Break The Enemy

"You should feel honored to be the second Territory Lord I kill." Lei Jin smirked.

"Wh…at? I'm the second…" The Territory Lord questioned.

Lei Jin tightened his grip with a satisfied smirk. "Indeed. The first one was… well… In any case the dead have no need of knowledge." Lei Jin said, as he tore out and crushed the Territory Lord's heart.

Lei Jin had also been planting something… Special just for the rest of the Ink Clan's Army. And with a mighty kick Lei Jin sent the corpse of the Territory Lord flying into the ranks of the Army. It landed near to the Feudal Lord who had been jabbing at the one who fled. And a bead of difficult sweat dripped down his face.

"This livestock is different. I'm afraid only the Royal Lord would be able to deal with him." The Feudal Lord said with a gulp.

The Territory Lords Corpse began to radiate a dim glow of a multi-colored light. The Corpse grew larger and larger.

"What's this…? Get away!" A Feudal Lord a bit further away shouted out to his peer.

It was far too late for that though. And the Territory Lords Corpse exploded in a brilliant light that engulfed a large section of the Ink Clan's Army.

~~Inside The Rainbow Light Barrier~~

"Ahahaha! Now that's ingenious. Sending the enemy to kill his own in an explosion. Ahahaha! That's inspiring for sure!" A Supreme Elder laughed.

"Won't this mean that the Royal Lord will come to deal with Lei Jin?" A 7th rank asked, with a hint of worry.

Another man arrived just in time to hear that. "I doubt that will happen. And even if does This old Master will deal with it. I could use a little exercise after that break through. Ahahaha! That is if the Young Pillar even wants my help." The man said, revealing himself to the crowd of people.

"Sir Old Ancestor!" The Area shouted out and put their respect on display, cupping their hands for a salute.

"Congratulations on a successful break through Old Ancestor." One of the 7th Ranks said, since he was from Bright King Heaven and had known of the former Supreme Elder going into Seclusion. It was only right for him to show the proper respect.

"Ahahaha! Pay it no mind. I only broke through by luck. And now that I have I won't just sit idly if a Royal Lord dares to make a move." Old Ancestor Liang Changming laughed, stroking his beard.

~~The Battle in the Void~~

The Ink Clan's Army was in utter chaos. Not only had Lei Jin completely destroyed the vanguard units, He had killed a Territory lord. Needless to say the army was panicked and terrified.

"You are nothing more than a disgusting and vile plague upon my 3000 Worlds! Let's see how you fare now!" Lei Jin said, infusing his voice with power. Some of the low Rank Ink Clan died under the pressure of his power infused Voiced. "Hmpf… Pathetic. Death was a mercy for those ones. One I must make up for by being even more ruthless. Very well then." Lei Jin said with an exhale.

~~A few moments earlier where the Royal Lord was~~

A feudal Lord beaten, battered and missing chunks of his body knelt before the Royal Lord. "Sir Royal Lord the livestock killed a territory lord! Only Sir Royal Lord is powerful enough to deal with him." The Feudal Lord reported.

"Hmpf… Pathetic wastes can't even kill a lowly livestock!" The Royal Lord grunted angrily. "It was a mistake to come here…" The Royal Lord thought.

"Please, Sir Royal Lord! I beg of you. This livestock is not normal in the slightest. He killed the Territory Lord I served, and he did it with a single blow." The Feudal Lord pleaded again.

"Very well… Argh W…H…A…T…?!" The Royal Lord grunted hard.

"Ahahaha! You really think I'm going to just let you move. No. You can stay right there like the idiot you are. A smart person would have turned around if they experienced what you all did at the beginning. You may pay for this lesson with the lives of your soldiers." Lei Jin's Voice Rang out to the Royal Lord.

"You! Hear my Order. Territory Lords use that technique and kill this bastard! I can't move from this spot. If I do, we all will all die instantly." The Sin Royal Lord grunted his order out.

"As you command Sir Royal Lord!" The Territory Lords all responded and in the next few moments several '3 Directions Arrays' were formed. And they launched towards Lei Jin.

Lei Jin sensed the approach and laughed. "You think that is going to stop me?! Ahahaha, you're all beyond stupid. Time to die!" He said with a warrior's laugh.

Lei Jin could have waited for the Territory Lords to appear but he was a bit impatient. "It's been a while since I was around battle. This is quite nice. Guess I can get a little more exercise for now." He said stretching with a calm and focused demeanor.

Lei Jin summoned an even greater number of weapons and created a sphere of Rainbow Light around him. Off of the Sphere stretched tentacle like structures made of the same light. It was now when he flew through the battlefield. And claiming the lives of countless Ink Clan soldiers like a kid at a candy store.

"This is a good feeling… Ridding the world of the Ink Clan's Vile kind. Still though… I'd rather be close enough to my wives so that I may hold them. That is a feeling I learned after arriving in the 3000 worlds." Lei Jin thought to himself as the battle went on.

The Spheres tentacle ripped apart the Ink Clan. Hammers smashing them into mush. Swords dicing them up like vegetables. And those unlucky enough to avoid those deaths, evaporated once they made contact with the Sphere. And eternity of pain and suffering compressed into a single moment.

"I have more than revenge to fight for now. I have a sizable family and I am the image of hope against such an evil entity." Lei Jin's thoughts continued flowing.

"You monster!" A Territory Lord said as all of them arrived to deal with Lei Jin.