Distributing The Migrants

"If Grandmother gives me a warm hug I'll forgive her. And love her forever." Xiao Ling said, with bright eyes, and pumping her fists excited. She was still a little girl and would be one for quite a long time. So things as simple as a hug were enough for her.

"Is that all, then come here. I'll give you a hug you won't forget." Han Qiu said, holding her arms out and pulling Xiao Ling in for a warm hug. One of comfort where she used her bosom to full effect. Not realizing the effects this would have on Lei Jin's other children.

"Grandmother has good hugs! Oh, father told me to give this to the three of you as well. And it seems the people are ready to migrate. If everyone's ready I'll open the gate." Xiao Ling said handing a scroll to Azure Heart, with a smile

"Uhm… Oh. Yes we're ready. Sister Han Qiu can go first." Azure Heart said, reading the scroll. "Jin'er really comes up with some of the most wild ideas. And even gives us so much work to do. He better plan on giving me more grandbabies after this." She thought, passing the Scroll off to Liang Changming.

"Uhm, Sister Azure Heart… This… this is a bit crazy right? When did he have the time to think of these things?" Liang Changming asked. "Rather, how did he figure this out?" He continued as a bead of sweat dropped down his cheek.

"I'm not sure when but, knowing him, it was likely when you spoke up in Sister Han Qiu's defense earlier. Jin'er is quite capable of picking up on things like that. Though I could be entirely wrong." Azure Heart said. "Oh and everyone else can go back to partying, there's no need to bother with us too much. We won't be here long… There is still… work… we must attend to." She continued, to get the others to stop bowing.

"Grandmother Han is ready right? Here are the 70 thousand people who will migrate to your Small Universe." Xiao Ling smiled, opening the door to the internal Universe Worlds to have a flood of people come out.

"All of you have my gratitude for migrating. May you live well, long and fruitful lives. I have prepared a place for everyone to get started. If there is something you need in the future. Or find the start is insufficient, just look to the sky with the idea held in your heart. Now with that done, I welcome you to my World." Han Qiu smiled and opened the door to her Small Universe.

"A goddess! We swear to live by the goddesses' rules and ideals!" The migratory group said in unison.

The people walked into the door and found themselves in a beautiful world with fresh air and love permeating through the world. The people spent some time rejoicing knowing that the place they went to live was not a lie. And the rumors were true from the very beginning.

Han Qiu on the other hand, almost instantly feeling refreshed and content. As if the weight of the battle just before was but a distant memory. In that moment she realized that the feeling she had felt before from the Array was nothing by comparison. And the number of people was smaller.

"Brother Liang is going to enjoy this result. It's like ten times the reward with half the effort. And with Jin'er's True Rainbow keeping our Small Universe stable. This really is perfect." Han Qiu said, standing up and holding her hands out in a sensational manner.

"I'm Next! I'm next. I must know what it feels like." Liang Chang Ming said, eagerly and the process repeated. Once done, he looked at himself and realized just how powerful this method truly was. "This… this is amazing. I feel just as energized as I was before that fight… No, I feel even better. This is… No it couldn't be?" Liang Changming said, understanding a small part of something. "Is this why Lei Jin is so freakishly powerful? It must be something similar to this. Unless that Rainbow Light Divine Body really is the reason. And in that case… His family will instantly become the strongest ever with no one capable of contesting." He thought with widened eyes.

"Brother Liang, there was something else in that scroll wasn't there? Let's go do that now. I'm eager to see the fruits of such things." Han Qiu said, turning the femininity to 11.

"Ah, that… then I Liang Changming will accompany you. I am also quite excited to see the fruits of such things. Though the process should also be enjoyable." Liang Changming said, dialing up his masculinity a bit.

"Then I'll hold you to it. Let's go see how much you don't want to call me a martial sister anymore." Han Qiu said, tickling his beard.

The two disappeared quickly after that little scene. Knowing it would likely cause some confusion and embarrassment among the other onlookers. And then the last group of Migrants came to enter Azure Hearts Small Universe.

"With this I will reach the established level quite quickly. Now I don't have to do much. So I'll take care of explaining the details of matters to the representatives in my son-in-law's stead." Azure Heart said, empowering her voice to carry through to all of the guests.

"Are you sure that's for the best? He said he would take care of it when he comes out?" Supreme Elder Hong asked his wife.

"I am positive. Jin'er said so himself in this scroll he had prepared for me. Otherwise Brother Liang and Sister Han Qiu would receive 80 thousand people each. Instead, we have now received the same number. I also needed more people. The current families have procreated so much now that they can't keep doing it. They must wait until the new generation grows before they can start procreating themselves. So this 20 thousand is most welcome." Azure Heart said with a smile to her husband.

"I see, and I guess it will take a month or two before he and his women have finished having their fun. It would be too much to ask them to wait for such information after coming this far." Supreme Elder Hong sighed. "I want some people to migrate to my Small Universe as well." He muttered after.