Bits Add Up

The next year was filled with hugs, laughter and cheer. Occasionally Lei Jin would help instruct and guide Nether Glimmer and Burning Shine through some of their cultivation. As for the other two girls, Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan. They have a different kind of cultivation. 

"Daddy! I did it! I was able to add that other world to the ones I had already!" Xiao Ling exclaimed with a bright smile. Clearly expecting praise for doing a good job. 

Meanwhile, Xiao Dan was struggling to perform the same feat. Lei Jin had a feeling this might happen. Now he didn't want to not praise Xiao Ling but also not potentially hurt Xiao Dan's feelings. Then he came up with a good idea. 

"Yes, you did an excellent job. With your effort you can be a model big sister for Xiao Dan. She seems to be struggling. Why don't you give her some encouragement." Lei Jin said, patting her on the head. 

"Oh, I know! Xiao Dan, when you finish refining that world for yourself… Daddy will give you migrants to fill your worlds with people. Then you'll be just like me. And then.. And then… hmmm… Oh! We can cuddle up with mommies!" Xiao Ling cheered her little sister on. 

All of a sudden Xiao Dan got way more enthusiastic. She didn't forget the control part of what Lei Jin had taught her. But she began showing signs of completion. Her overall energy was fluctuating slightly but it wasn't to a worrying degree. This gave Lei Jin deeper insight into the happenings. Insight he would use later on to help instruct their growth even more. It didn't take much longer after the encouragement for Xiao Dan to pull through. 

"I did it? I did it… Ah! Daddy! I did it! I really did it! I added another world to my Inner Domain! I can have some migrants live in my worlds now right daddy? Big sister said I could have some when I succeeded." Xiao Dan asked in an overly excited tone. Clearly indicating she was already recovering. 

"I was planning on giving them to you either way. But you made a giant leap forward today. I'll make sure you get the migrants to fill in and live in your Inner Domain. They are already ready to migrate. You only need to treat them well. Understand?" Lei Jin said. 

"I understand daddy! This daughter Xiao Dan will take care of the migrants. They will all get to play and have fun. The adults will have fun by making more babies too! And they can play and the cycle keeps going. I want them to be so happy! Like I am when daddy gives me hugs and kisses. Or cuddles with mommies. Or playing with big sisters and big brother." Xiao Dan said, with great excitement. 

The wives and concubines chuckled at the cute response. "Alright, then open up a door. And I'll give you the migrants for you to have as your own." Lei Jin said, opening a door to his inner domain.

Xiao Dan did the same, and the Migrants left from Lei Jin's inner domain. Promptly entering Xiao Dan's inner domain. From here she now spent quite some effort to help the migrants get settled in and started on the path to living freely. Knowing that so long as they brought life and happiness to the world they would be doing their part in the survival of the human race. 

Time continued to flow onward like this. And as it did, Lei Jin noticed that his own strength was beginning to increase more and more rapidly as time went on. "Hmm… It's not that I am recovering my strength. That wouldn't make sense. And the additional worlds I have added to my Inner Domain… don't really make up for this big of a change." He thought, as he investigated every possible angle of things. 

Zi Rong floated over to Lei Jin, worried about him. Not in the sense of something being wrong. But out of concern, since it was rare for Lei Jin to look so concerned. Or deep in thought would be more accurate. 

"Husband, is everything alright? You seem concerned or perhaps thinking deeply about something. Do you want some milk too?" Zi Rong said giggling, to show some supportive light heartedness. 

"I have grown significantly powerful since our children were born. But the rate has grown more and more rapidly. Even when taking into consideration my own benefits from the people living in my inner domain. It is simply not enough to explain this. Had I been this strong at the start of the army's seclusion we could have gotten 4 or maybe 5 times as many years." Lei Jin said, and then took Zi Rong up on the offer for a drink. "Perfect as always." He smiled and then kissed her warmly. 

"If Husband is worried about how long we have until the next battle then we should let the people know that it's possible to get more time. However, Husband, I think you've forgotten something. There are people out there right now that are promoting to the Open Heaven Realm and advancing their ranks, as we speak. You keep sending the worthy emperors out to promote as well." Zi Rong giggled, as she explained. 

"Maybe that is the cause. That or… perhaps Xiao Ling and Xiao Dan have a larger effect than I realized. No, it isn't that complex. I am merely struggling to discover the path for the first time. The reason I am growing more and more rapidly is a multitude of factors. Every single action in this sealed off space, adds just a little bit of understanding and strength. This means that there is a feedback loop between myself and the people… That makes a lot of sense. When added all together it makes perfect sense. This is one strange realm. It's like I am becoming what the world tree is to the 3000 worlds." Lei Jin said, in a long winded explanation. 

"And in 2 more years we can have another round of child making. I wonder if Ruo Xi will be able to handle the next child on her own. I think it's best you two stay close just in case." Zi Rong daydreamed.