2 Issues Solved

Elder Kong slowly recovered as he drank the wine, down to the last drop. "That was some intense fire. What was that *hic* exactly? Damn this is good wine." Elder Kong said, completely taken down to the drunkest he has ever been.

"Ahahaha, Father-in-law must have been thirsty. Ah, that was a 9th rank fire element resource. One on the weaker end as well. Though I am talking about a far greater heat. One many many times more frightful." Lei Jin laughed.

The Supreme Elders weren't in nearly the same awful condition but they were sweating profusely. Supreme Elder Hong even went inside his Small Universe to take a bath, thus disappearing from the area. Supreme Elder Mei sat slouched against the table wiping herself down with a cloth. Especially the areas that count. Supreme Elder Azure Heart was for the most part fine. As she was nearly the 9th rank as it was, such a fire would have a lesser effect on her.

"9th rank fire element Resource and you say something hotter than that? What could possibly be hotter than that?" Elder Kong said, sobering up a little when he caught a full view of Supreme Elder Mei's breast when her dress slipped. "Ehehe thank you for the gift." He added, with a smirk. *Bam* Supreme Elder Mei smacked Elder Kong on the head for being lecherous.

"Indeed, there is something greater than the 9th rank resource. However, for one to refine it they would have to be a freakishly strong individual first. Even I am not confident I can refine it properly when I have so many women that would be affected if I fail. It will be a bit different when my children are born but for now I won't be risking the lives of my family needlessly." Lei Jin smiled.

"Jin'er, this fire you speak of, will I be able to handle it?" Supreme Elder Mei asked, after she recovered from the heat before.

"With my help you will certainly succeed in handling the fire. Without it… even my master would survive longer than a day. My Rainbow Light Divine Body is what resonates with these elements. So I have a natural and mighty resistance… suppressive ability on them individually. But having them all together at the same time… that will undoubtedly be a challenge. Why do you ask?" Lei Jin said.

"How many refiners would be needed? To refine the special Artifact World…" Supreme Elder Mei asked, ignoring the question. And just looking at how Lei Jin wasn't even sweating this time. "He really does have such ability." She thought.

"I would only require a single 8th rank refiner. In fact I would probably say to keep everyone 7th rank and below away from the area at all costs." Lei Jin said, somewhat realizing where this was going.

"In that case, we should make one of these Artifact Worlds as soon as possible. It will come with great benefits to Jin'er and his Grand Plan. This Mother-in-law is willing to help. This is what I am best at. This is my battlefield." Supreme Elder Mei said, with a confident smile.

"But… No, I won't say anything further about the matter. I welcome Mother-in-Laws aid. If it is not too much trouble I'd like to begin as soon as possible. So let's come up with a recipe first once that's done we can start refining." Lei Jin said, cupping his hands and bowing far more deeply than he normally does.

"Oh stop this, I will start working on the requirements and process you just go and focus on finding the people who wish to move into Sister Azure Hearts Small Universe." Supreme Elder Mei said, hugging Lei Jin like she forgot her scent was quite… profound at the moment. There would be no way to forget that.

~~The Grand Courtyard~~

"What will you do if no one comes?" Supreme Elder Azure Heart asked, curious about Lei Jin's intentions. After all, this was out of the ordinary.

"If that happens… hmmm I'll take you to a Universe World of low quality and you can offer the residents there a better life in a better place. Though that will be a slow process and you need this now. So I would prefer that this matter gets resolved quickly." Lei Jin said.

A few moments later there were many people who arrived. Many of which were from the first group of people that Supreme Elder Azure heart had brought. Them and their families at that.

"We pay our respects to the Supreme Elder who picked us up and brought us to such a wonderful place. If not for the Supreme Elders' thoughts we would not have had the opportunity to grow a family like this. Now that Supreme Elder needs our assistance. It would be wrong of us to forget our debt." The heads of these families all said, in unison kneeling on the ground.

The number of people reached just over 50 thousand. There was quite the age range as well. So there were ample numbers to start and build up a self-sufficient settlement and city. Not all of these people were from the same family of course. It's just that there were numerous people who had joined as of late and they didn't want to pass up the chance to be useful in some way. If they could do this just by living in a certain place that would be excellent.

"As you can see Mother-in-law. These are the ones who came to answer your request. I had to make sure I kept some of their ilk from each family. But as it is now. Mother-in-law shouldn't need to worry much about any issues appearing. I will also set up a way so that they can still receive the effects of my Aura while living in your Small Universe. I hope this is enough to satisfy Mother-in-Law's needs." Lei Jin said, with a happy smile.

"You knew this would happen from the start didn't you! You little… thank you son. I won't let this go to waste. And I will certainly make sure they have everything they need for the future. I have just the spot picked out. A fertile place where they can live freely." Supreme Elder Azure Heart said, thanking Lei Jin.