Young Pillar Remains

The two Royal Lords were barely clinging to their lives. Both were dangerously close to death. Neither had the energy to stand. They could only speak intermittently, coughing up black blood. Each time the Black Blood would corrode the land it touched.

"You're not going to answer my question? Hmmm… I thought you were Royal Lords and all that nonsense. To be quite honest with you. My master could have dealt with all six of you upstarts just as easily as dealing with the ones he has killed during his time as my Azure Void's Old Ancestor. You are just vessels with a little bit of strength. Yet, have no idea on how to properly use it." Lei Jin said, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head mocking the defeated Royal Lords.

"You… Ack… Bastard! How dare… A mere Livestock toy with us then spout such lies!" The Royal Lord that looked like a woman said, coughing up more blood.

"Lies you say? It's a fact that none of you have been a Royal Lord for very long. That or you have had a severe lack of practice and training. Instead relying on your Ink Forces unholy power to corrupt the enemy to do your bidding. So much so that you have reached this sad pathetic state. Simply because I can not become corrupted by your Evil Power, nor by such a despicable and disgusting existence." Lei Jin said, mocking the Royal Lord for her absolute buffoonery.

"Fine then! I'll answer you. I see a place at peace with nothing defiling its serenity. This Universe World has been Reclaimed by the Heavens! BY MY INK CLAN!" The Sin Royal Lord roared out. As he struggled to his feet, coughing up blood and watching as his own blood destroyed the very thing he thought was good and at peace.

In that moment the Sin Royal Lord had an epiphany, as he watched his own blood. Splattered around and consumed the essence of the Universe World. Even without any life for his Ink Force to consume it still ate away at everything regardless. It didn't discriminate in its corrosion. "So this is the true nature of my Ink Clan's power. I exist to corrode all that was once good. I… I am Evil incarnate. And all of my Ink Clan are the same. I… I see now. It truly was my Ink Clan in the wrong." He thought to himself.

Lei Jin didn't speak for a moment because he could tell the Sin Royal Lord was having a breakthrough in his knowledge. It is always for the best not to disturb these kinds of things. Something good could come from it. Even from a member of the Ink Clan. It wasn't until the Sin Royal Lord finished standing up completely and looked at Lei Jin. He was furious, but not entirely at Lei Jin.

The Sin Royal Lord had just come to realize the purpose of his existence. "To cause corruption, confusion and separation. That is my purpose." He muttered.

"It's good you finally realized the truth. Will you still resist? If you lay down quietly I promise to send you on your way peacefully." Lei Jin said.

"And her? What is to be her fate?" The Sin Royal Lord asked contemplating the option to take the deal.

"She will still be forced to suffer having their spine removed while alive. She lost her last chance to avoid this fate by responding the way she did earlier. The Heavens demand a fitting death for everyone. And this can not be gone against. So I must do this. Not that I won't enjoy ripping the incarnations of evil apart." Lei Jin said, shaking his head.

"Then I must fight! And continue to resist!" The Sin Royal Lord said, then spat up more blood and felt a sharp pain in the center of his chest. Looking down he saw that A beautiful and slick blade had pierced his heart and was surging a purifying force through his body.

"NO!" The Other Royal Lord screamed out. Now fully realizing that she was the last one left.

"You've shown concern for another. My opinion of you has heightened slightly. But only slightly. So instead of the death I was going to give you. I will do one more fitting." Lei Jin said, slightly surprised that they would care for the other in this kind of situation. "It's still disgusting." He thought, summoning forth the Hammer his father left to him.

With a single strike Lei Jin slammed the Hammer down with great force shattering the Royal Lord's form. Where there was once a Royal Lord now laid an imprint of where its black blood flowed. And the indent of the Hammer swing. A mark of justice having been wrought. The Sin Royal Lord was still barely conscious when he saw this sight. Cursing himself for not being strong enough.

"I was too weak and stupid to protect my people. I rushed in without the right information. Spread lies, and had my Ink Clan suffer for it. Their deaths may have been a result of this Human Race's Young Pillar, but he was not the one who led the Ink Clan into defeat. It was me… I should have realized it sooner and paid attention to the information in front of me. Instead I ignored it. And substitute my own ignorance as if it were fact… I'll pay better attention next time… if there is a next time." The Sin Royal Lord thought as he faded away under the brilliant light that was Lei Jin's Aura.

"I see, so this is how my brother felt before. It really is peaceful now. As if my crimes against heaven have been pardoned to some degree. The pain in my body is gone. I… am free…" The Royal Lords felt as they passed on. Vanishing in the brilliant light.

"Good riddance, evil scum bags. One day I'll send your progenitor to follow you. Now that you're gone from my world it is up to the King of Hell to decide your fate." Lei Jin muttered and verified his surroundings. "Oh good, that terribly injured Feudal Lord survived. I wasn't sure if it would work. But I'm glad to see it did." He smirked, ready to begin the next step to his plan.