Seeking Out The Experiment Participants

After the conversation everyone left Supreme Elder Azure Heart's courtyard, aside from herself. She was about to go into seclusion, as she felt another one of the shackles cracking. Supreme Elder Hong decided to go check in on some of the sect's affairs as well as take care of a few personal things.

Qing Ning and the other wives all went for a stroll through the residence. They were going to visit the Re-Kindled ones. The work that needed to be done over there was immense. However it didn't have any drawbacks. They also wanted to give Lei Jin a bit of a break from love making. Not because he was exhausted, bored or annoyed with it in any way. In fact he could likely go for a few years like what they had done before. The break was needed because Lei Jin has many things he must take care of personally.

~~One of the many Guest Rooms~~

Lei Jin appeared outside of a building that was meant for those five guests. The ones who had helped him verify the cultivation method to shatter one's limits. However there were several more people than before. Most were in the Emperor Realm. There were a couple of maids assigned to these guests standing outside the building.

"Master Lei Jin! Congratulations and welcome back." The two of them said, bowing deeply, their hands outstretched so one palm covers the other hand. It was a respectful greeting.

"Thank you! I trust everything here has been going well?" Lei Jin said, patting their heads gently before helping them up.

"Yes! The 5 ladies who participated in the experiment are inside. They had their disciples brought here as well. I hope Master Lei Jin doesn't mind that we did our best to take care of them as well." The maid on the right reported.

"No, you did a good thing. I did say take care of their needs. And taking care of their disciples is one of their needs. That said, it must have been hard on you this time. I'll give you each a reward." Lei Jin said, pulling them both in for a father-like hug.

"Thank… Thank you master Lei Jin." The one on the left said, enjoying the warm hug.

"Fath… Master Lei Jin, let us open the door for you and you may head inside." The maid on the right said, flushed red in the face.

The door opened and Lei Jin entered leaving the two maids there.

"What was that? Are you hoping he will help you find the perfect man for yourself?" The maid on the left teased.

"Yes, mother said that Master Lei Jin would be able to find the best suitor for me. I hope it will be a man that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." The maid on the right said squirming with excitement at the thought of it then looked at the one who attempted to tease her. "Why? Don't you wish for a man to do the same for you?" She added, with a teasing smile.

"Ah! Oh my. I… I… I do. I want a good man who will give me warm loving hugs on cold nights and many children. Oh! I hope he is a good kisser too." The maid on the left blushed with her hands on cheeks and giggling.

"Then let's put our faith in the Master and the Mistresses that we will get good husbands." The maid on the right said.

~~Inside the building~~

There was a large table placed in the center with rooms built up all around. There were several people sitting around the table. Lei Jin recognized five of them as the five who had played a part in the experiment he had before.

"It seems the five of you have recovered to your full strength. This is a good thing indeed. I trust the accommodations have been to your liking?" Lei Jin said, walking into view.

"Young Pillar Lei Jin! Pardon my rudeness for not welcoming you properly." One of them said, standing up quickly and cupping her hands in respect. The others followed suit quickly afterwards.

"No need to worry about this. I came by unannounced. It is only natural that you would be surprised. Now then, are you five prepared for the next part of this method?" Lei Jin asked, taking a seat at the table.

"Young Pillar has good eyes. We have been ready for a few weeks now. The five of us were going to request an audience with you first but the Supreme Elder said you were in seclusion so we were unable to do this." Another of the five sighed, realizing that they really are quite reliant on Lei Jin.

"Oh! I see, you must forgive me for this matter. I was with my wives at that time, we have a unique cultivation method and it can take some effort on all of our parts to finalize it. Though this time was a little different." Lei Jin said, with a happy smile.

"Oh? How was it different?" One of the five asked with a raised brow.

"Does it have something to do with the Fertility Aura being retracted before?" Another one of the five asked with a far greater deal of energy behind her words than was necessary.

"It does indeed have something to do with that. You see, before I had my fifth wife. They made a deal with each other to compete fairly for children. Since I was required by the Supreme Elder to have nine wives, I naturally had to wait until after finding my 9th wife. The 9th woman to stand by my side and weather the storm of time with me. I'm sure you can guess the rest from there." Lei Jin said, still smiling happily.

"Young Pillar and his wives went into seclusion to try for children?" The five of them said in unison. Even their Disciples were a little surprised.

"Indeed. And I wasn't going to leave until I treated all of my wives fairly." Lei Jin said. "It is my duty as their husband. And is my way of showing them how much I truly love them." He added.