
The several dozen young women all took a seat and waited quietly. Each of them were quite eager to hear about the details. Even the 5 masters were curious and moved around a little to get more comfortable. The room was filled with anticipation and bright red faces. Those 5 masters were curious not for themselves, they were far too old for that. Rather they were curious about the details to see if they could help figure out which of their Disciples would be lucky enough to become Lei Jin's Concubine.

"Tehe, you are all so eager. It's cute." Xin Xia chimed in, giggling a little at the sight.

"It's almost like watching the kids eagerly learning from a teacher." Gu Pan giggled.

In fact the scene wasn't that far off. These young women were all patiently waiting as if nothing else in the world mattered. That said, it wasn't entirely an accurate description. These Young women were clearly excited and filled to the brim with willingness to listen. But, their motivations were vastly different from the kids at the Residence School.

"That's good, it is for the best if they are eager and excited. I prefer that over someone else who would be forced into it. This way I know it is because they truly want to." Lei Jin said, kissing Xin Xia's neck slowly.

The reason Lei Jin and his wives were like this was to show off a little of the things those married to him would be able to get away with doing with him. It was a means of example for these young women… potential Concubines to imagine themselves in such a way.

"Then I will begin with the explanation since you ladies have all passed the first test." Qing Ning started. "There are many rules you must follow to become a concubine. So you must listen closely. If you feel that there is something you can not accept. Then you will not be included any longer. You should know that we will pick only the ones that we feel are the best fit for our family. Understand?" She continued.

The ladies all looked at each other and then back at Qing Ning. "We understand and accept!" they all said in unison. Each and everyone of their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Good! Now then, let's begin; First, each concubine will be chosen by one of us 9 official wives. Second, each concubine will be required to perform a dual cultivation with Lei Jin and the wife that has chosen the concubine, this naturally means that you must be able to learn the Cultivation method because if you can not then we can not accept you. Even if you were perfect for everything else. This is one rule that absolutely can not be broken." Qing Ning said, taking a short break to see if there were any questions.

"Senior Sister, will we be able to see this cultivation method?" One asked, raising her hand a little.

"After the explanation you will be able to see the method for yourselves." Lei Jin said.

"It seems I need to quiet this mouth of yours down a little." Xia Meili said gently moving Lei Jin's head to be face up while she looked down. She then shut him up with a passionate kiss.

"Third, each concubine will be responsible for duties around the Residence. This includes working in the delivery rooms and healing facilities. As well as management tasks the managers don't have time to get too. Lastly, when it's time for us to get intimate, only the official wives will be allowed to do so in complete privacy. All Concubines whenever having relations with Husband, must be with or in the presence of us official wives." Qing Ning finished up. In the end there wasn't much to the restrictions.

"That doesn't sound terrible. It sounds great." One of the masters said. "Though I have to ask… why is it that the Concubines intimacy be in the presence of an official wife?" She continued.

"Simple. Because if this is not fulfilled then any children born of them will not be able to be considered as official children. Which brings me to my next point. Us wives like to travel with husband, so we will need someone to stay here and be a mother to our children. This can include breastfeeding them in the most extreme cases." Qing Ning explained.

The looks on every single one of these young ladies' faces became an even darker shade of red. Everyone knew what it took in order for a woman to become capable of breastfeeding a child. So it was very easy to assume from the words Qing Ning just spoke that it wasn't going to be restricted. Rather it would be a guarantee they would get to have at least one child of their very own. Which was a very rare thing for a Concubine to have such a luxury.

Usually only Official Wives would get the chance to have children. Even if a Concubine did get pregnant it would be rare for her to remain in such a state. After all, to other men out there, a Concubine was supposed to be a lover for whenever.

"So that means we will still get to have our own Children then?" One of the Disciples asked.

"Yes. and Everyone chosen will soon become pregnant as well." Xin Xia said, butting in again.

"You know, Young Pillar, with you trying to spread your seed this far and the methods you have of improving the Open Heaven realm. People may think you are preparing to go to war." One of the masters commented, with a little sarcasm behind her voice.

Lei Jin and his wives stopped their lovey dovey stuff almost instantly. Lei Jin looked directly at the one who spoke. There was a bit of a pause and silence. Then Lei Jin let out a heavy sigh.

"I am not preparing to go to war. I am building up our strength for the ongoing existential war that has been wagged for hundreds of thousands of years." Lei Jin said, narrowing his eyes to show just how seriously he took that topic.