Remember The Fallen Heroes!

"No, there is no need for the Young Pillar to be apologetic. It is a natural reaction for a man to desire the company of his woman after such a thing." An older man said, quickly and with a light and warm chuckle. 

"That's good to hear. I appreciate the understanding. Even after having forced you to wait for such important information." Lei Jin smiled, pulling out a scroll that gave everyone a sense of worried anticipation. 

"Lei Jin, is it really best to say this now?" Azure Heart asked, knowing exactly what the scroll in his hands was. 

"It's not right to keep it from them any longer. And I also have to get stronger. Which requires me to refine resources at this point. I don't have the time to worry about it. So I can only do this. You yourself know exactly why." Lei Jin retorted, opening the scroll. 

"Sir Young Pillar, what exactly is the list you have in your hands? It gives off an ominous feeling as if one has lost something." Blue Crane's Sect Master asked with a clearly nervous look. 

"This is the list detailing the names of the fallen, their deeds, and the Force they came from. Now then, before I begin reading. It is important to know that this is a common occurrence among my Cave Heavens & Paradises. Where the Headmaster would relay the news of those who shed not just their blood, but their very lives for hope of a bright future for my Human Race. This list is, by comparison to a single report from one of my Cave Heavens & Paradises, is… short." Lei Jin detailed, so the anger for their peoples deaths would be directed properly. "That being said, it is important for their homes to know of their fates, and heroic deeds. And I will personally grant compensation and rewards to each of their home Forces. So I will begin reading…" Lei Jin began reading the list starting with the Scrolls title. 

*In Honoring Memory of Our Fallen Heroes. Let Their Sacrifice Not Be Forgotten* The title spelled out, in no uncertain terms, that what they were about to hear were the names of those they would never see again.

~~Many Hours Later~~

The mood among the representatives from the 2nd and 3rd class Forces was a mix of sorrow, tears, anger and fury. It was an understandable reaction to the news they just had learned of. Cups were shattered along with hearts. Some heard the name of their parents, grandparents, brothers, or sisters. The mood was quite rough. 

"Curses! How am I supposed to tell them this? I kept on reassuring their wife that he would be alright. And that they would come home when they could." A woman cried out. "Brother, why… Why did you have to go?" She continued. 

That Woman was not the only one doing so. Lei Jin watched the scene and recalled back to his time on the Ink Battlefield. It was not an easy place. And the enemy always outnumbered them. One's life was forfeit if one wasn't always 100% aware of everything around them at all times. Even in sleep or cultivation. He wanted to say something to comfort them, but he couldn't find anything, but he had to do something.

"Your anger and sorrow is understandable and there is nothing that can truly comfort such feelings…" Lei Jin spoke up, holding back his own emotions as he recalled the day when his parents didn't come back. "I know this isn't much, but I hope you'll accept it." He added, presenting them all with the proper amount of compensation for their fallen's efforts.

Some accepted the compensation without much question holding it as a way to comfort themselves. Others couldn't even open their eyes to see it in front of them. Their eyes were blocked by a wall of tears. However there were some who were angry. Thinking the compensation wasn't enough until someone else retorted that it was more than they had expected. Even still one person was furious and couldn't control the direction that anger should have gone. 

"How dare you try to pay us off like this! Our people are dead! They are gone! Never to come back! And were supposed to be satisfied with just this! It's insulting! Do you even know what it's like to find out your father is dead!" A fiery man stood up abruptly. And began shouting at Lei Jin. His eyes filled with anger born of sorrow. Tears flew off his face as he shouted out. 

A silence fell upon the collection of representatives. All waiting on bated breath for the result of what they had just heard. In a sense the man was not wrong. Compensation like this is not enough to comfort the loss of those close to oneself. It was enough to help nurture and build a force foundation to a point they could find themselves with multiple new powerhouses. Even still what was a powerhouse when compared to one's own family? 

Even Supreme Elder Hong was worried about what might happen. And he wasn't the only one who thought this way. Xin Xia, who had just come out of the chambers, heard the whole thing. But she knew what Lei Jin would do. 

"Are you done now?" Lei Jin said, tears flowing down his face. "I know exactly how it feels. To find that your parents and everyone who you ever loved… didn't come back. I've known since I was 7 years old. And I have carried that every day since." He continued and paused again. "So I ask, are you satisfied now? Now that you have brought back to the front a terrible day in my past? You aren't the only one who has lost family at the hands of the Ink Clan." He then asked, in as calm a voice he could. 

"I… I… didn't know…" The man said, defeated and sitting back down. "This is enough… No, it still isn't! I want revenge! Allow my Force to lend whatever support it can to aid in the fight! The Ink Clan will curse the day they take our people!" He said as his mind became determined and focused. Zeroing in on the real foe they must face.