One Less Task

"Master! Master! Was that the man you were talking about? The man we could be with?" One of their disciples said, face full of admiration.

"Yes, though I wonder how the situation has changed now that he has children of his own on the way. I'll ask to speak with one of the Mistresses about it." The Disciple's master said, pondering the words that Lei Jin had spoken when he arrived.

"Please do master! Azure Void's Lei Jin is so handsome. I want to be with him." The Disciple said, squirming and pumping arms up and down in front of her as she leaned forward in excitement. "Oh! I wonder if I can have his child too?" She said with a thoughtful smile holding her well toned belly.

"With a body as well toned as yours I'm sure it would be possible to appeal to him. We should be able to find out more after speaking with the Mistresses." The Disciple's master said.

"Please do! Master!" The many Disciples those five had brought with them, said. Their eyes sparkling with a wide smile decorated their faces.

The five masters there all giggled a little. Each taking a look at each of their disciples. Then letting out a collective sigh. Then they giggled again after looking at each other. It seemed to all of them that they had the same idea about the situation.

"Don't you girls worry us masters will definitely find a way for you to be with that young man. I can't think of a better man for my disciples to be with." One of the five masters said, standing up and posing proudly.

"Yes! Even as a concubine to that young man. Your futures will surely be bright and filled with joy and purpose! It would be wrong of us masters to not try and set something up for you." Another one of the masters said.

It could be said that children inherit traits from their parents. However, this isn't the only place a child may inherit specific traits. They may also learn it from their masters. What was happening right now, was a perfect example of this. Because even those five masters were having some thoughts of interest. If it weren't for their overly drastic age difference they might have pursued Lei Jin themselves. So, since they can not pursue Lei Jin themselves, these five masters were all too eager to live vicariously through their disciples. Thus the vow to arrange a concubineship for as many of their disciples as possible. Even if they had to play it off as them "paying" off the debt of helping them to break through their shackles to a higher realm. These five masters were dead set on this matter.

~~The Courtyard outside the front of the Main Hall~~

"It has been hard on you this time." Lei Jin said, appearing in the area near the Re-Kindled ones who were managing the Artifact World travel.

"Master Lei Jin, we have been offered life saving grace to us. Performing this duty in your stead is the least we can do to pay master Lei Jin back." One of the Re-Kindled Ones said, kneeling before Lei Jin's figure.

"Outstanding! I assume I can leave this task to you and the other Re-Kindled Ones for the foreseeable future?" Lei Jin said, plainly and purposefully. There were, after all, many things he absolutely needed to begin working on at once. If he could leave this duty to the Re-Kindled ones for the foreseeable future. It would greatly reduce the stress on him.

"It would be our honor, Master Lei Jin! There is already a steady rotation for us to follow allowing us to rest and recover. Furthermore each time we rotate out we get a decent benefit from the experiences of managing this particular event." The Re-Kindled one said.

"Good, now tell me, is there anything you have observed over time that must be addressed? I will be quite busy soon so it is best for you to relay anything, no matter how small." Lei Jin said.

"As of now there is nothing that needs to be done, Master Lei Jin. Though, I have noticed that the number of transfers has gone up significantly since we took over. Would it be possible to receive masters permission to use another Artifact World in the event it is needed to handle the capacity?" The Re-Kindled One asked.

It wasn't like he was just going to leave people hanging. In fact he had already planned to use an additional one just in case. Even without Lei Jin's permission. The number of people was getting to be too much for one Artifact World to handle the constant transfers. The world's capacity was still far larger than the number of people living in the Artifact World. It was the sheer number of transfers that caused so much disturbance.

"Hmm… I see, it's good you caught on. Here you go. Consider this an order. Take these and form a rotation centered around these as well. Once you have constructed a proper living quarters for people to reside and procreate you may begin using these as well." Lei Jin said, handing over several Artifact Worlds at once to each of them. "If it ends up not being enough you may use the other ones that are in the hands of the Re-Kindled ones already. However these ones are already filled with my Aura and will remain connected to it." He added with a confident and proud smile, as he explained.

"With this we can continue this task without further worries. Master Lei Jin may rest easy knowing that this task will be carried out to perfection!" The Re-kindled Ones all said and bowed down deeply in unison.

"Good! Now then, it is time I take my leave. I expect nothing less than the very best you have to offer. That said, I believe that you won't disappoint me." Lei Jin said to them, before looking out at the crowd. "Here is a hint for all of you. It is more than just a demonstration of your love for your partner. You must have a deep connection. One that would allow you to be fine even if the world turned upside down. If you two were the last things the other had. Once you develop a connection that deep this barrier blocking you currently will no longer halt your path. Be warned though, it is not an easy thing to have a love that deep. Everyone goes at their own pace. So just trust in yourself and your partner." Lei Jin said, looking out to the crowd before vanishing with a wave again.