The Trip

~~A few days later~~

"It seems I have some decent control over the Fire Element now. Though it is not fully refined I can manage the rest of the refinement with little effort. Let's start instruction on how to use the Rainbow Light Divine Body to its maximum." Lei Jin said, with an exhale and a warm smile. Replacing the burned up clothing he wore, then released the restriction.

Once he released the restriction it was like a flood. All 9 of his kids that came with him on the trip and their mothers arrived and sat down. Qing Ning and the other wives all had big satisfied happy smiles on their faces. And the kids all were big eyed sitting in the lotus position ready to learn.

"Husband, the children were all just too excited and wanted to come and learn from their father. You won't refuse them now will you? Oh, and we had a couple of the Re-Kindled Ones take over control of the ship so we can stay like this until we arrive at the first destination." Qing Ning smiled with a look that ensured Lei Jin would understand there was no getting out of this now.

"I see, I had intended this to be a different learning experience so they would all learn from each other and then be able to help teach their Brothers and Sisters in the future." Lei Jin said, with a hand to his chin.

"Father, we want to learn how to master the power of our Divine Body. Please teach us, father!" All 9 of the kids said in unison bowing deeply.

"Oh come now, you don't need to bow like this. I will teach you. However, I will say that this is not simple to understand. And there will undoubtedly be differences between boys and girls. My dear daughters, you must keep this in mind. For the duration of your fathers teachings." Lei Jin said, having them sit back up.

"We, Understand father! Us Daughters won't become discouraged. Because we believe in our father!" They said, with big smiles.

"And us sons won't be mean to our sisters." Lei Jin's Sons said in unison after looking at each other in a comical way.

"Hehe, dear children, this is a good opportunity. With your father teaching you directly this mother is certain you will all soar to high heights." Xin Xia giggled. And the other wives did as well.

"That reminds me when will you give us another baby, Dear Husband? This wife of yours longs to have another beautiful child with her dearest husband." Xia Meili asked, gently placing her hand on her belly.

"Oh! Father is going to give us more brothers and sisters right?! Please father, I want to see my little siblings soon." Lei Xia Qing exclaimed excitedly, pumping her arms and a sparkle in her eyes.

"Ahahaha! I intend on making this a priority in the very near future. You'll have all the brothers and sisters you could ever ask for. Now… Let us begin with your instruction." Lei Jin said, then rolling into a teaching role.

Thus they began a loop in their trip. Lei Jin would give instructions on how to use the power of the Rainbow Light Divine Bodies power. His wives would join in every other time to see the progress of the teachings. Each time feeling quite proud of their children's growth.

During this time they would stop by each and every Cave Heaven and Paradise. Upon arrival Lei Jin would have a short conversation with the Headmaster and Elders of each sister force. While he did this his wives took the kids through the cities to explore and see the different things that each Sister Force had to offer.

The sons found out that they had a following right away. And even the girls did as well but, those ones usually gave up trying to see anything or even get close. Mostly because Lei Jin's Wives were quite strong as it was. So their glances were enough to shake most of the boys' nerves and they ended up not approaching. Though some got quite close and even spoke. However, none were able to measure up to standard. And likely not even be allowed to be a boy toy. Much less a husband.

"It seems our Husband, is going to have quite the hard time finding suitable husbands for our daughters." Qing Ning chuckled lightly, walking through one of the cities.

"Sister is right, it seems that way for certain. Though the bright side is there won't be much difficulty finding wives for our sons." Xin Xia added giggling.

With each Cave Heaven & Paradise they Visited Lei Jin cast his True Rainbow into the sky. This was one of the many goals he had intended to complete this time.

~~6 months later~~

Lei Jin and his family arrived at their intended destination, High Heaven Cave Heaven. He had business to discuss with Void Lord, Yang Kai.

"Father, father! Are we here? The place that mommy said might have a good boy for us?" Lei Xin Ya asked, with a look of hopeful wonder on her face.

"Ahahaha, worry not, I will make sure you and all of your sisters have proper husbands. There is no need for you to worry about this now. There will always be someone out there who will be a good fit for you and meet your mothers' as well as my standards." Lei Jin said, patting Lei Xin Ya's head and giving her a warm fatherly kiss on the forehead. "I won't settle for anyone out there. And I won't expect my children to do the same. I won't settle until we find a young man who will love you as much as we do." He added, with a smile.

"Father! I want a head pat and a kiss on the forehead too!" The other girls said, pouting cutely.

"Husband, you need to be careful. Otherwise you won't be able to have time to yourself once we get back. All of those dearest boys and girls we have together might get jealous." Chen Yun giggled.

"Then I will spend the time to make all of my children feel loved." Lei Jin said, hugging his children.