Old Ancestors Fight (4)

"Hmm… this is interesting. With a result like this the three Old Ancestors could hold their own against these Royal Lords and then some. This is good. Perhaps I should arrange for everyone to form groups specific to matching techniques. If there is enough synergy between them even 6th ranks could deal with Feudal Lords, thus giving them far more valuable experience in the long run. Good, very good." Lei Jin muttered as he peeked open his eye to catch a glimpse of what the Old Ancestors created. "Still would need a few more things to deal with a giant spirit god. If one of those appears… I'm afraid we will have to work together. Hopefully it stays away even if only for now." He pondered in his thoughts, closing his eye once again knowing the beat down was about to happen.

"Ready! Now!" The Core of the Royal Lords Array spoke. And the Royal Lords scattered as fast they could.

Streaks of ink force were left behind as they expelled their own cultivation to force them to move faster. Their one and only goal is return to safety. To return to their base deep in the heart of the Black Prison Territory.

"Oh so you really have chosen to run? GOOD! Then I shall kill you without any pause. The heavens will be cleansed from the scourge before me. NOW DIE YOU COWARDLY RAPIST VILE DISGUSTING PIGS!" Han Qiu yelled out.

The Royal Lord who had been the core of the array had shared the last of his strength with his comrades. He did this in hopes he could buy some time being the target. The Aura Manifestation moved its giant arm swinging the weapon with great force and prejudice. "So this is the end… Get back and tell the others about these freaks." He murmured. Then Whoosh… The blade flashed right by him.

"RAGH! AHHHH! Brother forgive me!" The truly terrified Royal Lord said as his life and aura were extinguished under the blow.

"I'm right here! WHY DIDN'T YOU ATTACK ME FIRST! YOU DAMN LIVESTOCK!" The former array core Royal Lord shouted angrily as he watched his comrade felled in a single blow.

"Oh that? It's clear you pose next to no threat for the moment. So I'm killing the other spineless cowards first." Han Qiu responded with a smile showing how much she enjoyed that feeling. "Today is a good day. One less rapist scumbag and scourge of the universe has been removed from the living world." She added, enjoying the bliss of getting revenge for her people.

"If sister Han Qiu feels that good about it there are still two more fleeing, perhaps she will have an even better smile after." Liang Changming chuckled, also enjoying the sense of accomplishment.

"Brother Liang Changming is right, I think I will feel better after killing two more of these disgusting scourges upon this world." Han Qiu said with a satisfied look on her face. And then the Aura Manifestation soared through the Void after the other two Royal Lords.

The other Two Royal Lords sensed this situation and kept moving, pressing their strength even further. Though they both sensed the situation was not getting any better. They still had a vast distance to cover before they might have a chance to receive any aid. The one running slowly behind gave a difficult look to the other.

"Take this and get the hell out of here. We should never have come to cause trouble. Now there will soon be 8 of the 10 Royal Lords dead. Good luck. And live on to unite the heavens for master Ink. and make sure to torment your Livestock enough for all of us." The one said, rapidly getting slower. As a burst of Ink Force left his body and into the dickless Royal Lord.

With a simple nod the dickless Royal Lord sped off even faster than before. And the other one slowed to a stop and then reversed direction. Heading straight for the well of power heading his way.


"Piss off you idiot! You can stay there and wait for death." Liang Changming spit out at the Royal Lord.

The Royal Lord's Face was covered with spit and grew angry. "That's it you BITCH WHORES! GET BACK HERE!" He shouted, wiping the spit from his face. And tried to move. "What! What's going on? Why can't I move?" He said, furious about the situation.

"The reason for that is simple. I am restricting you. And to be honest in your weakened state this is quite the easy chore." Lei Jin said, stepping into the Void from seemingly nowhere.

"You! IT WAS YOU WHO DID THIS! I'll eat you bones and all!" The Royal lord cried out desperately. "You weren't supposed to fight in this battle." He continued, confused.

"Oh my, you Royal Lords are truly beyond stupid. It's so bad that I almost feel bad. But, I'll explain instead. I am not in this fight. Rather I am simply keeping you from leaving the fight. Though if you step out of line I might snap your useless neck myself. But what kind of son-in-law would I be if I took my mother-in-law's enjoyment for myself." Lei Jin said in a taunting and dignified manner. Showing his prestige above the Ink Clan.

"Damn you fucking Fawn! I'll rape your wife once I'm free! And I'm going to enjoy being deep inside until she is torn apart as I return to my original size. Ahahaha!" He laughed evilly and maniacally.

In the distance The Old Ancestors had caught up and killed the dickless Royal Lord with extreme prejudice. Slicing and dicing until there was nothing left. "I guess I'm the 8th to die." he thought as his Aura vanished from the living world.

"Now that is certainly excellent therapy. I'm glad I saved the other two for later… Using this Aura manifestation is not an easy chore." Han Qiu said, panting slightly. "Now then let's go kill the other… uh oh. That Royal Lord must have said something to Jin'er. I can feel his power surging with fury." She added.

"Let's go see what happened. Jin'er might not kill him by the time we arrive." Azure Heart said, as she became the core of the Array again.