking.

"Then, Father-in-law." Qing Ning said, testing the waters, Sir Azure Void nodded happily. "We know of husband's goal and will do everything to stand beside him in achieving it. For the completion of this task is the greatest achievement of the human race." She continued.

"Well spoken dear! Now then, I just decided to drop by quickly since I had told Jin'er not to contact us unless absolutely essential. Also this contact took some effort. So if you have anything you need to report, Jin'er do it quickly." Sir Azure Void said.

"Yes Master! Here is the information on all of the events from the last report till now." Lei Jin said, sending a beam of light to his master.

"I see… Listen, I know it's difficult but… Do you think you could send some more of those Artifact Worlds again. They have been incredibly useful and if I'm being honest we are all but out of the True Rainbow Pills as well." Sir Azure Void said.

"Provided that master can handle the strain. I could create some now and send over a bunch. It depends on how urgent it is." Lei Jin said.

"The ones you gave us last time had to be shared among everyone so many of the Passes are without now. Though they still have the ability to heal inside the Artifact Worlds." Sir Azure Void said.

"Old Ancestor, this one will assemble the Alchemy masters of Azure Void and begin refining right away." Elder Kong spoke up, saluting.

"With Elder Kong leading the refining I could send a batch in 3 months time. It will be a team that I gather to send over. Does this work Master?" Lei Jin said.

"It works, though I don't think you'll need to worry too much. We have enough to last for a couple of years. It's just that's simply not enough till next time." Sir Azure Void sighed.

"Then this disciple will send the order for the requested items to be delivered in a year from now. Elder Kong, please at first light begin refining right away. Ling Shi will also be assisting in the refinement to help ease your troubles in instruction." Lei Jin said.

"I accept the young Pillar's order!" Elder Kong said, before sitting back down.

"You really did not disappoint our faith in you. I'll make sure to tell the others the situation. And do you think that other matter will be fine?" Sir Azure void asked, slightly fading.

"I will definitely not fail in that matter, Master." Lei Jin said, his eyes narrowing and brow furrowing. The mere thought of Ink infuriated him, it was understandable given his past.

"Good! Then I will leave it to you and your lovely wives. Smiles will definitely be tickled when she hears this. Ahahaha." Sir Azure Void said, his visage vanishing and everyone stood up once again.

"We pay respects to the Old Ancestor! May your battles be great victories!" Everyone shouted out in unison after the Old Ancestors' departure.

"Everyone please, enjoy the rest of the party! Headmaster, Xiang Xi, I will entrust you with finding the special team for departure. They must be ready to go by the one year time limit." Lei Jin said, remaining standing.

"Good! Now you go and finish your other matter. That's what this party is for. You can leave all these other matters to this old master." Headmaster Xiang Xi said, happily.

Lei Jin walked over to Chen Yun, and looked her in the eyes. And gently brushed his hand against her cheek before going for a kiss. He picked her up princess style and left the room through the dancers. Then vanished to the bedchambers, and activated the restriction.